Final chapters Flashcards
the net movement of water from higher water concentration to lower
dissolved molecules (AAs, sugars, electrolytes)
semipermeable membranes
let some but not all through
channels in the lipid bilayer that facilitate diffusion of water molecules
osmotic pressure
drives water diffusion, cause by difference in concentrations
- the tendency of water to move from one solution into another by osmosis
regulation of water and solute conc. levels to control osmotic pressure
- animals by balancing H20 and electrolytes (Na, K, Cl)
- salmon major osmoregulation changes: born in freshwater, live life in saltwater, migrate to spawn in freshwater
keep internal osmotic pressure equal to external enviro (reduces mov’t and energy)
ex. marine animals retain lots of urea to match the external conc.
organisms who maintain different internal enviro from external.
- skin prevents free flow/passage
- actively maintain diff. osmotic pressure
osmoregulator examples in animals
gills - chloride cells: counter ingestion and diffusion of excess electrolytes - pump Cl out into water, and Na out. In freshwater - pump Na in
sharks and rays - rectal gland: secrete excess salt
marine birds - nasal salt glands excrete salt
shrimp - hypo+hypertonic enviro
paramecia - contractile vacuole (exocytosis)
dehydration of prey
= capture
nitrogenous waste
byproduct/breakdown of proteins and nucleic acids
mammals - urea: less toxic
birds and reptiles - uric acid
human nitrogenous waste process
1) filtration into excretory tubules
2) reabsorption (key ions and solutes)
3) secretion of toxic compounds and excess ions
excretory organs in organisms
flatworm - protonephridia : secretory organs
segmented worm - metanephridia
insects, terrestrial arthropods - malpighian tubes (secrete uric acid)
vertebrates/mammals - filter blood through kidneys
1) glomerulus
2) renal tubules
3) collecting ducts
4) ureter
5) bladder/cloaca
nephron = functional unit of kidney
(glomerulus, capsule, renal tubes)
- anus develops first
- radial cell divisions
chordates: cephalochordates, tunicates, vertebrates
seafloor wormlike animals
1) mouth w/ proboscis - elongate protuberance connected to
2) digestive tract by pharynx w/
3) pharyngeal slits - separated by stiff rods of protein
4) dorsal hollow nerve cord
acorn worms - burry in marine sediments
pterobranchs - attach to seafloor and use tentacle to filter feed
seastars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, sand dollars (7000 species)
1) radially symmetric adult
- bilaterally symmetric larvae
- pentaradial symmetric adults
2) calcium carbonate endoskeleton
3) water vascular system:bulk transport of oxygen and nutrients
- hydrostatic skeleton
4) tube feet: small projections from water vascular system that facilitate locomotion, sensory perception, food capture, and gas exchange
sea cucumber self defense: self evisceration – can regrow intestines
chordate characteristics
1) pharynx w/ pharyngeal gill slits
2) dorsal hollow nerve cord that runs the length of the body, comprised of projections from neurons
- develops from neural tube
3) notochord - stiff, supportive, flexible rod of collagen, runs length of the body
- vertebral column eventually replaces notochord
4) muscular post-anal tail-
- myotomes: series of segments that organizes body musculature
- tail and muscularized appendages (fins + legs)
1) cephalochordates
2) urochordates (tunicates)
3) vertebrates
lancelets or amphioxus
- small mobile suspension feeders
- adults burrow in sand, ocean-bottom habitats
- dorsal hollow nerve cord runs parallel to notochord
- notochord stiffens the body
- muscle contractions on either side –> fishlike movement
- no well developed brain or mineralized skeleton
urochordates (tunicates)
sea squirts and tunicates
- notochord, dorsal hollow nerve cord, tail, only occur in larvae or sexually mature forms of motile species
- pharyngeal gill slits - feeding and gas exchange
- siphon-like mouth, anal siphon expels water
vertebrates (craniates)
vertebrate characteristics
1) veterbrae - series of hard segments that runs along the main axis of the body, creating the jointed skeleton
2) cranium - protects well developed brain
3) pair of eyes, distinctive mouth, internal skeleton
4) coelom in which organs are suspended - closed circulatory system
5) jaws
6) paired fins
hagfish and lamprey
- cranium but no jaws
- hagfish no vertebral column
- lampreys cartilage along dorsal hollow nerve cord
- lack appendages
cartilaginous fish - sharks, rays, skates
- rays and some sharks viviparous: embryos develop inside the female & are attached to the mother by a placenta
- skates and some sharks
oviparous: embryos develop in an egg case external to mother
