Final Cut Pro X Flashcards
Lesson 1: Describe the three post-production work flow phases in Final Cut Pro.
Import: The ingest process of storing your story’s source media files and organizing the clips that represent those source files. Edit: The creative process of assembling, trimming, and effecting cops to tell a story. Share: the export process of distributing your completed story to various platforms.
Lesson 1: When Final Cut Pro asks if you want to update your projects and events to Final Cut Pro X 10.1, what options are available?
The options presented are to upgrade all projects and events into one library per volume, to allow you to selectively upgrade now, or to return to the upgrade process later.
Lesson 1: Should you update any post-production software during an editing job in progress?
A common practice in the post-production industry is to not update software, and in some cases hardware, while working on an editing job.
Lesson 2: Which of these three is the largest media container: clip, events, or library?
The library is the largest of the media containers.
Lesson 2: Describe possible organizational criteria for sorting clips and projects into events.
The criteria is whatever you choose: a scene of a film, a segment of a news-magazine show, a webisode, stock footage, raw media from an SD card, all versions of the projects, and so on. An event is a flexible storage container that can be as all-encompassing or as granularly compartmentalized as your raw media and projects.
Lesson 2: Name and describe the built-in command for backing up camera media files.
The Create Archive command creates a clone of your source media device, preserving the folder structure and metadata along with the source media files.
Lesson 2: Where should you store camera archives?
Camera archives may be stored anywhere; however, to reduce the chance of a single-point failure taking down an entire editing job, camera archives should be stored on a volume physically separate from the media storage volume you use for editing.
Lesson 2: What two views are available in the Media Import window, and when are the two views available?
Filmstrip and list view. The two views are available when importing from a recognized camera card file structure; otherwise, only the list view is available in the browser of the Media Import window.
Lesson 2: What setting on the Zoom slider in filmstrip view allows you to see each clip as a single thumbnail?
All. The settings defines the time length represented by each thumbnail of the clip.
Lesson 2: What keyboard shortcuts or modified-skimming keys let you mark multiple range selections within a clip?
The keyboard shortcuts are Command-Shift-I and Command-Shift-O. Holding down Command while skimming a clip also marks ranges.
Lesson 2: In the Media Import Options dialog, which of these two sections sets media files as managed or external?
(Picture: A. Create new event in: “__” library > Event Name; B. Media Storage: > Copy files into: “__” library)
B. “Copy files into” creates managed media while “Leave files in place” creates externally referenced media.
Lesson 2: Fill in the blank: With the “Create optimized media” option selected, Final Cut Pro X transcodes imported media to the ____ codec.
Apple ProRes 422
Lesson 2: When dragging items from the iPhoto applications to an event, where do you set the options to copy (or not copy) the photo into the Final Cut Events folder?
Final Cut Pro > Preferences
Lesson 2: You are about to import source media files grouped into various folders. Which Media Import options must be selected to replicate the folder structure within an event?
Import Folders as Keyword Collections
Lesson 3.
Organizing Clips
Lesson 3: When applying keywords to a clip, may keywords be overlapped?
Lesson 3: Which inspector lets you add notes to a clip?
The Info inspector
Lesson 3: All clips start with which rating assigned?
Lesson 3: What default filter setting prevents Rejected clip ranges from appearing in the Browser?
Hide Rejected
Lesson 3: You are trying to locate a clip you imported into the library. How can you locate it?
In the Libraries pane, select the Library. From the Filter pop-up menu, choose All Clips. Clear Browser’s search filed.
Lesson 3: What procedure is necessary to search an event using a combination of keywords?
Keyword combinations are searchable only by clicking the magnifying glass in the search field and using the Keywords criteria rule in the Filter HUD.
Lesson 3: How do you edit the criteria rules for an existing Smart Collection?
In the Libraries pane, double-click the Smart Collection.
Lesson 3: At what point in the workflow may a clip be assigned a role?
Clips may be assigned a role at any time in the workflow. However, roles assigned to clips shortly after import are carried with the clip throughout the editing workflow.
Lesson 4.
Making the First Edit
Lesson 4: What do the Automatic Settings do when creating a new project?
