Final Flashcards
Lumbar hyperlordosis
Shortened erectors
Anterior pelvic tilt
Tight quads
Weak gluts
Protruding abdomen
Weak abdominals
Foot flare
Tight external hip rotators
Pain over lateral knee/SI
Shortened TFL
Muscles used to improve anterior pelvic tilt
Rectus abdominals
Gluteus max
Muscles used to improve posterior pelvic tilt
Rectus femoris
Erector spinae
Assessment of lower cross
Hip extension
Hip abduction
Glut bridge
P-A instability
Inability to hold knee extension
Facilitated hamstrings
Inhibited gluts
Hip extension-faulty pattern meaning
Upper back/T spine activated first with trap activation
Eval contralateral latissimus dorsi
Correction of altered hip extension
Stretch: hip flexors
Strengthen: gluts/abdominals
Hip abduction Decreased ROM Hip flexion Hip external rotation Hip hiking
Decreased rom: tight adductor
Hip flexion: TFL
Ext rotation: piriformus
Hiking: QL
Correcting poor hip abduction motor patterns
Stretch: TFL, QL, piriformis
Strengthen: glut max
What is a frontal plane stabilizer during single leg stand
What controls trunk rotation through connection with lat
What is a Sagittarius plane stabilizer of trunk during gait and standing
Gluts have what important stabilizer function
Sagittarius plane stabilizer of trunk during gait
Frontal plane stabilizer during single leg/trendelenburg!*****
What is stratification syndrome
Upper and lower cross combo
Muscles of stratification syndrome
Weak: lower scap stabilizer
Lumbosacral/ erector spines and gluts
Tight: c and T erector, upper trap, levator, hamstrings
Lifting mechanics
Never lift in a fully flexed position
Direct force vector through navel
Work on the hip hinge
Scapular dyskinesis frequently involved in what
GH derangement
64% instability
100% impingement
What causes scapular dyskinesis?
Age: decreased posterior tilt and upward rotation abilities
What innervates the serratus anterior?
Long thoracic (prevents winging scapula)
Functions of rotator cuff
Stabilization of humeral head in glenoid (compress humuerous into glenoid)
Provide muscular in balance
-stabilize GH
Rotation of humeral head
Rotator cuff anatomyr
Teres minor
Rotator cuff dysfunction
Weakened by age, disuse, smoking, spurs
Supraspinatous has the zone of overload
2 MC cited causes of rotator cuff tears
Subacromial impingement
Tendon degeneration
What is shoulder impingement
Functionally: Loss of normal scapulohumeral motion
Structural: osteophytes/anatomical variation
S/s of impingement
Pain from deltoid insertion to under AC joint
Abduction and internal rotation cause pain
Impingement and degrees
Begins at 30-70 degrees
Maximal at 70-120 abduction (“neers painful arc”) (middle deltoid pain)
Adhesive capsulitis
Aka frozen shoulder
DM/thyroid if no reason for onset
Females MC
Lost external rotation then abduction!!!
Motion limitations in adhesive capsulitis
External rotation
Internal rotation
Lateral epicondylitis
Eccentric activities that produce more torque stimulate collagen production is better
Tennis MC—> remove from sport
Carpal tunnel management
Median nerve—Nerve flossing
Strengthen intrininsic muscles of the hand—rubber band around fingers —> increases stability
Postural syndrome McKenzie
Pain only on static loading
No effect of repeated movements
End range stress of normal structures
Derangement McKenzie
Loading strategies centralis of make symptoms better
Anatomical disruption or displacement within the motion segment
Dysfunction McKenzie
Pain only produced at limited end range
End range stress of shortened structures
Joints that are restricted in mobility
Ankle Hip T GH Upper cervical
Joints that are restricted in stability (hyper mobile)
Lower cervicals
Which is easier and less shear forces? Open vs closed
Closed chain easier
Open has increased shear forces
Vastus medialis obliques (VMO) functions
1 stabilizer for the knee cap
1 medial stabilizer for knee
First to atrophy post knee injury
Screw home mechanism
External tibial rotation and anterior glid of medial tibial during final 20 of knee extension
Tibia in position of max stability and allows relaxation of quads when standing
What is the best for activating the VMO post injury
Terminal arc extension
(Pillow under knee, push knee into)
Do bc VMO least efficient in last 20 degrees of extension
Best predictor of ACL tear
Box jumps
Ligament MC damaged with inversion sprain
Anterior talofibular
Ankle rehab acute phase
PRICE Brace Elastic wrap Crutches Stim Pain free ROM (AVOID plantar flexion and inversion)
Ankle rehab subacute phase
ROM-active Adjusting Gastroc/soles stretching Resistance exercises: rubber tubing, toe raises, towel crunches Proprioception Sport specific