Final Flashcards
Function of the Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus (MLF)
The function of the MLF is to coordinate bilateral eye movement and eye/head movement.
It also coordinates all the LMN across the 3 nuclear groups: Oculomotor, Trochlear and Abducens.
Cranial Nerve III
Superior Rectus Medial Rectus Inferior Rectus Inferior Oblique Levator Palpabrae
Cranial Nerve IV
Superior Oblique
Cranial Nerve VI
Lateral Rectus
Superior Oblique Action
Looking down and medial
Inferior Oblique Action
Looking upward and medial
Deep Cerebellar Nuclei (DCL)
Dentate Nucleus
Interposed Nucleus
Fastigial Nucleus
Medial Vestibulospinal Tract
Responsible for head relative to eye position.
Descending: Inferior and Medial Vestibular Nuclei.
Travels in bilateral MLF
Lateral Vestibulospinal Tract
Controls posture and balance.
Goes all the way down to the Lumbosacral spinal cord.
Does not travel in the MLF rather lateral tegmentum?
Caudate Nucleus
Nucleus Accumbuns
Lenticular Nuclei
Globus Palladum (E and I) Putamen
Excitatory +
Inhibitory -
Excitatory + OR Inhibitory -
Excitatory +
Corticostriatal Pathways + or -
Allcortical inputs to the BG are glutamatergic (+)
What NT do striatal neurons project to the external and internal globus pallidus?
GABAergic (-)
What NT do the Globus pallidus and substantial nigra pars reticulata neruons project to the VL thalamas
GABAergic (-)
Subthalamic neurons projecting tothe globus pallidus internal project what type of NT?
Glutamatergic (+)
Basal Ganglia Outpt Circuits
GPi and SNpr are the basal ganglia output cicuits.
Their axons project to the VA/VL Thalamas (Gpi) and superior colliculus (SNpr).
Input to the Basal Ganglia
Corticostriatal Pathways from coritcal inputs from M1 and Premotor cortex.
All inputs feed into the BG cia the striatum (Caudate and Putamen)
Nigrostriatal Pathways also projects to teh striatum to modulate the corticostriatal inputs.
The Associative Loop Functions
In charge of cognitive functions. Executive functions, dealing with facts and decisions making analysis.
The Limbic Loop Functions
The Limbic loop’s is part of the orbitofrontal cortex and the cingulate gyrus.
Its function is associated with emotions and monitoring behavior, motivation and planning.
Motor Loop (Direct Pathway)
BA4, 6 (M1, PM, and SM)
Stiratum (Putamen)
VL/ VA (mainly VL)
Oculomotor Loop
Caudate Body
VL/VA (mainly VA)
Associative Loop (Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex)
Prefrontal Cortex
Caudate Body
GPi/ SNPR (Mainly SNpr)
VA/Dorsal Medial Nucleus of Thalamus (mainly VA)
Limibic Loop
Cingulate, Orbitofrontal CX
Ventral Sriatum (Mainly Nucleus Accumbens)
Ventral Palladum (kinda Gpi)
VA/Dorsal Medial Thalamus (mainly DMT)
Medial Vestibulospinal Tract Function
Head relative to eye position.
Lateral Vestibulospinal Tract Function
Posture and Balance
Area 3A (Brodman)
In the post central gyrus.
Vestibular information is combined with neck movements
Area 2V (Intraparietal Sulcus)
This area receives visual information about attention to your body in space. Understanding ones posture in space.
Retro-Insular Cortex
Orientation of the environment.
Anterior Group of Hypothalamus Corresponds to?
Middle Zone in the Coronal Cut
Middle Group of Hypothalamus Corresponds to?
Periventricular Zone in the Coronal Cut
Anterior Group/Middle Zone Contain which Nuclei, Release and Control?
Supraoptic and Paraventricular Nuclei (Magnocellular)
ADH and Oxytocin
Posterior Pituitary
Middle Group/Periventricular Zone Contain which Nuclei, Release and Control
Periventricular Nuclei (Parvocelullar)
Inhibiting Factors and Hormone Releasing Factors
Anterior Pituitary
Ascending Vestibular Pathways go to what part of the Thalamus?
Lenticular Nucleus
Globus Pallidus
Ascending Outputs of the Cerebellum go to what part of the Thalamus?
Basal Ganglia indirect and direct pathways involve which part of the thalamus?
The Bladder Control Pathway Involves which part of the Thalamus?
Sympathetic Preganglionic Neurons
Myelenated (White Ramus)
Short Preganglionic
Releases ACH
Located within the lateral horn of Rexxed 7 in the intermediolateral nucleus (Lateral Horn) of T1 - L3.
Sympathetic Postganglionic Neurons
Unmyelenated (Gray Ramus)
Long Postganglionic
Release Epinephrine
Located within the sympathetic chain
Parasympathetic Preganglionic Neurons
Long Preganglionic
Releases ACH
Locateed within the brainstem (III, IV, IX, X) and the Sacral Spinal Cord (S2 - S4).
Parasympathetic Postganglionic Neurons
Short Postganlionic
Releases ACH
Located very close to their target organs, if not on them.
III Pre, post locations and function
Pre - Edinger Westphal Nucleus
Post - Ciliary Nucleus
Function - Pupil constriction, near vision (lens accomodation)
Vii Pre, post locations and function
Pre - Superior Salivatory Nucleus
Post - Sphenopalatine and Submandibular Ganglia
Function - Tearing, mucosa, saliva
IX Pre, post locations and function
Pre - Inferior Salivatory Nucleus
Post - Otic Ganglia
Function - Saliva parotid gland
X Pre, post locations and function
Pre - Dorsal Motor Vagus Nucleus
Post - Terminal Ganglia
Function - Heart, Lungs, GI viscera
T1 - L3 Pre, post locations and function
Pre - Intermediolateral Nucleus
Post - Paravertebral and Prevertebral Ganglia
Function - All viscera
S2 - S4 Pre, post locations and function
Pre - Intermediate Zone (Rexxed VII)
Post - Terminal Ganglia
Function - Urogenital Organs
The Dorsal Longitudinal Fasciculus (DLF)
Relays pain control, extensive visceral information (solitary nucleus), plus hypothalamic paraventricular, periventricular and supraoptic nuclei.
It descends through the brainstem via the PAG
The Middle Forebrain Bundle (MFB)
The MFB relays inputs from the prefrontal limbic, striatum, and lateral hypothalamus. MFB axons are directed in the dorsolateral tegmentum of the brainstem to synpase with RF neurons and cranial preganglionic parasympathetic neurons.