Final Exam Flashcards
Triazine Injury on Soybeans
Group 14 PPO Inhibitors
Post Emergence Herbicides
carfentazone → Aim
flumiclorac → Resource
fluthiacet → Cadet
Acifluorfen → Blazer
Fomesafen → Flexstar, Reflex
Sharpen (Group 14)
Used for broadleaf weeds (pigweed, waterhemp, wild buckwheat)
Needs to have 0.5” water to activate
Tank-mixed with many herbicides
Applied either as a soil (preemergence) or to the plant (post emergence)
If applied post then surfactants are normally added
Atrazine Herbicide Activity
Soil Applied
Herbicide translocated in the apoplast (xylem) and moves with transpiring water to the oldest leaves
Leaf Applied
Herbicide moves with water to the leaf margins
- must have good coverage to get good control
- Does not move to the youngest tissue
Site of Action for ALS Herbicides
Binds to and inhibit the enzyme acetolactate synthase (ALS enzyme)
Mode of action for ALS Herbicides
Blocks the formation of branched chain amino acids
- Leucine
- Isoleucine
- Valine
This leads to stoppage of protein synthesis
ALS Symptoms
Purpling of soybean leaf veins
Symptoms of ALS Herbicides
Slow to develop
May see reddish - purple shoots
(this may be due to variety or nutrient deficiency)
Stunting 10 days or more after application
Pinched corn ears if applied after labeled growth stage
Chlorosis, Necrosis
Bottle brush roots
ALS Inhibitor Sympton
Bottle Brush Roots on Corn
Prerequisities for Effective Herbicide Use
Must come in Contact with the Plant
- Has to Remain on the Surface of Seed or Leaf Long Enough to Penetrate
- Surfactants to Hold Chemical on the Leaf
- Rainfastness or Rain-free Period (30 minutes to 4 hours)
Must Reach the Site where it Disrupts the Vital Process or Structure
- A photosynthetic Inhibitor does no good in the Root
High Enough Concentration or Long Enough to Injure the Plant
- Reduced Rates may not have enough on Plant
- Rainfastness
- Soil Chemicals Leached to Levels below Optimum Rate
Methods of Classification
Time and Method of Application
Soil Persistence
Herbicidal Activity
Herbicide Chemistry
Time of Application
Preplant (pp)
- Treatment before the crop is planted
- Need water to get herbicide into seed zone
Preplant Incorporated (ppi)
- Applied propr to Planting and Worked into the Soil
- Normally done because the Herbicide is Photodecomposed or Volatile
PP and PPI do not Interfere with Planting
PPI may not fit in a Minimum or No-till Operation
Time of Application
Treatment made before Emergence of the Crop or Weed
Usually done at planting
Eliminates Early Cultivation
Treatment done without seeing the problem
- Unless it’s a burndown
Subject to Environmental Conditions, Soil Influences
Post-Emergence Application
Made after the emergence of crop or weed
If after weed emergence but before crop emergence (burndown)
- Can see the Problems
- If herbicides have ONLY foliar activity and no soil residual crop does not need to be tolerant to the herbicide
- Could use nonselective herbicides (e.g. Roundup, Liberty, paraquat)
- Apply when weeds are small (less herbicide needed)
- Done before critical weed free period (yield loss stopped)
If AFTER Crop Emergence
- Crop must be tolerant and at the correct stage of growth
Time of Application
Treatment made with or just after last culitivation
May have passes critical weed-free period
Cleans the field for harvest
- Rely on crop competition to keep any other weeds in check
Time of Application
Post Harvest
Done in Late Fall after Light Frost but before Killing Freeze
Controls Winter Annuals
Used to Give Better Controls for Perennials
- Carbohydrates move into roots and herbicide transported there also
Coverage of Target Area
- Applied to Entire Field
- Applied only over crop row (more of a precision ag part)
- Localized application to scattered plants
Directed Sprays
- Treatment to weed but miss crop
(using drop nozzles that goes between the plants)
- Surface/Incorporated or Knife
Type of Formulations
Water Soluble
Oil Soluble
Emulsifiable Concentrate
Ultra-Low Volume Concentrate (ULV)
Liquid Flowable or Slurry Type
