Final: Chapter 4- Policing + Purpose Flashcards
Police Missions (5)
enforce law, apprehend offenders, prevent crime, preserve peace, provide services
What do police spend the majority of their time doing?
answering non-emergency calls (90%)
Crime prevention
proactive approach
-anticipating, recognizing, and reducing crime
process of crime analysis
developed by NYPD in 1990’s
form of predictive policing
Predictive policing
limited resources assigned to areas w/ the greatest need
Preserving the peace meaning
restoring a sense of order, reducing fear and lessening the number of serious crimes
Quality of life offenses
minor violations of the law that demoralize residents and create disorder
Broken windows policy
model of policing based on the idea that physical decay in a community can breed disorder and signal that laws are not being enforced
Computerized Forensic Database (CODIS)
database of DNA profiles of offenders
-uses DNA to identify perpetrator when a match is found
What unit of FBI was created after 9/11?
Two types of state agencies
centralized + decentralized
Centralized state agency
central bureau that assist local law enforcement, patrol state highways, and state wide jurisdiction
Decentralized state agency
two separate agencies
- on highway or off highway
Which form of state agency is Michigan?
elected chief officers of a county law enforcement agency; responsible for operating count jail and bail in court
Problem with information sharing among agencies?
obtaining the necessary clearance for local law enforcement agencies to view data is challenging
- higher agencies struggle to accept others security clearance
Police Administration
activities that contol, direct and coordinate police personnel, resources and activities to prevent crime
Line Operations
authority flows from top down, all involved in providing field services
Staff Operations
includes support roles such as admin
Chain of command
order of authority that extends thru all levels from top to bottom
Span of control
number of personnel/units supervised by a commander
Political Era
close ties between police and public officials
-police served interest of politicians
Reform Era
pride in professional crime fighting
- focus on solving traditional crimes
- introduction of state police
Community Policing Era
1970- somewhat now
stresses the service role for community
- envisions partnership btw police and community
Homeland Security- New Era
2001- ongoing
importance of community trust
- more/better training, education requirements, age requirements
Wilson’s 3 styles of Policing Listed
Watchman Style, Legalistic Style, Service Style
Watchman Style of Policing
concern for order + maintenance
- lower class communities
- control illegal/disruptive behavior
Legalistic Style of Policing
enforce strict letter of the law
Service Style of Policing
concern with helping rather than strictly enforcing the law
Police- Community Relations
recognizes the importance for community + police to work together
- police derive goals from the community
- movement away from apprehension
Team Policing
recognition of patrol strategies to form versatile police teams assigned to fixed district (become familiar w/ community)
Strategic Policing
emphasis on dealing with crimes not able to be dealt w/ the traditional way
Ex. gangs, serial killers, white collar
- innovative techniques
Problem-solving policing
views that many crimes are caused by the social conditions
- goal to address underlying social issues
defunct agency that aimed to funnel federal funds to local and state agencies
Kansas City Experiment + Results
Patrolled + unpatrolled parts of a city w/ citizens unaware of differences in number of patrols
Result: crime rates and citizen disturbances did not change
Conclusion: patrolling around does not simply enforce the law
Result of Kansas City Experiment
Directed Policing; increased number of patrols depending on time and frequency of crimes