Final Exam Flashcards
Behaviorists that believed in the black box theory
B.F. Skinner
Operant conditioning
Method of changing behavior where a reinforcement or reward is offered immediately following a behavior and then the frequency of that behavior increases
Which of the following is not an example of a behavioral concept?
Successive approximations
Applications for speech-language intervention include which of the following?
Limitations, shaping of successive approximations, using cueing and prompting, using rewards, providing natural communication consequences, etc.
Developmental stages
Created by Piaget and are periods of time during growth in which thoughts, behaviors, and feelings remain relatively the same
Years that define the sensorimotor period
Birth to 2 years old
Years that define the preoperational period
2-7 years old
Years that define concrete operations period
7-12 years old
What occurs during the sensorimotor phase?
The child’s physical interaction with the world dictates this phase of development and the child learns through touch and movement in their environment
What occurs during the preoperational period?
-Representational skills are acquired in language, mental imagery, and drawing.
-The greatest increase in language occurs during this period.
-Children develop representational thought (begin to use items as functional objects like pretending to use a block of wood as a telephone)
-Pretend play or symbolic play
What occurs during the concrete operations phase?
-Children learn about quantity and time
-By the end of this period, children can begin to take on the points of view of others, their humor escalates, and they begin to develop adult-like thought
What occurs during the formal operations phase?
They develop the ability to reason based on theoretical possibilities and concrete realities
Relates to the way a person adapts his/her way of thinking regarding new experiences
Involves the person’s ability to transform incoming information so it fits with their existing way of thinking
Learning schema
Involves comparing new information to the existing information already contained in the cognitive structures
-Encompasses both assimilation and accommodation because it involves the overall interaction between both the existing ways of thinking and new experiences
-Even though a person may be satisfied with their current mode of thought, they still may realize that they need to, in fact, adjust it
What Maslow believed
Believed experience is the primary way of learning
What Vygotsky believed
Developed social learning theory with the belief that social interactions more so than biological can culturally and profoundly influence cognitive development as language is a social and cultural phenomenon
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, cognitive (knowledge), aesthetic (style and taste), and self-actualization
Humanistic and experiential orientation plan (identify which would not be a component of those)
1.) Create a physical climate that meets your client’s needs
2.) Maintain a supportive emotional climate for your clients
3.) Develop challenging and meaningful activities to ensure client progress
-Includes Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Rogers’s self-actualization
Global and synergetic learning style
1.) Seeing the whole unit and then breaking it into parts
2.) Know what the bottom line is
3.) Need more breaks, maybe some snacks. They like mobility, and sound seems to promote the best learning atmosphere for them.
How analytical learners prefer to learn
1.) Like to learn in a step-by-step fashion
2.) They like quiet environments with few distractions and little snacking
Sensory avenue through which information is received
Which modality is most often neglected for use in the classroom?
Asian American cultural beliefs
Asian parents tend to expect their children to be more quiet and obedient
Hispanic American cultural beliefs
Family takes priority over professional appointments
African American cultural beliefs
-A large number of African American children prefer the global and synergetic learning style
-Group learning
Which of the following defines the process of natural progression from a previous lower stage of functioning to a more complex or adult-like stage?
Developmental milestones
Markers or skills that serve to indicate the client’s level of functioning compared to age-expected levels
Two aspects of the communication domain
Receptive and expressive language
Cognitive skills
Abilities in broad areas of perception, memory, imagination, conceptualization, and reasoning
Gross motor skills
-Large muscle and torso skills
-Involves kicking, rolling, sitting, crawling, standing, walking, running, climbing, throwing, diving
Fine motor skills
-Smaller muscles of the body that impact hands, fingers, feet, and toes
-Grasping, releasing, hand manipulation, writing
Self-help/adaptive skills
-Skills that demonstrate effectiveness, interpersonal independence, social responsibilities, and environmental demands
-Involve dressing, feeding, toileting, safety, appropriate interactions in various settings, leisure, and self-initiated tasks
Social and emotional skills
Address the client’s levels of maturation for expressions of affect, control of emotions, basic self-concept, and social roles
Frequency of therapy
Deals with how often or the number of times per week you’re going to see your client
Duration of therapy
Deals with how much time (in minutes) you’re going to see your client for each session
Which of the following would not be a parameter to consider when determining the frequency and duration of treatment sessions regardless of work setting?
