Final Flashcards
When did On recieve equlization payments
ON area
1 million square km
N. ON % population
Niagara escarpment
most variable topography. Most reisstant rock
Petite Cote
Present day windsor. Found by french in 1749
When did British loyalists come to canada
1700s after American revolution
Joined british in war of 1812. Died in Moraviantown at battle thames
Ontario name
Beautiful water in iroquois. 1867
10 Great lake ports
Chicago toronto detroit cleveland buffalo milwaukee hamilton toledo windsor thunder bay
Laurentide ice sheet
Covered canada 18,000 years ago. Melted 10-5000 years ago. Formed great lakes. Ontario at the bottom
Welland Canal
- Bypass niagara falls
Lake effect snow
Cold wind moves over warm water. Snowbelt downwind of lakes. Kitchener, london, windsor
Gulf of mexico wind and cold lake breezes
3 great lake concerns
Health of lakes and eutrophication
Toxic contamination and bacteria
Exotic species like goby and sea lamprey
Why is economy anchored in ontario
Size of population
Above average income
Cluster of cities, universities, tech
Central location in NA
5 regions in On
Northern Eastern Central Golden Horseshoe Southwestern
3 biggest cities in Northern ON
Thunder bay
Sault st marie
Eastern ON
Ottawa, Kingston, Cornwall
Federal government
Central On
Cottage country
Barrie, Peterborough, Orillia
Golden Horseshoe
Toronto, Hamilton, St. Catherines
Finance, insurance, healthcare, education
Manufacturing and agriculture
Kitchener, London, Windsor
Main export of N ON
Softwood lumber
Land in Northern on is owned by Ontario gov. They determine the allowable annual cut
Minerals in canadian shield
Gold, nickel, silver, copper
Leader of mineral production
Northern Ontario
2 transportation corridors that are populated in N ON
N branch of TCH and Canadian national rail
S branch of TCH and CPR
Niagara Fruit belt
Microclimate between lake ontario and erie
3 reasons for manufacturing dveelopment in S ON
Proximity to US
Trade restriction–> national policy
Size of market and workforce
Where were the first auto plants
Detroit and Windsor
% of cars made in S ON
15% of vehicles in NA
Workers in ON auto industry
5 parts of auto industry
Material suppliers Parts production small factories Vehicle assembly plants Service firms Corporate
Just in time principle
Used in auto industry. Reduce inventory and labour costs by only ordering in materials as needed
Benefits of Auto pact (1995)
Guaranteed Canadian plants would not close
Plants could specialize in a model
Reduce cost of vehicles
Auto pact conditions
Both Canada and Us eliminate 15% tariff on vehicles and parts.
Canada guaranteed minimum level of production
Precursor to NAFTA
Biggest auto producer in NA
Plants in S ON and the 5 companies
8 plants GM Chrysler Ford Toyota Honda
Big 3
90% of vehicles made by them in 1990
60% when toyota and honda came in 2010
Why do japanese car companies come here
Skilled workforce
Publically funded healthcare
Sunlight reacts to pollutants and vehicle exhaust
% of ON exports that go to US
80%–> we have alot of primary sector materials
30% of that is car stuff
Technology triangle of canada
Kitcher, Waterloo, Cambridge
% On and QC pop living in urban area
3 impacts of urbanization
Farms subdivided into smaller units
Reluctance to plant new trees
Greater demand for services
Holding onto land waiting for the prices to get higher
Most densely populated area in Canada
Golden horseshoe–> 7.5 million people
% of Toronto pop that are visible minorities
ON cities
Toronto ottawa Hamilton kitchener/waterloo london windsor sudbury thunderbay sault st marie north bay timmins
% of French first language in Quebec
75% of immigrants choose to learn it
3 areas for anglophones in QC
Eastern Townships
Ottawa river valley
Do not speak english, french or native as first language
QC pop difference between 1871 and now
32%–> 24%
Growth out west
Moving corporate HQ to ontario
% of QC in the shield
Lowest emitter of greenhouse gases
Greenhouse gas
Allow solar radiation through but absorb infrared from the earth
QC gas tax
Extra 0.08 cents/litre for gas
Sailed to chaleur bay QC in 1534. Found the SLR
Father of new france. Made trading post in QC in 1608
MAde Ville-Marie (Montreal) in 1642
Plains of Abraham
Britain beat france in 1759. Ruled QC for 100 years
Treaty of Paris
1763– awarded New France to britain
Quebec Act
1774– Gave rights to use French, Catholicism, French civil law
3 QC explansion
1898– N border extended into shield
1912: Doubles in size, adds Nunavik
1927: Labrador/QC border follows drainage divide
2 economic zones in QC and ON
Agriculture and Manufacturing South
Resource periphery in North
Hydro Quebec
Made in 1944, Jean lesage made it good in the 60s when he bought out all private utilities. Tried to buy out NB in 2009
3 things hydro depends on
Adequate precipitation
Variable topography
Access to markets
4 benefits of hydro
Long life of facilities
Low operating cost
Job creation
James Bay project
Dam all 20 rivers into the bay. La grande cost 15 billion and took 10 years to finish in the 70s
Community in QC made along with a highway to make hydro plants in the north
2 physiographic regions in N QC
Canadian shield
Hudson bay lowlands
90% inuit. 15 settlements could establish a regional government in Kuujaq
Leading producer of softwood. Why.
