Exam 3 Flashcards
Break down the muscle starting from the muscle as a whole describe each if necessary
Muscle, Muscle fascicle, muscle fibers, myofibril, sarcomere (Z-disk to Z-disk), thick (m-line) and thin (Z-disk) filaments
Thick- myosin (myosin head, hinge region, myosin tail), titin (anchors)
Thin-actin (structure), troponin (calcium binding protein), tropomyosin (regulates interaction between actin and myosin)
Sliding Filament Theory
myosin binds to actin and it slides it, pulling the Z-lines closer together, and reducing the width of the I-bands
Molecular steps to muscle contraction
- ATPase activity of myosin hydrolyzes the ATP, ADP and P inorganic remain bound to myosin (Energized resting state)
- Myosin head binds weakly to a new actin molecule (cross-bridge formation)
- Release of inorganic phosphate initiates the power stroke, myosin head rotates on its hinge, pushing actin past it
- After power stroke the myosin head released ADP and resumes the rigor state
- Tight binding in the rigor state
- ATP binds at site on myosin head. Myosin dissociates from actin.
Cross bridge formation
binding of myosin head to think filament, ADP and inorganic phosphate are still bound
Power stroke
triggering process, the release of inorganic phosphate flexes the hinge region, pulling filament and shortening the muscle
Rigor state
After ADP is released, muscle stuck in contraction until ATP binds releasing it
Energized resting state
Energized- myosin heads have a molecule of ADP and inorganic phosphate bound from broken down ATP
Resting state- no binding of myosin to thin filament, muscle is at rest
Steps of tropomyosin and troponin regulation
- Calcium levels increase
- Calcium binds to troponin
- Complex pulls tropomyosin out of the way
- Myosin binds to actin, completing the power stroke
- Actin moves
Neuromuscular Junction
synapse between motor neuron and muscle fiber used to trigger muscle contraction
Excitation-contraction Coupling steps
- Somatic motor neuron releases Acetylcholine at neuromuscular junction
- Net entry of Sodium through the Acetylcholine receptor channel initiates a muscle action potential
- Action potential in t-tubule alters conformation of the DHP receptor
- DHP receptor opens calcium release channels in the sarcoplasmic reticulum and Calcium (important signaling molecule) enters cytoplasm
- Calcium binds to troponin, allowing strong actin-myosin binding
- Myosin heads execute power strokes
- Actin filament slides towards center of sarcomere (shortening muscle)
Transverse Tubules (t-tubules)
bring action potentials into the interior of the skeletal muscle fibers so depolarization can stimulate calcium release
DHP receptor
voltage sensitive receptor that changes shape due to a change in voltage opening a gate on the sarcoplasmic reticulum so calcium can enter
How are muscles relaxed?
Acetylcholinesterase removes ACh from synapse
Depolarization stops
Calcium is pumped back into sarcoplasmic reticulum by Calcium- ATPase
Tropomyosin shifts back blocking sites
Filaments slide back into resting position
Muscle fatigue
Inability to generate or maintain muscle contraction
Central- tried psychological feeling, lactic acid
Peripheral- glycogen depletion, ion imbalance (calcium, phosphate, potassium) Acetylcholine depletion
What determines the total tension developed by a muscle?
Amount of tension developed by each fiber
The number of active fibers
Temporal Summation
The increase in muscle tension from successive action potentials
Tetanic Contraction and types
sustained contraction, does not allow for complete relaxation
Unfused- some degree of relaxation
Fused- prevents any degree of relaxation
Why does tetanus produce more tension/force than a twitch contraction?
- Tetanus has persistent elevation of calcium leading to more cross bridging
- Initial twitch overcomes elastic elements of skeletal muscles allowing all the force to go into contraction
Series of elastic elements
absorb tension and must be over-come to shorten the muscle (Isometric)
Once it is overcome the entire muscle can shorten (Isotonic)
Describe the length-tension relationship
Position of Sarcomeres
Optimal muscle length- ideal degree of overlap and ability to shorten. The peak
As you shorten- lots of overlap but no additional room for shortening
As you lengthen- lots of room for sliding but little to no overlap
What are the types of skeletal muscle fibers and their characteristics?
