Final Flashcards
Feeling deprived or sad because of another’s belongings, talents, or success.
Guidelines for Christlike living that will make us happy and lead us to eternal life.
Situations and institutions that harm people and are opposed to the will of Christ.
Social Sin
Regarding a race as inferior.
Holy Communion given to a person who is dying in a special rite. Word means “with you on the way.”
True sorrow for failing to love.
When God, through the ministry of the Church and its priest, gives you pardon for your sins.
The teaching authority of the Church.
Prejudice against older people.
One of the simple stories that Jesus told to show us what the Kingdom of God is like. Parables present images drawn from everyday life. These images show us the radical choice we make when we respond to the invitation to enter the Kingdom of God. In a parable, a comparison is made between something familiar and the truth Jesus wants to bring to our attention.
The restoration of something lost or stolen to its proper owner.
The act of being sexually unfaithful to one’s husband or wife.
Bad example.
Another name for the Roman Missal.
The glorified appearance of Jesus witnessed by Peter, James, and John. It teaches us that glory comes through the Cross.
A turning point occurred for all humanity the day the Holy Spirit came to the church. Mary and the disciples were gathered in the upper room of a house. They had been commissioned by Christ to go and baptize, the bring the good news of salvation and love to all people.
40 days after Jesus rose from the dead, he returned to his father by raising up in front of the apostles.
No one saw the Resurrection happen. The Gospel accounts of it vary. However they agree on two facts: there was an open, empty tomb, and the disciples had the experience of seeing Jesus risen
The second coming, when the resurrection of the dead will take place.
The public prayer of the Church to praise God and to sanctify the day. It includes an office of readings before sunrise, morning prayer at dawn, evening prayer at sunset, and prayer before going to bed. The chanting of psalms makes up the major proportion of each of these services.
Liturgy of the Hours
The gift of God, given to us without our merit. It is the Holy Spirit alive in us
Attitude that allows you to do good
At the moment of death, you will see your hidden self and realize how much you have become like Jesus. Then, based one that likeness, you will realize before God how you fit or do not fit into the kingdom of love
Particular Judgement
List of qualities that are found in Galatians 5:22-23. Tell if you are open to the spirit. Tell what your life will be like. Found in the life of a true disciple.
Fruits of the Holy Spirit
The time from the last supper to his death, when Jesus suffered
The eternal destiny of the human race and every person.
Last Judgement
The mother of Jesus, she was present with the disciples at Pentecost
the power to trust God and accept all as true all he has revealed and teaches through the church
God’s son who was sent to Earth to Preach and Teach the gospel
cause to change in form, character, or function.
- the virtue by which we believe God completely
- the trust and confidence that God will give us eternal life
(love) - virtue that helps us to love God
Also known as _ _
Theological Virtues
Ordained through the sacrament of Holy Orders
Deacon, Priest, Bishop
Main roles of a bishop
Three out of four of the actions that bonded the community together, names in the Acts of the Apostles 2:42. The last is devotion to the teaching of the apostles.
Communal Life
Breaking Bread
Three Vows:
- living a simple life/giving up material possessions
- living an unmarried life for the sake of the kingdom
- listening to God through superiors
Beatitudes (all 8)
Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they who mourn,
for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they shall be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the clean of heart,
for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called children of God.
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
All three are meals that God gave us.
- when God gave manna to the Israelites during their 40-year wandering in the desert. It fell from the sky when they woke up and they knew it was from heaven.
- the last meal Jesus ate with his disciples on the night before he died. At the last Supper, Jesus took Bread and wine, blessed them, and they became his body and blood, soul and divinity. Jesus’ Death and Resurrection, his sacrifice that we celebrate in the Eucharist, were anticipated in this meal.
- Jesus’ body that we receive every Sunday at mass.
Manna in the Desert
Last Supper