Final Exam Flashcards
Kievan Rus’ is from when to when?
Adoption of Orthodox Christianity happened when in what era?
988 in the Kievan Rus’ era.
Where was Christianity adopted from?
The Great Schism was when?
The Great Schism entails what?
-Catholicism (West) and Orthodoxy (East).
-Relation to geopolitical division between Western and Eastern
(Byzantium) Roman Empire.
-Significance of Byzantine source.
What is the religious context in Kievan Rus’?
Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Shamanism, Folk religion.
Vladimir the Great is apart of what era?
Kievan Rus’
Kievan Rus’, relations with other countries and people consisted of?
Varangians, Qipchak, Cuman
When was Appanage Russia?
(1223/ 1237-1380)
What did Appanage Russia consist of?
Mongol Yoke, Demise of Kievan Rus’, Principalities and tribute.
Fragmentation of Qipchak, rise of principalities was when?
Fragmentation of Qipchak, rise of principalities consisted of what?
- Dmitri Donskoi and Kulikovo
- Rise of Moscow
- Lithuania
- Novgorod
Dmitri Donskoi and Kulikovo was when?
Moscow, Russia, and Tsardom was when?
1456- 1584
Moscow, Russia, and Tsardom consists of?
- Fall of Constantinople in 1453
- Moscow as the Third Rome, New Jerusalem
- Russian Metropolitan and independence of Russian Orthodoxy
- Ivan the Great (Ivan III) and the consolidation of Russia around Moscow
- Ivan the Terrible (Ivan IV) and tsardom
1. Oprichnina
2. Tsardom - Basileus
Fall of Constantinople was when?
What was the third Rome?
Moscow, New Jerusalem
Ivan the terrible and Tsardom consists of what?
Oprichnina. Tsardom
The time of Troubles was when?
The time of troubles entails what?
- Boris Godunov
- Impostors
- National revival
The Romanov Dynasty is when?
The Romanov Dynasty entails what?
Rise of the Romanovs, Aleksei, Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Aleksandr I and Napoleon, Decembrist Revolt, Nicholas I, Golden Age, Aleksandr II and the Great Reforms.