Dry Flowable
Water Dispersible Granule (WDG)
Granules (G)
Soil Persistence
When Applied at Recommended Rate will Harm Susceptible Crops in Normal Rotation (atrazine, picloarm)
Long Residual
Herbicide used as Soil Sterilants to Control for > 1 season
(use it around oil tankers/train tracks/pipeline)
Problems of Persistence Soil Herbicides
Crop Failure Neccesitates Replanting
Susceptible Crop Follow Short Season Crop within the Same Growing Season (sunflower,winter wheat)
Suscpetible Crop Follows year after Persistent Herbicide Applied (Trifluralin on Spring Wheat)
Decomposition is slow due to weather or soil conditions
Herbicide Formulation
Herbicidal prepartion designed for pratical use by the manufacturer for the grower
Herbicide Formulation
Made Up Of
Active Ingredients (AI) the part that is phytotoxic
Carrier - Serves to dilute the active ingredient (water,oil,clay)
Surfactants - to spread the herbicide on the folidge
Other inert ingredients
Type of Formulations
Water Soluble (S or WS)
Active Ingredient totally water soluble (salts of acids like glyphosate, 2,4-D)
Easy to mix
DO NOT PENETRATE into plant weel
Must add a stickers to help get the herbicide into the plant
Type of Formulation
Emulsifiable Concentrate (E or EC)
Active Ingredient not water soluble, soluble in nonpolar solvents
Can penetrate the cuticle of the plant easier than water soluble
Problems with drift at high (> 80F) temperatures
Plant wax is nonpolar making the herbicide easy to get into the plant
Types of Adjuvants
Spray Modifiers (Type 1)
Dispersing agents
(Enhances the dispersal of a power in a solid-liquid suspension)
(used to reduce the number of fine droplets from a nozzle)
Type of Adjuvants
Utility Modifiers (Type 2)
Compatibility Agents
- Used to keep different types of formulations in suspension
Antifoam Agents
- To reduce foaming in the tank
- Material that aids in the suspension of fine drops of one liquid in another, like oil in water
Degree of Response
Selective Herbicide
Only some plants of a mixed population are injured
Degree of Response
Nonselective Herbicide
All plants of a mixed population are killed (paraquat and Roundup)
Herbicide Movement in the Plant
No movement in plant
Kills only the tissue that is treated
Complete coverage of the plant is needed to get good control (best applied when plant is small)
- aciflorfen (Blazer) (soybean)
- bentazon (Basagran) (soybean & corn)
- paraquat (Paraquat) (orchards & other places)
Herbicide Movement in Plants
Translocated Herbicides
Moves in the plant from the site of application to other plant parts
Two Types of Movement
- Symplastic (phloem)
Moves with the sugars/typically moves to the newest areas of the plant
- Apoplastic (xylem)
Water moves in the xylem/going to the oldest tissue in the plant/applying to leaf it moves to the outer edges of the leaf
Symplastic Movement
Herbicide moves in the phloem
Moved with sugars
Moved to the YOUNGEST tissue were demand for energy greatest
Injury seen in youngest leaves and in the youngest roots
Good for control of perennials
Apoplastic Movement
Herbicides that move in the apoplast move in the xylem
Move with Water
- Move to the oldest, most actively transpiring tissue
If taken up by roots move to the oldest leaves
If taken up by leaves stays in the treated leaf
Apoplastically Translocated Herbicides Examples
Trizines (atrazine, metribuzin)
Uracils (diuron, monuron)
Herbicide Mixtures
Often done to control many types of weeds (mix broadleaf and grass herbicides)
To have the operation be ‘one pass’ (to lessen application costs)
To get synergistic responses (better kill)
To lessen the costs of the ‘expensive’ herbicide by adding a cheaper tank mix partner
Type of Mixture
Sold by the Manufacturer
- These already have what the manufacturer thinks is the best combination of ingredients
- A premix may have similar active ingredients at different concentrations and be marketed under different names
Storm (29% bentazon + 18% acifluorfen) vs Galaxy (33% bentazon + 7% acifluorfen)
Type of Mixture
Mixed in the field not as the formulation