jaws w/ cartilage skeleton + mineralized teeth - can retain high levels of urea - salt balance
ostelchtyes (bony fish)
bony fish: ray-finned fish,
fleshy-finned fish (8 extant species)
- cranium, jaws, bones from mineralized CaCO3
1) system of movable element in jaws allowing for specialization and diversification of feeding
2) unique gas-filled sac called a “swim bladder” - permits control over position in water via changes in buoyancy (like lungs)
3) kidneys: low water balance regulation occupy water over wide range of salinity
4) fins supported by bony rods
5) bony skeleton
6) stiff but flexible body covering of interlocking scales
11 phyla w/ aquatic and terrestrial - aquatic were earlier
fleshy-finned fish
fleshy-finned fish
closest relative to tetrapods
- have pectoral and pelvic fins
- include coelacanth (400 mya) and lungfish (bury into wet mud)
frogs & toads
caecilians (lack limbs)
- habitat: ponds, lakes, or moist terrestrial environments
- must reproduce in water but life cycles parts above water
- external fertilization, oviparous, water dependent egg, metamorphosis
amniotic egg : can exchange gases while retaining water - can survive dry, terrestrial habitats
sauropsids (reptiles) and mammals
Edicaran fossils
575 mya
first mammal fossils
simple, fluid-filled tubes
Cambrian fossils
542-489 mya
skeletons of silica, CaCO3, calcium phosphate
- sponges and cnidaria produced calcium phosphate
more fossils
arthropods –> land 420 mya
radiaton of insect + mammal fossils - 360 mya
dinosaurs - 210
key innovations in vertebrate lineage
1) bony exoskeleton
2) jaws
3) bony endoskeleton
4) limbs capable of moving on land
5) amniotic egg
vertebrate jaw
leading hypothesis for origin: natural selection acted on developmental regulatory genes that determine gill arch morphology
- jaws and gill arches similar bony or cartilaginous morphology
- muscles that move both structures have the same embryonic origin
- both structures derived from neural crest cells
- regulatory gene expression patterns similar
- gill arch: curved regions of tissue between the gills
teeth = diet specialization
omnivores - diverse array of teeth (meat and plants)
carnivores - large canines
herbivores - premolars + molars
incisors - cut
canines - rip & shear
premolars - shear
molars - grind
vertebrate/craniate characteristics
- cranium + vertebral column
- 2 pairs of appendages
- bone w/ calcium phosphate
- neural crest tissue (brain case)
- well developed circulatory system (with heart)
includes hagfish, lampreys, catrilaginous fish, bony fish (chondrichthyes, ostelchthyes)
reproduction in bony fish
anadromous species: spend adult life in ocean but swim up freshwater streams to breed then die (salmon, some lamprey)
catadromous species: spend adult life in freshwater streams but swim to the ocean to breed (freshwater eels)
sequential hermaphroditism
protogyny - female to male
protandry - male to female
the organism connecting fish to tetrapods
water to land transition
1) need for support - musculature and skeletal modifications
2) reproductive issues - removal of need for water (internal fertilization and amniotic egg)
3) changes in sensory structures - hearing and sight
4) respiration - lungs for air breathing
5) osmoregulation - kidneys for dealing with nitrogenous wastes
gas exchange organs
external gills
internal gills
tracheae (grasshopper), spiracle
internal lungs w/ alveoli, bronchi
amniotic egg
albumen - protein-rich solution which cushions the developing embryo and provides nutrients
yolk - nourishes developing embryo
sauropsids (reptiles) adaptations
turtles, lizards and snakes, crocodiles and alligators, birds
1) watertight skin made by a layer of keratinous scales
2) breathe air through well developed lungs
3) lay amniotic eggs enclosed in shells
aves (bird) adaptations
- descended from feathered dinosaurs
- feathers: provide insulation, used for display, furnish the lift, power, and steering needed for flight
- large breast muscles used to flap wings
- lightweight bodies
- bones filled with air sacs
wings and flight
evolved independently in three lineages of tetrapods:
1) pterosaurs (extinct)
2) bats
3) birds
mammal phylogeny (characteristics)
1) hair or fur - insulation
2) endothermy - regulate body temperatures with internally generated heat
3) mammary glands for lactation - ability to provide young with extensive parental care
mammal reproduction (types)
1) monotremes - egg-laying mammals
2) marsupials - pouched mammals
3) eutherians - placental mammals
1) offspring develop in a controlled environment
2) offspring are protected
3) offspring are portable
change of behavior as a result of experience
Timbergen’s Questions
1) causation - what physiological mechanisms cause the behavior?