Schedule to optimize effectiveness of treatment, coordinate SLP services with other services, allow time for indirect services
Factors you should consider when determining the amount of time you’re going to schedule to spend with your client
-Consider the client’s support system
-Financial resources
-Time factors for the specific programs/treatment plans you plan to implement to accomplish the goals that you’ve set
-What are you treating them for?
Model of services
Enviornment therapy is conducted in???
Interactive group therapy
A therapy structure in which each member of the group serves as a model or evaluator for the production of others in the group (this type is similar to conversational exchanges)
Portion of the session that sets up the amicable learning atmosphere
Identify what would not be a stage within the body of a therapy session
-Eliciting and recording data
How many minutes the body of the therapy session would be in a 30-minute session
24-26 minutes
Which of the following is not an element of the establishment phase?
1.) State the intended objective of the session
2.) Model or prompt the target at the intended level for the client
3.) Elicit the target 3-5 times to determine if the client’s skills match the intended objective
4.) State the actual established level of work for the session depending on the client’s responses
Which of the following was the preferred method during data collection?
Vertical notations
Identify what would not be a part of the closing phase of a session
-Review sessions activities
-Summarize each client’s progress for the session
-Give assignments and demonstrations of homework
-Give rewards if appropriate
What specific tools and materials must be obtained to effectively carry out an assessment?
(a) formal testing (b) referral (c) instrumental (d) behavioral observation
(b) referral
Methods used to obtain case history
-Direct interview
-Indirect interview
-Send forms to be completed before the evaluation appointment
-Written report from other professionals
During an interview, the client is able to answer the question with only a few words
Closed ended question
Things to avoid in an interview
1.) Too many yes/no questions
2.) Leading questions
3.) Too much talking by clinician
4.) Do not avoid the client’s feelings and attitudes
5.) Avoid providing information too soon
6.) Avoid “hemming and hawing” around when difficult questions need to be addressed
7.) Avoid statements that may be seen as value judgments. Use of “good.”
8.) Abrupt transitions in getting back on track
9.) Avoid allowing informant to reveal too much
10.) Avoid trusting your memory - take notes
Clinical skill required for a clinician
-Take time to learn social greetings
-Check for understanding throughout interview
-Debriefing session with interpreter after client leaves
When determining the need for treatment which of the following should be taken into consideration?
(a) severity of the problem, (b) prognosis for improvement (c) cost factors, or (d) age of client
(d) age of the client
Dynamic assessment
Assessment process in which the examiner modifies instructions in order to achieve success for your client
When determining the prognosis for improvement you need to know what you should consider.
-Can something be done about the problem?
-Ability of the client to change behavior (stimulability)
-Client’s attitude towards treatment
-Parent/spouse attitude toward treatment
(True/False) Expressive language is the use of conventional symbols to communicate thoughts
(True/False) The primary learning modalities for language reception include words and signs
(Matching) Pull-out model
When you remove your client from their typical setting and provide your services
(Matching) Collaborative model
When you go to the classroom to provide services and collaborate with the classroom teacher
(Matching) Consultative model
Working with parents, teachers, or other professionals to address the client’s needs
(Matching) Pull-in/Push-in model
When you go into the child’s classroom and work with the child individually or in a small group
(Matching) Language and speech classrooms
On a regular basis, a child may come to you in your room for one instructional period a day for services
(Bonus) Name the three purposes of an interview
1.) Convey data
2.) Convey information
3.) Provide counseling
(Matching) Individual therapy
Individual is one on one and is the easiest for a beginning SLP
(Matching) Group therapy
Interactive in nature and promotes social and pragmatic skills
(Matching) Homogeneous groups
All clients are working on the same or similar objectives
(Matching) Heterogeneous groups
-Clients are working on different objectives and may be from different disability categories
-Can share common experiences
-Create communication environment
(Matching) Interactive group therapy
Each member of the group serves as a model or evaluator of the productions of others in the group
During the teaching phase, how many trials or incorrect responses, should the client have before teaching or cueing is implemented?