- Caution must be taken
- Incompatible Formulations
The solution turns into sludge
Having AI precipitate out of solution
Mixing chemicals bound to clay with chemicals that are adsorbed by clay
(i.e. glyphosate and DF formulations)
Combining antagonistic chemicals (get no or little plant response)
Getting too high a response (Burn crop or residual lasts too long)
Not understanding all the ingredients already in a formulation
When mixed there can be 4 types of responses that occur
Responses to Herbicide Mixtures
Additive Response
When the response of a plant to each herbicide alone or in the mix is the same
Responses to Herbicide Mixtures
Syngeristic Response
When mixing 2 chemicals get a greater response than either chemical alone
- This can be good if get better weed control i.e. mix a some 2,4-D (cheap) with Tordon (expensive) and get a more phytotoxicity than either alone
- Bad if get more crop injury
Responses to Herbicide Mixtures
Antagonistic Response
When the mixture of 2 or more herbicides results in less than expected response (i.e. less weed control) than when any of them are used separately
- If you mix 2,4-D with some wild oat herbicides get no wild oat control
Graph Info
To get the same response as if the two chemicals were used alone, 1.2 to 1.5 times as much of either herbicide needes to be applied in the mix
Responses to Herbicide Mixtures
Mix a nonphytotoxic adjuvant (i.e. crop oil or other) with a herbicide and get a response that is greater than the herbicide is used alone
- Phytotoxicity increased usually results from increased leaf absorption
- May reduce crop selectivity (may get more injury such as burned leaves or stunted plants)
Mechanism of Action
Precise biochemical reaction that creates the herbicide’s ultimate effect
Herbicide Mode of Action
Sequence of events that occur from the herbicides contact with the plant until its final effect is expressed
Site of Action
Precise enzyme or target area affected by the herbicide
Mechanisms and Mode of Action
Auxin-type Growth Regulators
Mechanisms and Modes of Action
Photosynthesis Inhibitors
Mechanisms and Modes of Action
Disruption of Cell Permeability
Mechanisms and Modes of Action
Disruption of Cell Division (Mitosis)
Mechanism and Mode of Action
Root and Shoot Inhibitors
Mechansims and Mode of Action
Pigment Inhibitors
Mechanism and Mode of Action
Block Amino Acid Formation
Glyphosate (ESPS)
Immidiazilinone and Sulfonyl Ureas (ALS)
Mechanism and Mode of Action
Aryloxy phenoxy
(stops long chain fatty acid syn)
Why Soil Applied
Herbicides not absorbed by foliage
- only enters plants through roots
May be too volatile
May be photodecomposed and lost if not soil applied
- Incorporation is needed
May have low water solubility
May only be root active and not translocated
Advantages of Soil Applied
Control weeds at very small growth stage
Not as much herbicide needed to kill weeds
Dont get much crop competition
Disadvantages of Soil Applied
Dont know which weeds will be the problem
Dont know where problem areas are
Some herbicides become environmental problems
Application Type
Soil Pre
Herbicides Applied to Soil (PRE Applications)
- Meant to have residual effect (if not burndown)
- Control germinating seedlings (if seedlings have emerged, some have no activity)
- More environmental problems with soil applied herbicides
- Some metabolites of the chemical remain toxic
Atrazine to deethylatrazine
Balance (isoxaflutole) (1/2 life 4 days) to DKN metabolite (highly active) (1/2 life 3 weeks plus) low sorption of each
Preemergence Herbicide/Soil/Plant Interaction
Must come in contact with developing plant
- Depth of application must be correct or need to leach to the zone needed
- Dormant structures are not affected
Herbicide must be there in high enough concentration
- Reasons why the concentration may be low even if applied at the correct amount
Degradation (microbial or chemical)
Binding to soil (sorption decreases amount available to plant)
Herbicide Uptake from Soil
Soil Water Must be Present
