Chapter 2: The Crime Picture Flashcards
Get tough on crime
Era with increased incarceration rates , increased population, high police prescence
Three strikes
longer prison sentences for those who commit three felonies
the reinstitution of former inmates after they have been released from prison
When was the UCR developed?
NIBRS meaning
National Incident-Based Reporting System
NIBRS info
gathers details about incidents, such as place, weapons, damages, offender characteristics
NIBRS goals
enhance quality and quantity of collection
Department of Justice agency responsible for collection of CRJ data
annual survey of American households to determine extent of victimization
How did the crime trends change in the 1940’s?
crime decreased drastically due to many young men entering the serve during WW2
Crime trends during the 1960-1990
dramatic increase in most crimes due to many young men returning home from the service.
-Baby boomers entered crime prone age
Crime trends in 1991-2007
decline in most major crimes
-well funded efforts of prevention
-advances in forensic science
-better prepared agencies
Crime trends today
potential increase in crime
-economic uncertainty and lack of well paying jobs
- copycats of former criminals
Examples of violent crimes
murder, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault
-personal crimes
What types of crimes are cleared at the highest rate? Why?
violent crimes, more evidence is left behind + witnesses
Examples of property crimes
burglary, larceny, theft, MV theft, arson
Define clearance rate
proportion of reported crimes that have been “solved”
What is clearance rate based on?
based on arrests, not convictions
FBI time clock
shows the frequency of major crimes
Part 1 offenses (9)
murder, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault,burglary, larceny/theft, motor vehicle theft, identity theft, arson
Define murder
unlawful killing of a human being
Define forcible rape
unlawful sexual intercourse achieved thru force w/o consent
Define sexual battery
intentional and wrongful physical contact with a person without consent
Define date rape
forced intercourse that occurs within context of dating relationship
Define robbery
Unlawful taking/attempted taking of property in immediate possession of another by violence/force
-unarmed or armed
Define aggravated assault
2 types
Simple- no objects used in assault
Aggravated- weapon used
Define Burglary
unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or theft
3 classifications of burglary
forcible entry, unlawful entry w/o force, attempted forcible entry
Define larceny/theft
unlawful taking (or attempted) of property from the possession of another
Ex. stealing trailer
Larceny vs Robbery
In robbery the items are in direct/immediate possession of the victim. Larceny, the object is taken and not in immediate possession
Define motor vehicle theft
theft of self propelled vehicles that run on the ground
Define identity theft
using a computer to steal identity of another or represent someone illegally
-special type of larceny
Define arson
willful or malicious burning with or without intent to defraud a home, public area
Examples of Part 2 offenses
simple assaults, vandalism, gambling
Part 2 offense classification
victimless crimes, less serious than Part 1, low felony or misdemeanor
National Crime Victimization Survey
source of data based on victim self reports instead of police reports
Dark figures of crime
consists of crimes that are not reported to the police and remain unknown to officials
Crime topology
the classification of crimes
-study criminal behavior and punishment