Fast glycolytic Fibers (Type IIB)- white fibers, rapid contraction, susceptible to fatigue, fast uptake of calcium, faster ATP splitting (running, lifting)
Slow-oxidative Fibers (Type 1)- red fibers, resistance to fatigue, long term activity, high amounts of myoglobin, dense capillaries
Fast-oxidative-glycolytic fibers (Type IIA)-pink fibers, can adapt to be red or white, intermediate speed
hormone produced during exercise that changes the behavior of white fat cells, increasing their activity so they act like brown fat cells
Brown adipose tissue
High rate of metabolism, assists with thermo-regulation by causing non-shivering thermogenesis producing heat without the contraction of skeletal muscles
Uncoupling protein 1
uncouples electron transport and chemiosmosis and result in greater heat production without ATP production in the mitochondria
hydrogen atoms move across gradient to produce heat
Motor Unit recruitment
the activation of additional motor units to increase the strength of contraction, fine motor control requires smaller motor units
What are the “Z-disks” called in smooth muscle that anchor the thin filaments?
Dense Bodies
What are the types of smooth muscle and describe?
Single unit- connected by gap junctions allowing the spread of depolarization and action potentials, work together, strong contraction.
Multi-unit- not electrically linked, each cell must be stimulated independently, allows for more fine control.
How does smooth muscle contraction differ from skeletal muscle?
- The initial source of calcium is extracellular and could later trigger the release of calcium form sarcoplasmic reticulum. NO tubules, no DHP
- Different calcium binding protein- CaM (calmodulin)
- The calcium CaM complex activates MLCK
- Myosin must be Phosphorylated before it will bind to actin.
- To relax myosin must be dephosphorylated
How are smooth muscles activated compared to skeletal muscles?
Skeletal is only by the nervous system (NT)
Smooth- nervous system (NT) (involuntary=autonomic), Hormones, change in local chemistry, stretch, autorhythmic depolarization (own AP causing depolarization)
Intercalated disks
how adjacent cardiac cells are connected together, tight connection containing gap junctions
What is the purpose for gap junctions in between cardiac cells?
Allows for rapid spread of electrical impulses creating a forceful and unified contraction
What causes striations on skeletal and cardiac cells?
Overlap of thick and thin filaments
What is the difference between cardiac muscle contraction and skeletal muscle contraction?
- Different source of initial calcium- extracellular, lead to more release for sarcoplasmic reticulum
- L-type Calcium channel allowing calcium to enter- long lasting, open for a long period of time
- Difference in electrical activity-long-lasting action potential creating a long refractory period preventing tetanic contraction and allowing time for relaxation and filling of the heart
What is the purpose of valves in the heart?
What are the four valves and where are they?
Valves keep blood form flowing backwards into atria or into ventricles
Right AV valve (tricuspid) and Left AV valve (bicuspid)- atria and ventricles
Aortic Semilunar and Pulmonary Semilunar- arteries and ventricles
What separates the two sides of the heart and describe the oxygenation of each side?
Interventricular septum
Right- low oxygen to lungs
Left- high oxygen to body tissues
Heart initiates its own depolarization in the absence of nervous system input
Describe the spread of electrical activity generated by the heart
Depolarization of cells in the SA node that spread using gap junctions. (at same time)
the Atrioventricular node moves the electrical activity to the ventricles by depolarizing the bundle of hiss that carries it down the septum and branching at the apex
these branches are purkinje fibers that depolarize the pumping cells in the ventricle (at same time) using gap junctions
What does a ECG/EKG do and what are the waves that make it up?
Up vs down waves
Record electrical activity
1. P-waves- depolarization of the atria (small)
2. QRS- complex- depolarization of ventricles (large)
3. T-wave- repolarization of ventricles (small)
Up is towards
Down is away
What is the AV delay and what is its purpose?
Slowing of the conduction velocity in AV node
This allows for time between atrial contraction and contraction of ventricles so the atrium can fully empty and the ventricle can fully fill
Describe the ion channels involved with an action potential in the myocardial pumping cell
Has a resting membrane potential
1. Depolarize opening voltage gates sodium channels that open when threshold is reached
2. voltage gated l-type calcium channels open causing a plateau of depolarization due to long lasting
3. Sodium and calcium channels close and voltage gated potassium channels open causing repolarization