Final Flashcards
What are the core ideas that creationists hold to
real, recent creation separately created kinds literal Adam literal Fall and Curse Global Flood
naturalistic evolution
A view of the origins of the universe that states:
All things came about by natural processes over a long period of time
All organisms can be traced back to a single common ancestor
what is a fossil
evidence of a once living organism
typically found in sedimentary rocks
body fossil
the actual organism itself or parts of it
trace fossil
indirect evidence of a fossil
the study of everything that happens to an organism from the moment it dies until it is discovered as a fossil
plate tectonics
The theory that the earth’s crust is made of different plates that move
Universal Common Descent
The theory that all organisms are descended from a single common ancestor
bringing forth live young that have developed inside the body of the parent
producing young by means of eggs that are hatched after they have been laid by the parent
producing young by means of eggs which are hatched within the body of the parent, as in some snakes
sexual dimorphism
Variation in morphology and/or behavior associated with gender
Changes in allele frequencies in a population over time
The evolutionary process by which new species arise
Evolutionary change above the level of species
Very large changes over time necessary for the creation of higher-level groups
Two unrelated species acquire the same feature independently
Resemblance in biological structure or function that is the result of shared common ancestry
Comparable biological structures or functions that arose independently
radiometric dating
a method of dating geological or archeological specimens by determining the relative proportions of particular radioactive isotopes present in a sample
4 types of radiometric decay
alpha decay
beta decay
nuclear fission
electron capture
3 main assumptions with radiometric dating
The number of parent and daughter isotopes has only changed by radioactive decay (no contamination)
The amount of daughter isotopes at the beginning is either zero or an amount that can be accurately determined (we know the initial conditions)
The rate of decay has been constant over time
the record of animals burrowing in the sediments
Cambrian explosion
almost every known phylum is present
almost every known class is present
all appear suddenly without ancestry
explanations for the Cambrian explosion
lack of fossils
poor soft-bodied preservation material
real, rapid, evolutionary event
Permian-Triassic extinction
most severe mass extinction
the study of the classification of organisms
traditional taxonomy
domain kingdom phylum class order family genus species
An evolutionary tree that indicates closeness of relationships
Phylogenetic analysis involving the search for monophyletic groups by means of character analysis
A group of taxa all united by common descent (i.e., monophyletic)
an observable trait
A character distinct to a particular taxon
An apomorphy uniting two or more taxa that is particular to those taxa (“derived character”)