Final Flashcards
An image in the collective unconscious; an innate pattern that influences experience of the real world (anima and shadow)
Personal unconscious
That part of the unconscious derived from an individuals experience
Collective unconscious
The inherited unconscious (not developed by personal experience)
Function of mythology
Contain the wisdom of the ages lying dormant in the brain and offer guidance for human life
Jung’s center of personality
The ego is seen as the center of consciousness, whereas the Self is defined as the center of the total personality, which includes consciousness, the unconscious, and the ego; the Self is both the whole and the center.
The principle in which events are determined by transpersonal forces instead of by causes generally understood by science
Psychological type
A persons characteristic pattern of major personality dimensions (thinking-feeling, introversion-extroversion, sensation intuition)
Fully functioning person
Rogers term for mentally healthy person. Must tune out adverse socialization messages.
Openness to experience, existential living, organismic trust, experiential freedom, creativity
Actualizing tendency
The tendency for growth and reaching full potential that is innate in all organisms
Organismic valuing process
Inner sense within a person which guides them in the directions of growth and health
Ideal self
What a person feels they ought to be like
Real self
The self that contains the actualizing tendency
Unconditional positive regard
Accepting and valuing a person without requiring particular behaviors as a prerequisite
Hierarchy of needs
Ordered progress of motives from basic to physical needs upward to motives of the most developed humans
Deficiency motivation
Motivation at lower levels of development
Being motivation
Higher level motivation in which the need for self actualization predominates
Non-possessive love, characteristic of a self- actualized person
Selfish love, characteristic of a person who is not self actualized
Characteristics of self actualized people
Efficient perception of reality, acceptance, spontaneity, problem centered, private, autonomy, respect, humor, creative
Peak experience
Mystical states of consciousness, characteristic of many but not all self actualized people
Positive psychology
Emphasizes healthy functioning, with concern for immediate experience and positive emotions
Higher stage of consciousness that results from following the 8 fold path; also can be called awakening
Four noble truths
That there is suffering, that it has a cause, that suffering can cease, and that there is a path to end suffering
Craving for a variety of things, the source of suffering
The goal of spiritual development in which there is no attachment, and therefore suffering has ended
No self; no reality
A transformation from ordinary consciousness in which a person recognizes the true nature of things and the path to spiritual progress
Hungry ghosts
One of several realms of existence in Buddhist teaching, characterized by persistent unsatisfied cravings
Combining ideas from a variety of theories
Coexistence of various theories without attempting to combine them
Unified theory
Combines diverse aspects from various approaches, indicating how they are organized and related
Emergent determinism
Determinism from higher mental processes in contrast to lower order determinism
An approach that looks at its culture from its own point of view
Prospective of the observer