They conform the project’s resolution and frame rate to the first video clip added to the project.
Lesson 4: Where are projects stored?
Projects are stored within a designed event.
Lesson 4: Which edit command is depicted in the following figure? See book.
Lesson 4: Which edit command is depicted in the following figure? See book.
Lesson 4: Which toolbar button performs an append edit?
The Append edit button.
Lesson 4: What do the green, blue, and purple colored stripes overlaying the clip identify?
Favorite, user-applied keyword, and analysis keyword.
Lesson 4: When in filmstrip view, which modifier key do you hold down to edit clips into the project in the order that you select the clips in the Browser?
Lesson 4: When performing an insert edit, what marks the Timeline location for the edit: the playhead or the skimmer?
The skimmer, if active; otherwise, the playhead.
Lesson 4: Identify the trim type used in the following figure. See book.
Ripple trim.
Lesson 4: Which two interface items provide additional skimming precision in the Browser?
The Zoom slider allows you to see more clip content horizontally, and Clip Appearance permits you to increase clip height and hide and view waveforms.
Lesson 4: What does the Viewer overlay in the following figure indicate?
The playhead or skimmer is cued to the start frame of a clip.
Lesson 4: With the primary storyline deterring the project’s timing, what generic clip can be inserted to “create” time between storyline clips?
A gap clip.
Lesson 4: In the scenario shown below, what type of edit was performed in one command? See book.
Replace with Gap or Lift edit (keyboard shortcut: Shift-Delete).
Lesson 4: Identify the edit functions indicated by the mouse pointer in the following figures. See book.
A: Ripple; B: Roll; and C: Slip.
Lesson 4: To append edit a clip into a connected story, what must be selected and what must not be selected before pressing E?
The connected storyline’s handle must be selected, but not the clip’s handle inside the connected storyline.
Lesson 4: What does the -15 dB indicate in the following image? See book.
The audio volume control has been lowered to play the audio clip - 15 dB quieter than the audio clip’s recorded level.
Lesson 4: Identify the interface element that displays the Audio meters.
Show/hide the meters in the Timeline pane.
Lesson 4: Describe what will occur during playback of this transition. See book.
The GOPR009 clip will fade in from black; but halfway through the transition, Mitch’s interview will suddenly cut in and be visible until the GoPro clip becomes fully opaque.
Lesson 4: Which interface element lets you export an iOS- and AppleTV-compatible file of your project?
The Share pop-up menu.
Lesson 5.
Revising the Edit
Lesson 5:
1) Describe the results of using the following commands: Duplicate Project as Snapshot, and Duplicate Project.
Duplicate Projet creates a “live” version that updates its compound and multicam clips used in other projects. Duplicate Project as Snapshot produces a complete freeze of the project at the time of the duplication.
Lesson 5:
2) Which replace edit command replaces the project clip using the duration of the browser clip: Replace, Replace from Start, or Replace from End?
The Replace edit command
Lesson 5:
3) Identify and define (from left to right) the four buttons in the following figure.
Skimming (S): Enable/disable the video skimmer. Audio Skimming (Shift-S): Enable/disable audio skimming (skimming must be enabled). Solo (Option-S): Monitor the audio playback of the deleted clip(s). Snapping (N): Magnetically align the skimmer/playhead while dragging to the start of clips, keyframes and markers.
Lesson 5:
4) What action results from the displayed indication in the Dashboard?
The playhead will move three seconds to the left. This adjustment was performed by pressing Control-P.
Lesson 5:
5) Where do you find a list of all markers used in a project?
The Tags Index found in the Timeline Index pane.
Lesson 5:
6) What command was invoked in the displayed project?
The Solo command, Option-S.
Lesson 5:
7) Which tool repositions storyline clips relative to time allowing a clip to overwrite other clips?
Position tool.
Lesson 5:
8) Where may you assign a role to a clip?
Roles may be assigned in the Info Inspector or in the Modify menu.
Lesson 5:
9) What types of clips may go into an audition?
Commonly used for multiple takes of an on camera performance or of an audio-only VO, the audition clip collects whatever clip types you add to the audition.