QC. Better quality than american due to cold temperatures slowing growth
QC mining
4 billion in minerals/ year
Iron ore, copper, gold
3 threats to QC tourism
Canadian dollar parity
Uncertain global economy
Thickening US border
70% of QC lives in 6 cities
Montreal quebec city gatineau sherbrooke saguenay trois rivieres
Merge of Chicoutimi and Jonquiere in 2002
BC physiographic regions
Interior Plains in the north east
Insular mountains
Form haida gwaii and Vancouver island
BC vegetation
Rainforest coast
Semi-arid interior
Tundra at high elevations
7 BC regions
Vancouver Island- Coast Lower Mainland- SW Thompson-okanagan Kootenay Cariboo-prince george Skeena- north coast North east
Vancouver island-coast
Coast mountain range
Mildest winters in canada
Forestry, fishing, government services
Lower mainland SW
Agricultural area with alluvial soil. Majority of pop live here in vancouver CMA
Kamloops and Kelowna
Rail lines along thomspon river
Nice summers for tourism
Nelson, Cranbrook, Fernie
Continental divide in border between alberta
Cariboo-Prince George
Regional services and UNBC
Forestry, mining, ranching, pulp and paper
Skeena Northcoast
Isolated around Alaska, Prince rupert is 2nd biggest port
Fishing, mining, aluminum smelting, hydro
Northeast BC
Only highway connecting to Yukon and Alaska
Pop in BC
Fast growing, many asian immigrants
4 main BC exports
natural gas
Is BC a core
No. There is no manufacturing base. No longer a resource based economy
% BC exports go to Asia
Asia- Pacific Gateway corridor
Improve ifrastructure to BC ports– mines are really far away
Pineapple express
Warm air from hawaii keeps BC mild and wet in the winter
2 things effecting forestry in BC
Mountain pine beetle
Fire in okanagan– dry, wind, lightining
Spain gave up land at what degree
42 degrees North– us border is now 49 degrees to manitoba
BC 1800s
Influx of americans during gold rush
1858: named a colony to insure british rule
BC joined in
1871– 6th province
3 BC rail lines
Northern alberta
Canadian national
BC fishing
80 species, salmon herring and shellfish are most valued but they are exploited
Tragedy of commons
Destruction of non-renewable resources that are not privately owned
4 reasons for salmon exploitation
5 year migration cycle
Foresty and hydro destroy spawning ground
Native over fishing
American fishing canadian salmon
BC mining
Export is hard due to distance
Shale deposit in NE BC has gas
Need roads and pipelines
Where is 1/2 of canadas softwood
BC forestry employment
Was 50% in 1960
Now t is 12%
Coast forest
Mild temp and lots of rain make huge old trees
hemlock, fir, cedar
Interior boreal forest
Ponderosa and mountain pine
Less rain, drought and fire, make small young trees
Softwood Lumber Trade Agreement
US returned 4 billion in duties it had been charging on chepa canadian lumber despite NAFTA
US couldnt impose trade actions
Canada must impose taxes after a value
BC cities
% BC living in LMSW region
% Vancouver chinese and non religious
20% asian
1/3 non religious
Alberta name
Princess louise caroline alberta was 4th daughter of victoria and prince albert
Sask and manitoba names
Cree for swift flowing water
Cree for lake of the prairies
Prairies settlement patterns
Before confed. it was metis in narrow lots on river
After 1869 it was 1/4 mile square grids
Why has prairie rural pop declined since the 40s
Farms are larger and more mechanized. Lower pop density
More grain, less livestock–> less people needed
Less business for villages due to low pop
highways bypass small villages
Rationalization of road and rail system
Infrequently used corridors shut down. Fewer villages means less dense road network. Decline in villages means closing railines and closing railines makes less villages.
