Final Cumulative - Units 1-6 Flashcards
What is the definition of Memory?
The process of retaining information overtime, memory can affect the choice of response to stimuli.
What is Short Term Sensory Store (STSS)?
Responsible for storing vast amounts of Sensory Information (Auditory, Visual, Kinaesthetic..)
What is Short Term Memory (STM)?
it is a temporary place for information; without rehearsal information is lost.
What is Long Term Memory (LTM)?
It contains well learnt information that has been collected over a lifetime.
What occurs during Parallel Processing?
Multi-Tasking; might be some impact in our ability to identify a particular stimulus.
What is Inattention Blindness?
Reduced capacity to detect/identify stimulus because we’re not paying attention to it.
What are the Pros/Cons of Sustained Attention?
Has the capacity to maintain this level of attention on an appropriate stimulus, but a requirement to maintain attentional focus on relevant stimuli.
What is Selective Response?
Controlled: activities that require effort, in a particular order. (slow and logical)
Automatic: fast, automatic and effortless.
How do we develop Automaticity?
A large amount of practice under consistent conditions.
What is the Psychological Refractory Period?
2 different stimuli presented within a short interval from each.
What is the Double Stimulation Paradigm?
Subject is required to respond with distinct responses, delays that occur are due to interference that arises in the processing of S1 and S2.
What is RT2?
Reaction Time to the 2nd stimulus.
What is Bottleneck Processing?
S1 → Followed by S2 → both processed until S1 reaches the bottleneck → S2 must wait for the response programming stage for further processing.
Explain the Inverted “U” Principle?
Under High Arousal: Few Stimuli detected, RT slow, attention shifts.
Under Low Arousal: Attentional focus is wide and lots of information is picked up.
Optimal Arousal: Attentional focus is narrow enough to exclude irrelevant cues.
What is Perceptual Narrowing?
Tendency for the perceptual field to shrink under stress with high arousal.
What does the term ‘Choking Under Pressure’ refer to?
Not able to adapt to a changing situation, or making changes in the routine engaged in.
What is the Closed Loop System?
Uses feedback to modify ballistic movements, slower but the modification means it can cope with changing environments.
What is the Open Loop System?
Uni-directional command structure that sees the task being performed, changes in motor tasks don’t occur until theres new onset of the task.
What are the 3 key points in differentiating Open Vs. Closed?
- Availability of feedback/ The absence of it.
- Timing.
- Modificability.
What are the 4 steps in the Closed Loop Control System?
- An executive for decision making for errors.
- An effector system for carrying out the decisions.
- A comparator against which the anticipated feedback is compared to actual feedback.
- An error signal, which is the information acted on by the executive.
What is Movement Produced Feedback?
Aimed movement; taking information we’re getting from visual, limb/joint position and proprioceptive information.
What is the First Response (M1)?
Monosynaptic reflex is fast, inflexible and lowest level feedback based on corrections, and are dependent on changes in muscles length.
What is the Second Response (M2)?
Multi-synaptic reflex, greater delays because the signal is sent up the spinal cord to the high order neurons before returning muscles, and are dependent on muscle force, length, joint and body position.
What are the key points in Open Loop Control Systems?
it cannot make modifications until task is complete and important when the environmental situation is predictable/stable.
What is Feedforward?
Represents anticipated sensory consequences of movement.
What is the definition of Degrees of Freedom (Dofs)?
Components of a control system that can vary independently and are controlled to produce effective action.
How do we organize Dofs?
Muscle Synergies are groups of co-activated muscles- specifying a pattern of muscle activation modulated by a single neural command.
What are the 2 Limitations of Simple Motor Control Systems?
Storage: how/where do we store the # of motor programs for the future.
Novelty: how do performers produce novel behaviour that cannot be represented in and already stored motor programs.
What is Generalized Motor Programs?
Motor learning emerges naturally by the adaptation to these programs that already exist.
What is Schema/Memory Structures?
Recall: A relationship between past outcomes and response specifications.
Recognition: Establish relationships between what we intend to happen and what actually takes place.
What are the Invariant features of GMP?
Certain features that do not change, can be measured by a set of ratios among the durations of various events in the environment.
What are the Parameters around GMP?
Movement time, Movement amplitude, effectors/muscles involved and overall time of movement.
What is the Acquisition Stage of Motor Learning?
Can have immediate performance improvement.
What is the Retention Stage of Motor Learning?
Can lead to permanent changes/proof of learning.
What is the Transfer Stage of Motor Learning?
Can test the generalizability.
What is Massed Practice?
A practice where the # of rest between practice trials are relatively short (less time for rest).
What is Distributed Practice?
A practice where the # of rest between practice trials are relatively long (less time for practice).
What is Constant Practice?
Sequence which only a single variation of a given class of tasks is experienced.
What is Variable Practice?
Frequent changes of task so that the performer is constantly confronting.
What is Blocked Practice?
Schedule where many trials on tasks are practiced consecutively, theres low contextual interference.
What is Random Practice?
Practice trials on several different tasks are mixed, interleaved, across the practice period, with high contextual interference.
What is Inherent Feedback?
Information provided as a natural consequence of an action (Intrinsic feedback).
What is Augmented Feedback?
Information from the measured performance outcome that is fed back to the learner by artificial means (Extrinsic Feedback).
What is Knowledge of Performance (KP)?
Movement pattern/quality of the action.
What are the 3 types of Feedback?
Average Feedback: Give KP of the average performance resulting after several trials.
Faded Feedback: High rate of feedback to begin then reduce to zero.
Bandwidth Feedback: Give feedback when the performance is outside a predetermined acceptable limit or “band”.
What is Knowledge of Results?
Information given to the learner about the success of an action with respect to the environmental goal.
Why is less more in Feedback Systems?
Too much creates dependency, does not learn intrinsic feedback to guide movements and ‘Caveat’ is more complex tasks require more feedback.