Final Concepts other than Schizophrenia Flashcards
stiffening of the muscular activity in the face body arms and legs
Includes mask like faces, stiff and stooped posture, shuffling gait, drooling, tremor, pill rolling phenomenon
the onset of this includes 5 hours to 30 days
these effects can appear early in therapy and can be minimized with treatment
What is the treatment for Pseudoparkinsonism
nursing measures: alert medical staff and anti-cholinergic agents maybe used
treatment usually consists of lowering the dosage of the prescribed medication or prescribing an anti-parkinsonism drug (especially a centrally acting anti-cholinergic drug)
common use drugs include Artane, cogentin, Benadryl, and symmetrel.
In Pseudoparkinsonism if an anti-parkinsonism drug is used, Anti-cholinergic side effects of antipsychotics may be intensified……. this includes:
urinary retention constipation blurred vision cognitive impairment and delirium
Tardive dyskinesia
facial protruding and rolling tongue, blowing, smacking, licking, spastic facial distortion, smacking movements.
onset of action is months to years
What are the nursing measures for Tardive dyskinesia
no nursing treatment.
discontinuation of the drug does not always relieve symptoms
possibly 20% of clients taking these drugs for greater than two years may develop tardive dyskinesia
nurses and doctors should encourage clients to be screened for tardive dyskinesia at least every three months
Agranulocytosis symptoms include
sore throat fever malaise and mouth sores
is a rare occurrence but is a possibility that the nurse should be aware of
any flulike symptoms should be carefully evaluated
usually occurs suddenly and becomes evident in the first 12 weeks of medication taking
How do we screen for Agranulocytosis
blood work is usually done every week for six months and then every two months after
Doctor may order blood work to determine presence of leukopenia or agranulocytosis if test results are positive the drug is discontinued in reverse isolation may be initiated
mortality is higher if the drug is not ceased and treatment is not initiated
Nurses need to know about some rear that serious and potential fatal toxic effects of antipsychotic drugs
toxic effects include:
neuroleptic malignant syndrome
and liver involvement
neuroleptic malignant syndrome occurs
in about .2% to 1.0% of clients you have taken antipsychotic agents
is believed that the acute reduction in brain dopamine activity plays a role in the development of neuroleptic malignant syndrome
neuroleptic malignant syndrome is fatal in about 10% of cases and it usually occurs early in the course of therapy but has been reported in people after 20 years of treatment
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is characterized by:
decreased levels and consciousness
greatly increased muscle tone
and autonomic dysfunction
- including hyperpyrexia, labile hypertension, tachycardia, tachypnea, diaphoresis, and drooling
What is the treatment for Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
the treatment consists of early detection discontinuation of the antipsychotic agent
management of fluid balance
reduction of temperature and monitoring for complications
mild cases of neuroleptic malignant syndrome are treated with parlodel
whereas more severe cases are treated with intravenous Dantrium
What is Countertransference
nurse’s response to a pt that is based on the nurse’s unconscious needs, conflicts, problems, or view of the world.
( a patient reminds the nurse of her grandparent or parent).
What does the nurse do if a patient says
“please don’t tell anyone”
the nurse has to tell the patient that they have to share info with the other staff.
The nurse is also obligated to inform authorities in neglect, abuse cases and if the patient is in danger of harming himself or others.
Orientation phase-
development of trust and rapport
In the first session the nurse should go over relationship parameters, contracts, confidentiality/ privacy rights, and the termination phase.
Working phase-
nurse anticipates that identified pt issues will be explored and resolved.
A greater sense of independence, self-responsibility, and resolved transference occur in working phase.
Termination is first planned in the
orientation phase
Gifts should not be accepted by the nurse. But it is ok to accept
a drawing or painted picture from a patient.
True or false
Advance practice nurse (APN) can prescribe psych meds.
True or false
If a patient has previously been treated at another clinic and then comes to your clinic you need to restart at the orientation phase.
Boundary blurring-
A nurse having strong protective feelings for a patient, or inviting them to a staff party. ( role of patient and nurse shift).
In Bipolar disorder, Manic symptoms can be controlled by
lithium after serum level is attained
teach: eat moderate amounts of sodium a day while taking lithium
If a patient with Bipolar Disorder has a relapse of manic symptoms,________ can be added to lithium to bring hyperactivity under rapid control.
Anticonvulsants for mood control-
Carbamazapine (Tegretol) or valproate would be used to treat bipolar disorder.
Carbamazapine may work better for severe paranoia or rapid cycling, or angry manic pts.
Bipolar disorder has a genetic implication- exact cause is unknown.
A high rate of relatives with bipolar is found among pts with bipolar disorder.
Distraction techniques work best with bipolar-
Hyperactive patient with acute mania- initial nursing intervention-
set limits on behavior as necessary
Neutral walls with simple, pale accessories for manic pts – provide a subdued environment
patients are easily stimulated by the environment
Take lithium with meals to avoid ______.
Monitor salt and fluid intake with lithium- watch for
sweating, weakness and nausea-
lithium should be taken everyday to prevent relapse-
Caution with lithium if pt has heart failure
Why does Bipolar 1 require the closest supervision?
because psychosis may occur when manic and the patient is more unstable
What is the primary prevention for suicide
teaching school aged children to manage stress and resiliency
What is a clue to suggest a person is impending suicide?
They start to give away their valuable and important items
SAD Persons scale—
evaluates 10 risk factors of suicide potential- age, sex, depression, previous attempts, alcohol use, rational thinking loss, social support lacking, organized plan, no spouse, sickness.
Priority assessment for suicide
determine patients ability of means and lethality of method.
Jumping off a bridge is more lethal than an overdose because in an overdose you could be saved at the hospital.
If you jump off a bridge or building youd just be dead most likely.
(remember, first priority in suspected overdose is to ask them What, When, and how much they took.
_________ is predictive of suicide risk
True or False
Genetics are associated with suicide.
What ethnic group has the highest suicide rate
Whites have suicide rates almost twice to that of non-whites—
older males and adolescents and young adults have the highest rate