Final Essays Flashcards
Red scare
Communist scare
6000 people arrested and many held without charge
Over 500 deported inc. Emma Goldman
Sacco and Vanzetti
1920, two Massachusetts payroll guards are robbed and murdered No evidence No witness No confession Electric chair- ZING!
Race riots
Over 2 dozen in 1919 alone
Chicago 3 boys at a beach drift into “ white waters” whites attack and kill one with a thrown stone
Resulting riot kills 15 white and 23 black
18th amendment
Outlaws the production, sale, distribution of alcohol
As a result comes the rise of organized crime
Scopes trial
Butler act. - no teaching evolution
Deffense- Clarence Darrow
Prosecuting- William Jennings Bryan
Scopes found guilty
Henry Ford
Controls the lives of his employees
Hates Jews and immigrants
Funds the printing of over 1/2 million copies of “ protocols of the elders of Zion”
Birth of a nation
Civil war- slaves freed- everything turns to shit- KKK brings decency and honor to south
Over 5 million join KKK and target 5 groups, black- Jew- immigrant- communist- catholic
Election of 1928
Al smith catholic runs
Klan says he is building tunnel to Vatican
Only catholic marriages
Burn crosses on his was to Oklahoma
Ten points for question 1. Major events that led to a conservative nation
1) red scare
2) Sacco and Vanzetti
3) race riots
4) 18th amendment
5) scopes trial
6) Henry ford
7) birth of a nation/ rebirth of klan
8) al smith- Lincoln tunnel