Final Exam Flashcards
What are the advantages and disadvantages of hazardous chemicals?
They are essential for modern society. We can’t live without them. They help feed us cheaply.
They can cause cancer and birth defects.
What is an aromatic compound?
Molecule that contains a benzene ring.
What is a hydrocarbon?
Organic compound containing only hydrogen and carbon
What are organic compounds?
Naturally occurring substances that contain mainly Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen
What are persistent organic compounds?
Toxic organic compounds that negatively impact human health hand the environment. They can be transported by wind and water
What are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons?
100 different chemicals that are formed during incomplete burning of coal, oil, and gas, garbage, or other organic compounds
What are volatile organic compounds?
Organic compounds that readily evaporate into the air
What is a pesticide?
Substance intended to repel, kill, or control any species designated a pest
What is a insecticide?
Used to kill or prevent the growth of insects
What is herbicide
Designed to control or will plants, weeds, and grasses
What is fungicide?
Used to control fungi
What is a nematocide?
Used to kill nematodes
What is a rodenticide?
Used to kill rats and other rodents to prevent them from damaging food, crops, or forage
What is a fumigant?
Pesticide is vaporized is will rests
What is agent orange?
Defoliant herbicide that was used during the Vietnam war
Approxamently 19 million gallons were sprayed
What are the effects of pesticide exposure?
Exposure can cause cancer and birth defects as well as other health effects
It can also cause CCD in honey bees and harm native insects
What are dioxins?
They are a family of chemicals that are produced as industry by-products and natural processes involving combustion.
Effects range from skin issues to cancer and reproductive impacts
What are hee impacts of PCBs
They cause cancer, impact the immune system, cause reproductive harm, and may impact intellectual development
What are organic solvents and their impacts?
Organic liquid that can dissolve another substance
Toluene, acetone, benzene
They can cause headaches, dizziness, damage to blood and blood forming organs, and cancer
What is the difference between ionizing and nonionizing radiation?
Ionizing radiation has the potential to knock electrons out of atoms
Nonionizing radiation has enough energy to move atoms in a molecule but can’t remove elections
What are the types of ionizing radiation?
Alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays, and X-rays
What are the health impacts of radiation?
Changes in blood chemistry, nausea, fatigue, vomiting, hair loss, diarrhea, hemorrhage, destruction of intestinal lining, internal bleeding, damage to CNS, loss of consciousness, death
What are sources of radiation?
Uranium, radon, extraterrestrial
What is uv radiation and its impacts?
Form of nonionizing radiation in the optical Range
Skin reddening, inflammation, Pain, swelling, tanning, photosensitivation, phototoxicity, photoallergic reactions
0-2: low, 3-5: moderate, 6-7: high, 8- 10: very high, ll+ extreme
Its a risk factor for ocular melanoma
What is water supply?
Surface water: surface water from rivers and lakes
Aquifer: freshwater stored underground
Finished water: deliver to distribution system after treatment
Source water: untreated drinking water
Ground water: water that is below ground
What are freshwater resources?
68.9% in glaciers or permanent snow cover
30.8% in ground water
0.3% in lakes and rivers
How is water treated?
Coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection
What are waterborne diseases?
Conditions that are transmitted through injesting contaminated water
What is cryptosporidiosis?
It is an infections agent that is caused by a protozoan organism
It causes watery diarrhea, abdominal cramping, nausea, vomiting, and fever
What is guinea worm?
Larvae enters the water supply and enter humans through small cuts
They then grow and emerge from humans legs and feet
What is smog complex?
Eye irritation, irritation of the respiratory tract, crust pains, cough, shortness of breath, nausea, and headache