Final Exam Flashcards
Break down the muscle starting from the muscle as a whole describe each if necessary
Muscle, Muscle fascicle, muscle fibers, myofibril, sarcomere (Z-disk to Z-disk), thick (m-line) and thin (Z-disk) filaments
Thick- myosin (myosin head, hinge region, myosin tail), titin (anchors)
Thin-actin (structure), troponin (calcium binding protein), tropomyosin (regulates interaction between actin and myosin)
Excitation-contraction Coupling steps
- Somatic motor neuron releases Acetylcholine at neuromuscular junction
- Net entry of Sodium through the Acetylcholine receptor channel initiates a muscle action potential
- Action potential in t-tubule alters conformation of the DHP receptor
- DHP receptor opens calcium release channels in the sarcoplasmic reticulum and Calcium (important signaling molecule) enters cytoplasm
- Calcium binds to troponin, allowing strong actin-myosin binding
- Myosin heads execute power strokes
- Actin filament slides towards center of sarcomere (shortening muscle)
Describe the length-tension relationship
Position of Sarcomeres
Optimal muscle length- ideal degree of overlap and ability to shorten. The peak
As you shorten- lots of overlap but no additional room for shortening
As you lengthen- lots of room for sliding but little to no overlap
What are the types of skeletal muscle fibers and their characteristics?
Fast glycolytic Fibers (Type IIB)- white fibers, rapid contraction, susceptible to fatigue, fast uptake of calcium, faster ATP splitting (running, lifting)
Slow-oxidative Fibers (Type 1)- red fibers, resistance to fatigue, long term activity, high amounts of myoglobin, dense capillaries
Fast-oxidative-glycolytic fibers (Type IIA)-pink fibers, can adapt to be red or white, intermediate speed
How does smooth muscle contraction differ from skeletal muscle?
- The initial source of calcium is extracellular and could later trigger the release of calcium form sarcoplasmic reticulum. NO tubules, no DHP
- Different calcium binding protein- CaM (calmodulin)
- The calcium CaM complex activates MLCK
- Myosin must be Phosphorylated before it will bind to actin.
- To relax myosin must be dephosphorylated
Endocrine vs Exocrine
Exo-Secretion enters duct/tubule
Endo- Enters blood stream
What are the 3 major types of hormones?
Peptide/Proteins, Steroids, Amines
Steps of Peptide hormone secretion and production
- mRNA binds amino acids together to form peptide chains (preprohormone) and taken into the ER lumen by a signal sequence
- Enzymes in ER take off signal sequence creating inactive prohormone
- Prohormone passes through ER into Golgi
- Vesicles containing enzymes and prohormone come out of Golgi and the prohormone is chopped into one or more active peptides and peptide fragments.
5.Vesicle releases contents by exocytosis - Hormone is moved into blood to be transported
Compare preprohormones, prohormones, and active hormones
Prepro- not active, contains signal sequence, can produce many difference hormones
Pro- no signal sequence still inactive (stored in this state)
Active- chopped prohormone, active hormone
Steroid Homone
All other steroid hormones are made from this
Cytochrome P450s
Convert cholesterol to steroid hormone derivatives
Makes steroid hormones (testosterone) to estradiol (estrogens)
Females produce testosterone but it is converted using aromatase
Males make low levels
What are amine hormones derived from, describe them
Tyrosine- precursor for Catecholamines (dopamine, epinephrine) and Thyroid Hormones (T4, T3)
Tryptophan-precursor for serotonin and melatonin
Tropic Hormones
Hormones that control the release of other hormones
What 3 things control hormone secretion?
Ions/nutrients, Neurotransmitters, Hormones
Describe the structure the hypothalamus and pituitary gland
These are nervous tissues that produce hormones
They are connected by the infundibulum
The pituitary is made of two sections with different functions:
Posterior- neurons form hypothalamus go down infundibulum into this section
Anterior- contains a portal system that delivers hormones from the capillary bed in hypothalamus to the capillary bed in the pituitary gland. (HPA)
Steps of posterior pituitary release
- Hormone is made in the cell bodies in hypothalamus
- Vesicles are transported down the cell
- Vesicles containing hormone are stored in posterior pituitary
- Hormones are released into blood (Vasopressin and Oxytocin)
Releases 2 but produces none
Vasopressin (ADH)
Released form posterior pituitary
Causes kidneys to remove water from urine by stimulating more water channels to form on membrane
Important in water balance
Lack of ADH- Diabetes insipidus- excessive tasteless urine
Act in the nervous system to possible determine pair-bond behaviors in brain (divorce Gene?)