Lesson 5:
10) What icon badge identifies an audition clip?
A spotlight badge identifies and is an access point to an audition clip.
Lesson 5:
11) What command was used in the scenario shown below?
Trim to Selection, Option-\ (backward slash)
Lesson 6.
Enhancing the Edit
Lesson 6:
1) Which interface items allow access to the Custom Speed window?
Redtime pop-up menu > Redtime Editor
Lesson 6:
2) What command allows you to experiment with a storyline clip’s retiming without creating a rippling effect on later clips in the storyline?
Use the Lift from Storyline command to convert the clip to a connected clip. Doing so lets you change the speed and duration of the clip without disturbing later clips.
Lesson 6:
3) You have manually set the retiming rate for a clip; however, at the rate, the clip is too long for the time slot in the project. Which interface item allows you to trim the clip without changing the playback speed?
Ripple trim changes the clip’s duration without changing the set speed rate.
Lesson 6:
4) Which command was used to create the retiming effect shown in the following figure?
The Blade Speed command from the Redtime pop-up menu.
Lesson 6:
5) How do you access an effect’s parameters to adjust the look (or sound) of that effect?
First, the effect must be applied to a project clip. Second, the clip must be selected or the playhead cue over the clip to access the parameters in the Inspector pane.
Lesson 6:
6) What are steps to reset an effect’s parameters, disable the effect, and delete an effect from a clip?
Reset the parameters by clicking the effect’s Reset button (the hooked arrow). Disable/enable an effect by clicking the effect’s checkbox. With the effect’s title bar selected, press the Delete key.
Lesson 6:
7) What does the red bracket indicate in the following figure?
The starting clip does not have an adequate media handle to apply a transition.
Lesson 6:
8) Referring to previous figure, describe two ways to create the media handles necessary to apply a one-second transition.
Use the Slip trim tool and drag left on the starting clip; or using the Roll trim tool, drag the edit point right to create a media handle prior to the clip’s start point. The use of either method is dependent on available media handles on the opposite point: the end of the starting clip and the end of the ending clip, respectively.
Lesson 6:
9) Which of the following images displays that you are ready to adjust the transition’s duration?
Lesson 6:
10) How do you replace a project transition with a different transition from the Transition Browser?
You may drag the new transition to the existing transition similar to performing a replace edit; or with the existing transition selected, double-click the new transition in the Transition Browser.
Lesson 6:
11) Which two interface elements may be used to activate the Viewer’s onscreen Transform controls?
In the Viewer (see book) > In the Inspector
Lesson 6:
12) Describe the difference between Paste and Paste Attributes.
Paste apples the copied clip and its attributes, similar to a replace edit. Paste Attributes allow you to select the desired attributes of the copied clip – such as a particular effect, or a specific parameter such as speed – to apply to an –other clip.
Lesson 6:
13) How do you access the individual components of a compound clip?
Double-click the compound clip.
Lesson 7.
Finishing the Edit
Lesson 7:
1) What happens when you double-click a title in a project?
The title is selected, the playhead cues to a frame where the text elements are visible, and the first line of text is automatically selected, ready for text entry.
Lesson 7:
2) What key should be pressed to exit text entry in the Viewer?
Press the Escape key to exit text entry.
Lesson 7:
3) What type of audio clip may be trimmed at the subframe level?
An audio-only, connected clip or an audio/video expanded clip may be trimmed at the subframe level.
Lesson 7:
4) What modifier key used with the Select tool will create audio keyframes?
Lesson 7:
5) What command creates a split edit without creating an accidental sync offset in the Timeline?
Expand Audio/Video
Lesson 7:
6) What function turns the skimmer into an “audio solo” skimmer?
Clip Skimming
Lesson 7:
7) Where you can you switch a clip’s audio channels from stereo to dual mono?
With the clip selected, the Channel Configuration section of the Audio inspector
Lesson 7:
8) Your Timeline looks like the following figure and not all of the audio clips are audible. What should you do to hear and “see” all of the clips?
Look in the Timeline Index for roles that have been minimized and deselected (disabled).