3 sites of growth in the prairies
Dormitory towns
Sites of government services
Resource towns
Gateway city
Central prairie cities act as collection and distriution point between Northern hinterland. Reflects strength of the North. Edmonton, Prince Albert, Thompson
Land surveying prairies
Forced metis to sign treaties. Divided land into 36 sections and gave each european settler a quarter of a section to build a homestead
3 homesteader problems
Grid system dispersed pop and makes them isolated
Not prepared for isolation and climate
Forced to practice summer fallow
Canadian Pacific Railway
HBC allowed construction. US already had 3 railways. Completed in 1885
Cooperative commonwealth federation (CCF)
Socialist philosophy now called the NDP
Social credit party
1935-1993. Strict religious philosophy popular in 40s and 50s
Reform party
1987- 2000– Preston Manning in alberta. Strong conservative right wing. Became offical opposition and changed name to Canadian alliance
Canadian Alliance
2000- 2003. Preston manning and stephen harper. Merged with conservatives in 2003. Now the Conservative party
Lowest unemployment rate in canada
Prairie provinces
Prairie economy 70s
Price of oil and US demand increased
Tech advancement allowed seperating sand from oil
Sask potash demand grew
Agricultural fringe
Lower quality grain used for livestock
Fertile belt
High soil moisture and adequate frost free period
Wheat, canola, beans, peas, sunflowers
Mixed farming
Dry belt
Cattle ranching and only wheat.
Practice continuous cropping to reduce weeds and soil erosion
Irrigation is necessary
Great sand hills
SW sask. Sand dunes formed by wind and galcial lake deposits. Grasslands surround
Economies of sale
Reduction in per unit cost resulting from an increased output–> livestock slaughtering in Brandon and red deer for secondary sector
Oil mixed with sand found in sedimentary rock in prairies
Oil production and corporate cities
3 alberta pipelines
Alliance gas
Interprovincial oil
Trans canada
4 leadings natural resources in the prairies
natural gas
Oil sands
mixed with hot water, transported to processing plants. Large hydrocarbons are broken down. Sent to refineries to make into gasoline, propane and diesel
Oil ponds
2 billion litres d ay. Oil companies must reclaim tailing ponds but no solution currently exists . Oil sands scar landscape and emit gases
Mining in the praries
Eastern rockies AB has coal
Potash and uranium in Sask
Copper in flin flon Man
Nicke line, railway and town all made in 1957
% of prairies forestry in AB
The pas
Manitoba resource town with a big pulp and paper mill
Cities in prairies
Calgary edmonton winnipeg Saskatoon Regina Lethbridge Red deer Medicine hat Brandon Prince albert Moose jaw
S Alberta population corridor
Densely populated from Edmonton, red deer, calgary. 20% growth in last 10 years
3 companies with Calgary HQ
Imperial oil (Esso)
Gateway to the west
Winnipeg. Was the largets city in prairies in 1900 for grain processing and shipment
Red River Settlement
1810 Selkirk from scotland aquired land from HBC. Scottish settlers came to farm
Red river
Decreasing South to north elevation
Impermeable soil, melting snow a the head, ice at the base adds to damming. Chernozemic soil. Flooding
Red River floodway
Constructed in 1969. 48 km long and diverts excess water around Winnipeg
4 reasons for high unemployment in Atlantic Canada
Division of 4 small provs = no integrated economy
Resources like coal and iron have been exhausted
Widely dispersed pop
Long distance from cities = no manufacturing base
2 boosts to Nfld economy
offshore petroleum deposits
commuting to alberta oil sands
2 physiographic regions in AC
Appalachian uplands
Canadian shield
Torngat mountains
Formed 750million years ago in northern labrador
3 connections between labrador and quebec
Hydro from QC transmission lines
Iron ore in labrador sent to Sept iles port
Labrador- Quebec highway connects to Happy Valley- Goose Bay
Nor Easter
Winter storm gain moisture from atlantic and rapidly intensify over maritimes
Gulf stream
Warm ocean current from east florida meets labrador current in newfoundland and makes it foggy
Labrador current
Brings icebergs from greenland that sunk titanic
Sydney tar ponds
Iron and steel on cape breton left waste in atr ponds that spilled everyhwhere and caused cancer. Spent 400 million cleaning it up from 98- 2012
First europeans in Newfoundland in 1000 AD
John Cabot