- Needed for seed germination, needed for herbicide uptake
Too Dry
- Photodecomposition
- Volatilization
- No Seed Germination
Too Wet
- Leach from Seed Zone
- Runoff
- Microbial Degradation
Chemical Fate in the Environment
Plant Uptake
1-10% of Applied Herbicide
Taken up either as
Toxic chemical or Nontoxic metabolite
Chemical Fate in the Environment
Fate in the Air
0 to 30% of Applied
Sprayed On - no movement (ideal and usually not the case)
Drift as spray droplets to nontarget areas (0 to 30% of applied)
Volatilization (vapor drift) with movement in the air deposition with rain and snow
Photodecomposition by UV light
Chemical Fate in the Environment
Fate in Soil
50-100% of applied
Sprayed On - lasts long enough to kill the target pest - no movement (ideal)
Remains where it’s at is nontoxic due to rapid breakdown (e.g. 2,4-D) or very high sorption (e.g. Roundup)
Remains where it’s at and continues to be toxic
Remains where it’s at degrades to another toxic product
Movement to offsite areas as parent or metabolite (can be toxic or nontoxic)
Mechanisms for movement (< 1% of applied but still detectable)
- Runoff
- Leaching
- Erosion
Herbicide Uptake
Herbicide moves in soil to the point of contact
- with water (mass flow)
- as a gas (diffusion)
Herbicide DOES NOT move
- Roots or shoots grow into and through the treated area (interception)
Note: Some herbicides cannot be taken by roots, some cannot be taken up by shoots
- Can use these properties to design where the chemical is placed to control the weeds of interest and not injure the crop
Routes of Herbicide Entry for Root Uptake
3 Major Routes
All Passive (through nonliving tissue)
All Active (through cells and plasmodesmata)
Mixture of Passive and Active
Routes of Herbicide Entry for Root Uptake
All Passive
(Through nonliving tissue) (e.g. cell walls)
Entry with water and movement in nonliving tissue (cell walls) and xylem
Routes of Herbicide Entry for Root Uptake
All Active
Through Cells and Plasmodesmata
- Requires energy, moves in cell and symplast
- If phloem only - the herbicide moves to the root actively growing cells, usually the root tip
Casparian Strip
Major barrier to herbicide movement
- reason for why some herbicides are not taken up
Herbicide Uptake
Underground Shoot Adsorption (Thiocarbamates)
- Coleoptile node of grass seedlings is the entry point
- This is part of the leaf so there is no Casparian Strip
- Hypocotyl and shoot of broadleaves are other entry points for herbicide
Soil Applied Herbicides
Shoot Inhibitors
Group 8
- Thiocarbamates
- Lipid Synthesis, not ACCase
Gropu 15
- Acid Amides also called acetamides
- Inhibits very long fatty acid synthesis
Soil Applied Herbicides
Root Inhibitors by Microtubule Disruption
Group 3
- Dinitroanilines
Soil Applied Herbicides
Bleaching Herbicides
Group 27
- HPPD Herbicides
- 3 Families
- Inhibits plastiquinone biosynthesis
Group 13
- DOXP Herbicides
- Inhibits isoprenoid synthesis
Shoot Inhitors WSSA Group 8
EPTC (Eptam) & butylate
- Does not rely on post-application rainfall (but have to be incorporated due to high volatility)
- Less loss from dry soil than from moist soil
- Underground shoot absorption
- Entry Point - coleoptile node of grass seedlings and hypocotyl hook of broadleaf
- No problems with crop rotation restrictions
- Only translocated in the xylem
Shoot Inhibitors WSSA Group 8
Inhibit Lipid Biosynthesis
Grasses may not emerge
Reduces cuticular wax formation
Leaves tightly rolled and do not unroll properly
Broadleaf plants may have small leaves or ‘bud seal’
Roots may be brittle, short and thick
WSSA Group 15
Acid Amides (acetanilides) and Isoxazolinone
Shoot Inhibitors
- Stop very long chain fatty acid formation (VLCFA herbicides)
Drawstring (heart shaped) leaves
Acid amide injury to soybean
Symptoms of EPTC, butylate (Group 8) and acide (Group 15) Damage to Corn
Improper leaf unfurling
Twisted whorls
Buggy whipping
Heavy rains soon after herbicide application that may leach away the herbicide safener
Stressed conditions (cool, wet soils)
Certain hybrids may be sensitive