Extra credit lecture Flashcards
What is the proper given name of Ivan the Terrible
Ivan IV Vassily, and translation from Ivan the Terrible are different in English and Russian.
What dynasty is Ivan from?
Rurikid dynasty from 882, ruling family of Kievan Rus’
Who was Ivan’s grandfather and when was his time?
Ivan III from 1440-1505
What did Ivan III do?
Ended Mongol Yoke at the Great Stand on the Ugra, made a new nation wide legal codex that ended feudal fragmentation. The renovation of Kremlin, Territorial expansion to Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Rostov, Tver, Vyatka, and referred to himself as tsar in letters.
Who was Ivan the Terrible’s father and when was his time?
Vasily III from 1479-1533
What did Ivan’s father do?
Vasily III continued expansion of Ivan III policies, he allied with Safavid empire against Byzantium, established Russian claims on Volga and contained Crimean khanate, adopted title of tsar and was the double headed eagle of Byzantium, Died when Ivan IV was 3
Who was Ivan IV’s mother, who was she and when did she die?
Elena Glinskaya and she was a Serbian princess and died when Ivan IV was 8.
Regency was under who’s control when Ivan was a child? And why
The boyar families, because he was too young to be a tsar but they neglected him because they wanted to unseat him which made him paranoid.
Who was Ivan’s first wife?
Anastasia Romanovna she was the first tsaritsa and she was a Romanov, which helped this family get a claim to the throne.
How many marriages did Ivan IV have? And how many wives and how many were recognized by the church?
six marriages and perhaps 8 wives total but only 4 marriages recognized by Orthodox Church.
Who is the surviving make heirs of Ivan IV, who became the successor, who was killed by his own father?
Ivan Ivanovich (1554-1581) was murdered by his own father, Fyodor I (1557-1598) was the successor to his father, and Tsarevich Dmitry Ivanovich became Dmitry of Uglich from 1582-1591
At 16 what was Ivan crowned with?
The Monomakh’s Cap as “Tsar of All the Russians”
Oprichnina consisted of what?
Policy of mass repression of boyars, confiscation of their lands. And Oprichniki.
What was the Oprichniki?
Originally bodyguards of Ivan IV but a de facto political police unit that answered only to the Tsar.
What did Zemsky Sobor consist of?
Ivan as a Tsar, Nobility, holy sober of clergy, commoners. it was supposed to be representative body.
Ivan as a tsar did what other two things besides the cap, Oprichnina, and Zemsky sobor
Sack of Novgorod, and relations with cossacks
Ivan IV is work on foreign policy consisted of?
Foreign trade, Conquest of Kazan and Astrakhan, Russo-Turkish war, Livonian war, Crimean raids and conquest of Siberia.
Foreign trade under Ivan IV consists of?
Muscovy company (1551), Problems with German merchants, Livonia
When as the Russo-Turkish war?
What did the Livonian War consist of?
Teutonic Knights of Livonia, Kingdom of Sweden, Dutchy of Lithuania, then the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth under Stefan Batory, Disastrous economic consequences.
Ivan IV legacy consists of?
Time of Troubles, Questions of mental stability after his first wife’s death, Expansion of Russian empire from Caspian to Western Siberia, Limitation of traditional rights of boyars, Centralization of govt, Consolidation of power of tsar and consequent despotism, Conflicting evaluation of his legacy, Image of him in art and culture.
When was the time of troubles?
What did the image of Ivan IV in art and culture consist of?
Repin’s Ivan the terrible and his son in 1885, Tchaikovsky’s Oprichniki, Eisenstein’s Ivan the Terrible, Prokofiev’s score for Ivan the Terrible in film, ballet, and as oratorio, Bulgakov’s Ivan Vasilievich
What did the end of the Mongol Yoke show?
arguably second to battle of kurykova in 1380 which first showed mongols could be defeated. Established their autonomy since no tribute needed to be paid.
The renovation of Kremlin shows what?
it suffered from Mongol Yoke and showed sense of Russia rising.
What battle was critical for Russian economy?
What happened to Fyodor I?
He was weak and had a short reign which sets Russia up for time of troubles.
What happened with the death of Tsarevich Dmitry Ivanovich?
It happened under weird circumstances and some people didn’t believe he died at first.
What is the importance of Tsar and Basileus?
Close connection between the Tsar and the Church
Who says “cinema is the most important of the arts”?
What was cinema used as in early Soviet and Goskino?
As propaganda and didacticism, where it is used to teach the audience. There was a political agenda they wanted to show and a lot of people watching were illiterate so it taught them communism and marxism.
What happened in 1919 that led to something that led to creation of Gaskino in 1922
Nationalization of privately owned film industry led to creation of Goskino in 1922
Whats important about Goskino?
It was under the auspices of peoples commissariat of education, who was Anatoly Lunacharsky, he was liberal in arts and allowed people more creative freedom compared to later under the government.
In 1920s, NEP allowed what?
Allowed privately owned studios to come about again, This is when Eisenstein established his reputation.
What happened in 1928 to film industry?
Nationalized again under Goskino.
From 1928 till the end of the Soviet Union, the film industry remained under auspices with who?
Under the auspices of Goskino.
What was Goskino?
An enormous centralized bureaucracy.
In Goskino how many studios were there in how many republics? Where were the important ones?
40 studios in 15 republics, important in Moscow and Petersburg/Leningrad.
How was the film industry controlled under Gaskino?
Gaskino controlled all aspects of film, you had to be a part of Gaskino to make a film, they could easily have been censored and many times were, and from 1928 on they had to reflect Marxist ideology of govt.
What is the VGIK
All soviet state institute of cinematography.
How was didacticism censored in film? And what is an agitki?
“agitki” during civil war to promote Bolshevik cause. agitki are agitation films against people against the bolsheviks
When did censorship loosen up before a bit?
During NEP from 1921-1924
When did socialist realism become the law of the land?
What did socialist realism during 30s and 40s promote?
Promote government policy but filmmakers were trying to make their vision which led to tension.
During the Thaw of the late 50s and early 60s what happened?
There was greater freedom and Tarkovsky made first of his films.
When was the period of stagnation and what happened in it?
During the 70s and the government clamped down again.