Italian explorer came into nfld 1947 looking for asia
1700s AC pop
PEI joined in
Nfld joined in
1873– 7th
1949– 10th
Intercolonial railway
Montreal to halifax lured Maritimes to join at confederation
National policy
Developed Ontario and Quebec as core. AC is periphery
Cape breton steel
Was basis of economy but after WW2 and railroads the demand dropped and it closed in 2001
Alberta commute
Fly to Fort Mc murray 20 days, 8 days home
Atlantic continental shelf
Extends 400 km offshore. Extended coastline with shallow water
Largest bank
Grand banks east of St johns
Georges bank
1977 government claimed control over coats for 200 nautical miles. Us did the same at it overlapped. 5/6 given to US but ours has scallops for NS
Fishing AC
Nfld– relies on cod
Maritime– floundr, shrimp, crab,lobster, scallops
% value of lobster
60% of maritime fishery
Mismanagement of cod based on 3 factors
Cod stock estimates too high by DoFaO
Pressure for high quotas by Nfld politicians
Canada doesnt have outer grand banks –> 2 million tons of cod/year
Cod collapse
1992–> cod dont reproduce until age 7
Forestry AC
Mostly in NB for 300 years. 5 mills have closed since 2007
Hibernia oil project
Largest of 4 drilling operations in Nfld. Accounts for 12% of all oil production. Huge cost to build
Voiseys bay
Nickel mine in Nfld close to surface and short distance from ocean
Churchill Falls
2nd largest hydro plant in NA. Created the smallwood resevoir. Must be transmitted through QC to reach US. QC buys the power at 1969 prices until 2041
% of agricultural land in maritimes and nfld
5% maritimes
0.1% nfld
3 agricultural areas in AC
PEI potatoes
Saint john river valley dairy
Fruit in annapolis valley
Annapolis Valley
Nova scotia low lying area near Bay of Fundy and Minas basin. Fertile, well drained soil for ag
AC population growth
Well below average
8% decline in Nfld
0.5% decline NB
7% commute to alberta during oil booms–> 10,000
AC rural pop
Twice canada average of 20%
Newfoundland resettlement program
Federal and provincial gov moved tiny village residents to 77 growth centres –> 75% agreed
150 villages abandoned under this program
Confederation bridge
13 km long between PEI nd NB over North Cumberland Strait
5/ 33 CMAs in AC
Halifax St johns Saint John Fredricton Charlottetown
Capital of british colony of Nfld until 1949
St Johns
Largest region
Territorial north
North pop
High population growth from natives
4 physiographic regions of the north
interior plains
arctic archipelago
Territory vegetation
Tundra, moss and shrubs
Precipiation less than 250 mm a year
Arctic circle
66.5 degrees N. Above this there will be a day without sun and a day without dark
Settle along coats and eat marine animals
Hutn acribou with bow and arrow in boreal forest and tundra of NWT
Found baffin island looking for asia in 1576. Murked inuits, Frobisher bay named iqualuit in 1987
Inuit trade
Whalers came to davis strait and baffin bay in 1800s, spent time on land in winters, traded weapons for meat
native resettlement
1960s gov moved them to settlements to protect them and to deliver services efficiently. Caused loss of culture and social issues. Main income is from government
arctic 50s
Cold war meant rsdar stations built at 70 degrees North to look for soviet bombers
why fight for arctic
Russia wants it
Gas beneath ocean floor
Commercial shipping route pending ice
Arctic cooperation agreement 1988
US ahs to ask before sailing, Canada has to say yes
Arctic waters pollution prevention act 1985
Right to control access to coats within 12 natutical miles by UN convention
% urban in territories
50% live in the capitals
Territory cities
Whitehorse yellowknife inuvik iqualuit hay river
primary sector jobs in territories vs canada
15% vs 4$
Territorial formula financing
Economy based on natural resources and federal transfer payments
Inukitut for our land. Made in 1999
Why dont fly in workers help territory economy
Spend wages at home
Pay income tax to province
Mackenzie River Valley Pipeline project
Transport natural gas from northern alaska to mackenzie river valley proposed in 70s, rejected due to Dene land claims, environemtnal concerns and dropping gas prices. Being discussed again
Normal Well Oil Fields project 1985
From NWT to N alberta, Output is 2 million cubic meters annually. Climate change can melt permafrost
NWT diamonds project
14 days on, 14 off fly in rotation. Brings in 2.1 billion dollars a year. Canada is 3rd biggest diamond producer