Released form posterior Pituitary
In females: Stimulates uterine contractions of childbirth and milk ejection from the mammary glands
In males: transport sperm, sex behavior
Effect behavior (CNS)- trust, anxiety relieve, bonding, maternal behaviors, eye-contact
What hormones are released from the anterior pituitary?
Most are tropic
FSH, LH, Growth Hormone, TSH, Prolactin, ACTH
Growth Hormone
Also known as somatotropin
Released from Anterior Pituitary
Stimulates an increase in cell size and the rate of cell division directly or through IGF-1 produced in the liver
Protein synthesis, and metabolism
Growth Hormone disorders
Hypersecretion- gigantism
Hyposecretion- pituitary dwarfism
Acromegaly- thickens bones specifically in face and hands
Prolactin and problems
Anterior pituitary
Stimulates the mammary glands to produce milk and is produced during lactation.
Excess- infertility and lactation, maturation of sperm and overproduction leading to sterility
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
Anterior pituitary
Stimulates thyroid gland to release thyroid hormones
Anterior Pituitary
Controls synthesis and secretion of glucocorticoid (glucose homeostasis) hormones form the adrenal cortex
Anterior pituitary
promotes development of egg cells (ovum) and secretion of estrogen in females, acts on sperm in males
Occurs in the gonads
Anterior Pituitary
Causes ovulation and the secretion of estrogen and progesterone and testosterone in males
Acts on gonads
How do LH and FSH work in females vs males?
Females- drives the ovarian cycle
LH surge triggering ovulation releasing egg
LH acts on Theca cells (Androgens are produced )
FSH acts on Granulosa Cells(androgens to estrogen)
Males- LH acts on Leydig cells to produce testosterone
FSH acts on sertoli cells for spermatogenesis
Receptive Field and how it relates to sensitivity
Area of the body that when stimulated leads to activity in an afferent neuron (sensory unit)
More sensitive areas have smaller receptive fields and more dense sensory units
Sensory adaptation
reduction in response to the continuous presence of a stimulus, preventing sensory overload
Lateral inhibition
Sharpens contrast in the pattern of action potentials received by the CNS, allowing a finer resolution of stimulus location
Referred Pain
The sensation of pain at a site other than the injured or diseases tissue caused by sensory convergence confusing the brain
What is the structure and function of the organ of corti?
Basilar Membrane- anchor and support
Hair cells-the sensory cells that move, opening/closing mechanically gated ion channels, triggering the flux of Potassium into the cell, triggering action potentials
Tectorial membrane-thick membrane structure that moves bends the hairs
Takes the sound waves and converts them into action potentials triggering a response in the brain
What are the semicircular canals
Posterior- tilt of head towards right or left shoulder
Superior canal- rotation of head front or back
Horizonal- rotation of head left or right
Within Ampulla
Fluid in duct bends the cupula, bending stereocilia, opening channels to allow potassium to flow into the cells
Boney structure at the base of the semicircular canals
Utricle and Saccule
Involved with special awareness
Contain Macula (hair like cells) that are moved with otoliths (crystals) opening/closing ion channels
Vestibular system
Detects changes in the motion and position of the head by the use of fluid-filled tubes near each ear. This system is connected to the cochlear duct
Other half of the inner ear
What occurs in the rods and cones in the dark?
Retinal is bound to opsin
High levels of cGMP
Promotes opening of sodium channels causing sodium to enter and depolarize the cell
Cell is tonically active (constantly releasing neurotransmitter)
What occurs in rods and cones in the light? Recovery phase
Light causes photo bleaching which changes the shape of retinal causing opsin to release it
Activates transduction which lowers cGMP levels
Sodium ion channels close, reducing membrane potential
Less neurotransmitter is released
(Light suppresses electrical activity, hyper polarization)
Retinal is released into the pigmented epithelium and is slowly recombining with opsin (delayed night vision)
Purpose of Rods?
photoreceptor that allows for monochromatic vision (black/grey/white)
more light sensitive than cones
photoreceptor that allows for colored vision and an abundance of light is needed to
Hypothalamic-Pituitary Portal System and function
Hypothalamus regulates the release of pituitary hormones
How the hypothalamic releasing hormones are delivered to the anterior pituitary, bind to cause secretion for pituitary hormones
What are the Hypothalamic hormones and what anterior pituitary hormones do they effect?
