FINAL EXAM Flashcards
Cryptobiosis is a near-death state in which the animal has an immeasurably low metabolic rate, and is a fascinating feature of tardigrades
All echinoderms have a madreporite
Gemmules, in freshwater Bryozoans, are very reminiscent of the statoblasts of freshwater sponges
The madreporite in sea cucumbers (Class Holothuroidea) is internal
The largest squid alive today is the colossal squid Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni
All species of Bryozoans are polymorphic
Phoronids often crawl out of their tubes and deposit feed on the surface of the mud
Pedicellariae are pinchers that sea stars use to grab their prey and cut them open
All lophophorate phyla living today are clearly and unequivocally evolved from a single common ancestor
A colloblast is a organelle that fires a sticky thread, found in the tentacles of most species of Ctenophores (but some species lack tentacles)
Coiling of the shell in gastropods evolved separately from torsion
Molecular-genetic evidence suggests that the following phyla are placed within the group called the “Lophotrochozoa”:
A) Brachiopoda
B) Bryozoa
C) Phoronida
D) Annelida
E) Mollusca
F) All of the above
G) Answers (A) through (D) above
H) Answers (B) through (E) above
The organ used by sea squirts (Subphylum Urochordata) to secrete an iodine-rich
mucous (which is homologous to the vertebrate thyroid gland) is called the:
A) Stigmata
B) Stomochord
C) Epipodite
D) Endostyle
E) Notochord
F) Hypostome
Which of the following animal phyla have a true coelom (are Eucoelomate)?
A) Chordata
B) Bryozoa
C) Arthropoda
D) Mollusca
E) All of the above
D) Answers (A) through (C) above
E) Answers (B) through (D) above
Which of the following statements about sea cucumbers is NOT correct?
A) They breathe via respiratory trees connected to their cloaca
B) Their skin is eaten, and considered a delicacy in Japan
C) Many species are deposit feeders
D) They have tiny, microscopic skeletal plates (ossicles) in their body wall
E) They have a bipinnaria larva
F) All of the above statements are correct
Which of the following is not a class of Echinoderm?
A) Asteroidea
B) Crinoidea
C) Holothuroidea
D) Concentricycloidea
E) Ophiuroidea
F) All of the above are echinoderm classes
G) Answers (A) and (D) above
H) Answers (C) and (D) above
I) Answers (C) and (E) above
Which of the following structures are NOT shared between Bivalves & Brachiopods?
A) Pedicle
B) Mantle that secretes the shell
C) Valves closed by contraction of adductor muscles
D) Valves opened by contraction of diductor muscles
E) Both (B) and (D) above
F) Both (A) and (B) above
G) Both (A) and (D) above
Which of the following phyla contain species that exhibit indirect development, and
hence have a swimming, planktonic larval phase?
A) Porifera
B) Echinodermata
C) Arthropoda (including barnacles)
D) Bryozoa
E) Nemertea
F) All of the above
G) Answers (A) through (D) above
Which of the following Echinoderm classes have their madreporite located on the
aboral surface in the adult phase?
A) Holothuroidea
B) Ophiuroidea
C) Asteroidea
D) Echinoidea
E) All of the above
F) Answers (B) and (D) above
G) Answers (A) and (B) above
H) None of the above
Which of the following invertebrate phyla have an complete digestive tract?
A) Echinodermata
B) Porifera
C) Platyhelminthes
D) Ctenophora
E) Both (C) and (D) above
F) Both (B) and (C) above
Which of the following animal taxa contain species that deposit feed?
A) Family terebellidae (P. Annelida)
B) Class Holothuroidea (P. Echinodermata)
C) Class Enteropneusta (P. Hemichordata)
D) All of the above contain deposit feeding species
E) Answers (A) and (B) above contain deposit feeders
F) Both (B) and (C) above use tube feet to move
Bryozoan colonies can consist of a variety of different kinds of individual zooids that
can fulfill different roles, including one with a long whip-like spine that waves through
the water column (seen live on Scrupocellaria sp. in lab) called a _________.
A) Vibraculum
B) Heterozooid
C) Cyprid
D) Zooecium
E) Kenozooid
F) Avicularium
G) Polypide
Which of the following taxa produce a dormant phase in their life cycle to survive
in harsh environments (during times of drought or winter)?
A) Tardigrada
B) Porifera
C) Phylactolaemata
D) Echinodermata
E) All of the above
F) Answers (A) and (C) above
G) Answers (A) through (C) above
H) Answers (A) and (B) above
Which of the following taxa are most closely related to Echinoderms?
A) Urochordata
B) Bryozoa
C) Brachiopoda
D) Hydrozoa
E) Hemichordata
F) Both (B) and (C) above
G) Answers (B) through (D) above
H) Answers (B) through (E) above
Which of these phyla shed an outer cuticle?
All of the above
A hydrostatic skeleton is used by which of these animals in order to swim?
Sea Cucumbers
All of the above
A and B only
A and C only
Which of the following groups used to be placed in phylum Mollusca?
Class Polyplacophora
Phylum Brachiopoda
Class Branchiopoda
Infraclass Thoracica
Phyla Brachiopoda
Infraclass Thoracica
The group Lophotrochozoa include(s) which of the phyla below?
Phylum Mollusca
Phylum Annelida
Phylum Tardigrada
Phylum Phoronida
A, B, and C
A, B, and D
Mollusca, Annelida, Phoronida