Final Exam Flashcards
What Chinese Dynasty tried to conquer Korea twice but was unsuccessful due to?
Sui Dynasty, results in social unrest
What were the two, non Chinese Dynasties in China?
Qing and Yuan
What Chinese Dynasty Standardized weights and money (coins) which fostered trade in China?
Qin Dynasty
Dynasty, in place when the 1st Opium Wars occurred
Qing dynasty
What does China Proper mean?
Eastern part of China where most the people live
Most productive agriculture area
What causes the climate variability in China?
large area of region gives it large regional climatic variability
Chinese Dynasty when Confucianism is brought back into use and made it a State religion?
Sui Dynasty
Chinese Dynasty when books about Confucianism are destroyed
Qin Dynasty
Tectonic plates impacting Japan
Philippine plate
Eurasian plate
North American plate
Dynasty where the concept of the Mandate of Heaven is formalized
Zhou Dynasty
Religion (belief system) that was widely accepted during the Warring States Period in China
Chinese Dynasty in place when use of imperial exams begins
Sui Dynasty
According to the Lecture (Red maps) what climate types are located in China where?
Humid cold in northeast
Highland climate in southwest
Humid temperate in southeast
Dry in northwest
Types of urban structure found in East Asia
Urban primacy - one city represents the country
Clusters of cities
Reason for the severity of environmental problems in East Asia
Large population and China’s development
What Chinese Dynasty considered the Golden age of China
Tang Dynasty
Under what Chinese Dynasty was rice production increased?
Song Dynasty
Is agriculture in East Asia sufficient to support the population
One of largest food importers, but self-sufficient in rice
What are the three-character classics, and Dynasty
People at birth are naturally good
Their natures are similar
Their habits make them different
Song Dynasty
Colonial powers in East Asia
Britain, France, Russia, Germany, Portugal
Location of the populations of Japan and South Korea
Japan - most crowded in mainland industrial belt in cities
South Korea - concentration of urban population in Seoul
What is the “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere”?
Japan’s efforts to unite East and Southeast Asia
Confucianism stresses what ideals and when did it begin (Dynasty)?
Obedience to authority
authority figures must act in a caring manner
Education is also important
Begins in Zhou Dynasty
Grand Canal, what is it, why is it significant and where is it located?
man-made waterway that runs north and south in eastern China
Longest man-made water way in the world - 1,100 miles
Uses: transportation, trade, unification of North and South China
Character of China’s major rivers
Yangtze River is an important resource (Three Gorges)
Huang He (Yellow river): huge sediment load, muddiest river
Three Gorges Dam
World’s largest hydroelectric dam under construction
To control flooding, generate electricity and reduce dependency on coal
On Yangtze River
Location of cease fire boundary between North Korea and South Korea
at 38th parallel
Macao Colonial Power
What characterizes Shinto religion?
Based on harmony of nature and its connection to humans
Closely bound to Japanese nationality
Which region of India is considered the breadbasket (that is, its area of greatest wheat production)?
East Asia is located at roughly the same latitudinal zone as which world region?
The United States
Bhopal, India
1984, explosion of fertilizer factory
Killed 2500 people
Quadrilateral Highway
New route of highway connecting:
New Delhi
Kolcata (Calcutta)
Chennai (Madras)
Mumbai (Bombay)
Countries of South Asia is Hinduism the majority religion?
Nepal and India
What was the impact of the partition of South Asia into India and Pakistan?
one million people died
took place in 1947
more than 14 million were displaced with Muslims in India to Pakistan and those practicing Hinduism to India from Pakistan
Bangladesh History
Formerly East Pakistan until 1971
Primary basis for the creation of the states in India
Language spoken
Who brought Islam to Bangladesh?
Arab traders
What area of South Asia contains the largest population and greatest amount of food production
What two countries in South Asia have nuclear weapons?
India and Pakistan
What is the largest Federal Republic in the world based on population?
What climatic factor dominates South Asia, often causing summer floods?
Pakistan Characteristics
High birth rate
Low literacy rate
Nuclear weapons
Effects of climate change on South Asia
Floods in delta of Ganges-Brahmaputra Rivers
High sea levels
Displaced from coastal areas
Ruler of southasia
Consolidated the area (India)
Converted to Buddhism
Happened right after battle of Kalinga
Cause of air pollution in Delhi, India
burning wheat stubble
using coal for power
Where does it rain over 100 inches in South Asia?
Western Ghats
Sri Lanka
Northeast China
The four major casts in India and their general classifications
Brahmins - priests
Kshatriyas - ruling class/warriors
Vaishyas - tradesmen/farmers
Sudras - laborers
What battle was fought that resulted in the British taking over administrative control of a large portion of South Asia?
Battle of Plassey
Type of urbanization in South Asia
Majority rural
Least urbanized area in the world
Social outcome of the Green Revolution
Poor farmers forced from land
Only prosperous ones could afford seeds and mechanization
What is Kashmir?
Contested area between India and Pakistan
Source of tension
Maldives environmental issue
Sea levels rising
Main crop in Southeast Asian lowlands
What are the economic and political systems like in Vietnam?
Communist system and capitalist
What country near the region of Southeast Asia has provided several generations of immigrants?
Religions in Southeast Asia
Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism
Longest river in SE Asia
The growing of what crop causes a significant increase of CO2 in SE Asia
Palm oil
Given limited industrialization, what factor causes SE Asia’s role in climate
Burning of forests
Islamic majority country
Split into two parts
Why is there a historical lack of settlement (population) in SE Asia as compared to East and South Asia?
Not at fertile land
Transmigration, what is it and where is it happening in SE Asia?
relocation of people from one region to another within a national territory
From Jawa to other Indonesian islands because it is the most densely settled island
Megalopolis in East Asia - What country?
Primate Cities in East Asia - What country?
South Korea
Clusters of Cities in East Asia - What country?
First colonial power in SE Asia
Climate in most of the island portion of SE Asia
Hot and humid, wet
What country has the highest rate of urbanization in SE Asia?
Approximate population of SE Asia
678 million
Islands of SE Asia. What countries and how many islands?
13,000 Indonesia
7,000 Philippines
Number of refugees who came to the US after the Vietnam War ended
The population of what SE Asian nation has doubled since 1975
Majority Catholic country in SE Asia
East Timur