GnRH- regulate/stimulate FSH/LH
GHRH- stimulates GH
SS- inhibits GH
TRH- Stimulates TSH
Dopamine- inhibits Prolactin
CRH-stimulates ACTH
Tri-tropic Cascade
Relationship between hypothalamic, pituitary and third-gland hormones
How are Hormones autoregulated
Negative feedback or from input form sensory neurons
Short loop- hormone form anterior pituitary inhibits release form hypothalamus
Long loop- third their inhibits anterior on hypothalamus hormone
Steps to T4/T3 synthesis
- Iodine is Transported in with sodium
- Iodine diffuses to center of follicle to the core (colloid) that is full of thyroglobulin
- Thyroglobulin has tyrosine on it and iodine groups are added to form DIT or MIT
- Starting with DIT, MIT or DIT are added to form either T3 or T4 (95% T4 but the active form is T3)
- Stimulation brings the molecules into cell
- They are released and are either secreted or brought back into colloid
What are the function of the thyroid hormones
Growth, CNS, Cardiovascular, BMR and metabolism
Calorigenic Effect
Increase in metabolic rate and oxygen consumption because of Thyroid hormone
What is a goiter and what causes it?
Hypertrophy of the thyroid
A diet deficient in iodine prevents thyroid hormones form being produced, decreasing the negative feedback effect causing more hormones to be released from hypothalamus
Hyperthyroidism and its corresponding autoimmune disease
Elevated TH levels, general symptoms
Grave’s disease- stimulatory antibodies causing increase in T3/T4 therefore a decrease in TSH and TRH due to the inhibitory effects of negative feedback, can cause budging of the eyes
Hypothyroidism and corresponding autoimmune disease
Low TG levels, general symptoms but can have a lack of metabolic effects, Hashimoto’s disease, cells attack the follicle cells of thyroid reducing its ability to produce hormones (low T3/T4), due to the low levels negative feedback increases the production of TSH and TRH
Fluid-Mosaic Model
Used to describe our cell membranes.
Not ridged, dynamic in constant motion made up of different parts and pieces
Describe the Structure of a phospholipid
Polar, hydrophilic head and a nonpolar, hydrophobic tail (amphipathic)
Saturated vs unsaturated fats
Saturated are tightly packed, viscous with single bonds
Unsaturated can’t be packed as tightly allowing more motion (fluid) and has one or more double bonds
Membrane Fluidity
Measure of the ease with which phospholipids can move within the membrane
Indicated by the amount of saturated vs. Unsaturated fats
How are solutes transported across the cell membrane?
Simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active transport, endo and exocytosis
Simple Diffusion, and example
Passive process (no ATP), moves down concentration gradient (high to low), freely passing through lipid bilayer until equilibrium is reached (equal movement)
Must be small and lipid soluble
Ex: blood gases (oxygen), and steroids
Can be done through ligand-gated channels or through ion channels
Facilitated Diffusion and example
Movement from high to low concentration with the aid of membrane proteins by a physical binding, passive transport
Ex: Glucose, it binds, changes the shape, and it is let through
Active transport and example
Two types
from low to high concentration with the help of membrane proteins and ATP
ex: Na, K, H transporters
Primary-Directly consumes and uses ATP against the gradient. (sodium potassium pump)
Secondary-Does not directly consume ATP going from low to high concentration. Done by utilizing an established gradient of another molecule. Molecules entering/existing one with and the other against its gradient.
Endocytosis and example
Requires ATP, membrane folds in, forming small pocket that pinch off to produce intracellular, membrane-bound vesicle. Transports Large or bulk quantities in or out of the cell.
Receptor Mediated (proteins and cholesterol)
Exocytosis and example
Requires ATP, Intracellular vesicles fuse with membrane, releasing contents into extracellular space
Release of Neurotransmitter at the terminal neuron
Action potential cause vesicles to move towards membrane to release contents outside
Sodium Ion: Extra and Intra
140, 12 mM
Potassium ion: Extra and Intra
5, 150 mM
Calcium ion: Extra and Intra
1, 0.0001 mM
Chloride Ion: Extra and Intra
100, 7 mM
Osmolarity (osmotic concentration)
The total concentration of solutes (ions, sugars, protein) in a solution/cell
What is the typical osmolarity of Humans?
300 mOsm
Same concentration as our cells
less than the solute concentration of our cells <300
More than the solute concentration of our cells >300