2) development - how did the behavior develop?
3) adaptive function - how does the behavior promote the individual’s ability to survive and reproduce?
4) evolutionary history - how did the behavior evolve over time?
innate behavior
instinctive and carried out regardless of earlier experience
- triggered by specific stimulus
learned behavior
comes from individual’s experience
nature vs. nurture
genetically encoded vs conditioned by environment
methods to determine genetic influence
- crossing closely related species w/ diff behaviors and examining offspring behavior
- molecular studies provide new ways to understand the role of genes in behavior
patterns of behavior that are species specific and tend to be highly repeatable and similar from one individual to the next
fixed action pattern (FAP)
sequence of behaviors that, once, triggered, is followed to completion (continues to end even if interrupted)
- species specific
- no variation in pattern of behaviors, highly repeatable
key stimulus
stimulus that initiates FAP behavior
supernormal stimulus
ex. soccerball w/ goose - exaggerated response - elicits even stronger response
feature dectectors
specialized sensory receptors or groups of sensory receptors that respond to important signals in the environment (ie mating call of certain frog species)
- can recognize own species, and stimulus
can affect multiple cells in target organs simultaneously
affect example: male courting behavior in lizard species stimulates female hormone production (full dev of ovaries for reproduction) – but castrated male = no testosterone = no courtship stimulus
artificial selection and gene influence on behavior
can alter behavior as well (hunting vs shepherding dog)
- genetically controlled by many genes w/ relatively small effect so difficult to determine which genes control what
for(s) and for(R) determine foraging/sitting in bees and fruit fles
- hormone and receptor gene changed sexual behavior
non-associative learning
learning that occurs in the absence of any particular outcome such as reward or punishment
ex. habituation, sensitization
reduction or elimination of a behavioral response to a repeatedly presented stimulus
the enhancement of a response to a stimulus that is achieved by presenting a strong or novel stimulus first
- weak primary electric shock of aplysia (sea slug) makes a 2nd touch of siphon much more rapid reaction– heightened sensitivity
associative learning (conditioning)
when an animal learns to link (or associate) two events
two types: classical and operant
classical conditioning
(stimulus/behavior association)
two stimuli are paired
ex. meat powder and bell –> bell can cause salivation alone
operant conditioning
(behavior/response association)
linking a behavior with a reward or punishment – generally in young exploring animals, the novel behavior becomes more or less likely
learning by copying another individual
form of learning typically seen in young animals in which they acquire a certain behavior in response to key experiences during a critical period of development – results usually irreversible
ex. ducklings following first animal seen after birth (usually the mom) = filial imprinting
random, undirected movements in response to stimulus
movements in a specific direction in response to a stimulus
- magnetotaxis: bacteria detect magnetic fields and swim north
- pigeon navigation: sun as compass, stars at night, detect magnetic field, olfactory, visual cues, biological clock (time & sun orientation)
circadian clock
daily rhythms in animals regulate feeding, sleeping, hormone production, core body temp
- light is primary input
other biological clocks
lunar clock - in tidal enviros
annual clock - cicadas every 13-17 yrs
seasonal clock - photoperiod (day length)
the transfer of information between two individuals - the sender and the receiver
signal types: visual, auditory, electrical, chemical, mechanical