Final Exam Flashcards
Between the weak and the strong, Paul spends the most time addressing this group.
Who are the strong?
Romans 9-11 has about this amount of Paul’s total OT quotations.
What is 1/3?
According to Acts 18, she had the same trade as Paul.
Who is Priscilla?
This verse might lead one to believe that confession is required for salvation.
What is Rom 10.9
When Paul says, “All who call on the name of the Lord will be saved” he is quoting this chapter.
What is Joel 2?
Three distinct ways to understand the phrase, The Righteousness of God.
What are 1. God’s saving activity; 2. A status given by God; 3. God’s moral character?
Rom 11.1.
What is “God has not rejected his people, has he?”
Two chapters in Rom that end with a 3-4 verse doxology.
What are chaps 11 and 16?
An end time event, fixed in God’s plan, that is made know at a point in history.
What is μυστήριον in Paul?
The theological principle of a “passionate heart for the lost and a firm belief in God’s sovereignty” is best seen in this chapter of Rom.
What is Rom 9?
Paul refers to Jewish zeal for God in this chapter.
What is Rom 10?
Rom 10.4
What is, “Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness to all who believe”?
They help answer the question, “Why hasn’t Israel believed?”
What are Rom 9-11?
The LORD says, “I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy…” when Moses asks for this.
What is, Show me your glory?
Paul says Jewish zeal for God is not in accord with this.
What is knowledge?
This verse says “Jacob I loved but Esau I hated.”
What is Rom 9.13?
Two possible understandings of τέλος in Romans 10.4.
What are end (as termination) or goal?
Mystery is used in these two chapters of Rom.
What are chaps 11 and 16?
Rom 9.5 and Titus 2.13.
What are the two places Paul calls Jesus God?
Rom 12.15
What is “Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep”?
“I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and compassion on whom I will have compassion” is found in this OT chapter.
What is Ex 33?
The mystery in Rom 11.25 is most likely this.
What is saving Jews through Gentile salvation? OR Partial hardening of Jews until Gentiles come in?
The weak and the strong are covered in these chapters.
What are Rom 14-15?
If Rom 12.1-2 emphasize right thinking, Rom 12.3-8 emphasize this.
What is right service?
According to Peterman, Rom 15.26 is INCORRECTLY translated this way.
What is “make a contribution”?
Paul’s wish to be cut off for the sake of his people is like the one made by Moses in this chapter.
What is Ex 32?
Spiritual gift lists are found in these three books of Paul.
What are Rom, 1 Cor and Eph?
Rom 11.26.
What is “and all Israel will be saved”?
Four blessings Paul says belong to Israel according to Rom 9.4-5.
What are: adoption, glory, covenants, law-giving, temple, promises and fathers?
Paul uses this as the symbol of secular government’s right to punish.
What is the sword?
This passage provides valuable input on the doctrine of common grace?
What is Rom 13.1-7?
Three stoic maxims that Paul contradicts in Rom 12:
What are: 1. pay back evil for evil; 2. prefer yourself in honor; 3. don’t share the misfortunes of others?
The second half of this chapter has a string of loosely related commands or exhortations.
What is Rom 12?
The Christian responsibility to pay taxes is supported by this chapter.
What is Rom 13?
Food and special days.
What are the two basic areas of disagreement between the weak and the strong?
“For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat” is found in this chapter.
What is Rom 14?
Rom 14.23b
What is “Everything that does not come from faith is sin”?
In Rom 13, it is called God’s servant.
What is secular government?
Between the weak and the strong, it is these who are most likely the weak.
Who are Jews (Jewish Christians)?
Where is Pheobe from?
There is a church in their home according to Rom 16.
Who are Prisca and Aquila?
It’s what Paul means when he mentions causing the weak to “stumble.”
What is causing them to act against/sin against their conscience?
In this verse Paul commands the renewing of the mind.
What is Rom 12.2?
In the OT citations from Romans 9-11, it appears twice as often as any other book:
What is Isaiah?
In the tension between the weak and the strong, Paul sides with this group theologically.
Who are the strong?
Paul mentions his travel plans in this chapter.
What is Rom 15?
What is Paul’s long-term mission goal?
Paul says the kingdom is not food but these three things.
What is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit?
The three sections of Rom 13.
What are: submission to authorities, love fulfills the Law, and call to attitude and action based on eschatology?
“I urge you brothers…to join together with me in my struggle by praying to God for me…” is found in this chapter.
What is chapter 15?
“Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Christ” is found in this chapter.
What is chapter 10?
The primary reason Paul gives for the collection.
What is social debt (obligation)?
From what city does Paul mostly likely write Romans?
What are three reasons to translate Rom 15.26 as “establish fellowship”?
First, the usual meaning of κοινωνία, second, the Greek/Roman background, and third the purpose Paul sees for the collection.
Rom 13.10
What is “Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the Law”?
Whom does Paul commend as the servant of the church in Cenchreae?
According to Rom 16, all the churches of the Gentiles give them thanks.
Who are Prisca and Aquila?
Paul’s greeting to Andronicus and Junia is found in this chapter.
What is chap 16?
In Rom 16, who is debated over as to whether she is an apostle?
This chapter indicates that Paul’s coworkers contained both men and women.
What is Rom 16?
The three places Paul mentions as ministry goals.
What are Jerusalem, Rome and Spain?
In the NT, only Pheobe is called this.
What is a benefactress or patroness (προστάτις)?