Lesson 7:
9) What tool prepares a section of an audio clip to receive four keyframes?
Range Selection
Lesson 7:
10) Compare the difference between a color balance based on Not Analyzed and Analyzed status.
Color balancing a Not Analyzed clip will create the color balance calculation based on the frame under the playhead. With an Analyzed clip, the color balance correction is based on the average color cast in the entire clip.
Lesson 7:
11) Which video scope measures brightness (luma) based on the grayscale of the entire image?
Lesson 7:
12) Looking at the clip’s image in the Viewer, the brightest parts of the image have a slight blue tint. How do you remove the tint?
In the Color Board, drag the highlights puck toward positive yellow, or drag the Highlights puck down toward negative blue.
Lesson 8.
Sharing a Project
Lesson 8:
1) Which Share window button do you click to display the compatible platforms for the current export settings?
The Share window’s compatibility checker.
Lesson 8:
2) When sharing to an online host, which interface item displays details about upload’s progress?
Click the Background Tasks button in the Dashboard to see details of the upload’s progress.
Lesson 8:
3) Where can you find a history of a project’s shared instances?
With project selected in the Browser, look in the Share inspector.
Lesson 8:
4) Which destination preset allows you to distribute to multiple platforms in a single share session?
The Bundle destination preset
Lesson 8:
5) Which Master File Settings parameter allows you to export audio stems from inside a QuickTime movie?
Roles as: Multitrack QuickTime Movie.
Lesson 8:
6) What export command outputs your project to a file format readable by several third-party applications?
File > Export Project XML
Lesson 8:
7) Name two export methods that utilize Compressor custom settings.
The Compressor Settings destination preset in the Share pop-up menu, and the File > Send to Compressor command.
Lesson 8:
8) Of the two export methods in the previous answer, which one uses Compressor’s distribute processing capabilities?
File > Send to Compressor
Lesson 9
Managing Libraries
Lesson 9:
1) Define and compare managed media and external media.
Managed media files gives Final Cut Pro the responsibility of storing your source media files inside the library you designate. Storing media externally saddles you with the responsibility of watching over the source media files. In either case, you determine where the media files are physically stored. The difference is who is responsible for tracking that media: Final Cut Pro or you.
Lesson 9:
2) How is external media referenced in a project event?
External media is referenced inside an event through the use of symlinks.
Lesson 9:
3) What media storage selection do you choose to define media as external?
The first answer is “Leave files in place”; however, “Copy files into” can designate an external folder outside a library, which would also result in external media.
Lesson 9:
4) How can you find the File Information section shown in the following figure? (See Book)
With the event selected in the Libraries pane, you will find File Information in the Info inspector.
Lesson 9:
5) When archiving or preparing a library for transport, describe a few tasks you should complete.
Consolidate the library as a managed library, delete render files, and do not include optimized or proxy media.
Lesson 10:
Advancing Your Workflow
Lesson 10:
1) Which project Video Properties parameter must be selected to edit in a non-native video resolution?
The Format parameter must be set to Custom using the manual settings.
Lesson 10:
2) Identify the default render format in Final Cut Pro.
Apple ProRess 422
Lesson 10:
3) What command creates a compound clip that synchronizes a video clip and an audio clip recorded on separate devices?
Synchronize Clips
Lesson 10:
4) What command allows you to manually adjust the synchronization of audio and video within a clip?
Open in Timeline
Lesson 10:
5) In what vertical order should clips be placed for compositing?
The foreground clip should be placed in a lane over the background clip.
Lesson 10:
6) In the Keyer effect, what parameter should you set to disable the auto-keyed and gain manual control over the settings?
Set the Strength slider to 0.
Lesson 10:
7) Fill in the blank: Double-clicking a multicam clip opens the ______.
Angle Editor
Lesson 10:
8) What button do you click to display a mutlicam clip’s angles for monitoring and to choose the active angle during playback?
Clicking Show Angles reveals the Angle viewer.
Lesson 10:
9) What do the three active angle colors indicate?
Yellow indicates the active video and audio angle. Blue indicates the active video angle. Green indicates the active audio angle.