Final Flashcards
New Media
Emerging digital media
When did the term new media come about?
First appeared in the early 1900s, then took off in the 1980s and peaked in 2000s
One of the means or channels of general communication, information, or entertainment in society as newspapers, radio, or television
Drawback of human senses
Only input
Drawback of gestures
Must be present, much have meaning
Innovation and drawback of pointing
Beyond the self but must be present
Innovation of signs
Innovation and drawback of speech
Distance/line of sign but permanence
Innovation and drawback of cave painting
Permanence but clarity/non-abstract
Innovation of pictograms
Standardize and sequence
Innovation of ideograms
Drawback of logographic writing
Doesn’t scale well
What is English writing?
Alphabetic/phonographic writing
communication at/across a distance
Drawback of courier/mail
Letters lost/intercepted, must trust messenger, knowledge of where to deliver the message
First form of mass communication
What did the printing press lead to?
Mass media
When did the telegraph first come about?
Early 1800s
What was the first form of electronic communication?
What was the innovation of the telegraph?
Metcalfe’s Law
Value of telecommunication network is proportional to square of the number of connected users (exponentially)
Disruptive technologies
Far worse than existing but superior in one key vector; disrupting what’s established
The ability to perfectly reproduce information ad infinitum at a cost over time has become asymptotically close to zero and the ability to store and process information at a scale and speed beyond human ability
Binary digit; 0 or 1
8 bits; can store one letter
Hard disk drive
Spinning hard drive
Solid state drive
integrated circuits to store data electronically
Kilobyte –>
Megabyte –> Gigabyte –> Terabyte
American Standard Code for Information Interchange
Central Processing Unit- Brain of the computer/clock; electronic circuitry within a computer that carries out the instructions of a computer program
What is CPU speed measured in?
What is CPU speed limited by?
Graphics Processing Unit; Parallel to handle graphics
System on a chip
All components of a computer on a single chip
Random Access memory
Working memory; only stores while device is on
Picture element
Cathode Ray Tube
Electron gun to display images
Liquid Crystal Display
Flat panel display using light modulating properties of liquid crystals
Light emitting diode
Semiconductor light source
Plasma Display
Uses electronically charged ionized gases
Organic Light Emitting Diode
Organic compound emitting light
High definition multimedia interface; audio/video transfer
3 rules of hardware
Over time computer hardware becomes: smaller, mechanically simpler, faster/more efficient
Moore’s Law
Tech doubles every 2 years
Set of symbols interpreted by a computer or piece of software
Solves a problem
Programming language
System for encoding, naming, and organizing algorithms for reuse and application
Standard library
Set of premade software you can reuse and reapply
Object-oriented programming
Filing system for code; like labeled boxes full of specific data/methods
Library where data is stored and can be called from
How does code work?
Written in a language, run letter by letter through a compiler, making instructions for the computer to execute
Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Software suite that consolidates basic tools developers need to write and test software; contains code editor, compiler/interpretor, debugger accessible through a single graphical user interface
Software development kit
Set of software tools that allows the creation of applications
Where did networks originate?
originated in military–>academic institutions–>tech corporations–>everywhere
Internet takeover
1993: 1%, 2000: 51%, 2007: 97%
(Defense) Advanced Research Projects Agency; US agency responsible for developing emerging technology for use in military
Network that became the basis for the Internet
When did ARPANET go live?
What did Metcalfe invent?
Ethernet, at Xerox PARC, in 1970s
France, 1978
Sir Tim Berners lee
Created world wide web in 1991 on a NEXT Computer
Large network of interconnected computers
Turns information from our network into information manageable by the telephone infrastructure and vice versa
Shares internet connection among multiple devices
IP Address
String of numbers representing place on the web
Small chunks of info sent across networks
Search engine
Finds websites, divided into webpages and live on web servers
Domain name
Unique name of website between www and .com
Domain name system
Hierarchical decentralized naming system for computers, services, or any resources connected to the internet or a private netowrk
Uniform resources locator; a reference (address) to a resource on the internet
Hypertext transfer protocol; application protocol that makes the web work- web servers and web browsers use to communicate with each other over the internet
Hypertext Markup Language- well known markup page used to develop web pages
Internet Protocol; defines how computers send packets of data to each other
Apple co-founders
Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne
Story of Apple
Founded April Fool’s Day, 1976, in Jobs garage, focus on personal computers
Apple I
First computer from Apple
Apple II
Carried the company
Apple III
Not successful
Developed 1983, first personal computer to offer GUI (graphical user interface)- aimed at individual business owners (too $$)
Created by Jobs 1985; brought by Apple 1997, prompted Jobs return to Apple
When was iPod invented?
When was iTunes invented?
When was iPhone released?
June 2007
When was first Apple store?
Rise of smartphones
40 million subscribers by 2001, expect 40 billion by 2020
Released Oct 2008, acquired by Google 2005
What was the first Android?
T-Mobil G1
Who created Android?
Andy Robin
Launched 1999; pioneered SaaS model- key offering of cloud computing
Amazon web services
Launched in 2006; increase audience of cloud computing
Cloud computing
Form of internet-based computing that provides shared processing resources and data to computers and other devices on-demand–>store and process data in third party data centers
Providers offer computing infrastructure
Provides deliver computing platform including OS, programming language execution environment, database, and web server
On demand software, where users gain access to application software and databases
Big data
Data sets that are so large or complex that traditional data processing is inadequate
3 V’s
Volume, velocity, variety
Google co-founders
Larry Page and Sergey Brin
Who took over as grown up CEO of Google?
Eric Schmidt in 2001
When was Google registered?
Mission of google
organize world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful
Launches in 2000, began profitability
Launches April Fool’s Day in 2004
Google Maps
Launches 2005 and revolutionizes online mapping
Google Analytics
Launches 2005 and offers free tool to better understand user behavior
Newspaper circulations pattern
Print and digital are consistently declining along with ad revenue
Cable and TV network pattern
going strong
Purchasing and selling goods/services on a large scale
Any business or commercial transaction that involves the transfer of info across the internet
Tech companies creating competition to news organization and stealing digital ad revenue
Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Twitter, Apple
Two roles left to news organizations
Writing and reporting
Digital news suffers from
Incidental readership- read one article then leave
Being able to see or inspect an item in a store then purchasing it online
What year did students use ARPANET for cannabis sale?
Who invented online shopping?
Michael Aldrich in 1979
Netscape’s innovation for commerce online
SSL (Secure socket layer) in 1994
When was invented?
1995 by Jeff bazones
When was eBay invented?
1995 by Pierce Omidyar
Product Service System example
Uber, AirBnB
Redistribution markets example
eBay, Craigslist
Privately held and valued at $1 billion
Initial public offering; stock market launch where shares of a company are sold to institutional investors that in turn sell to the public
Venture capitals and angel investors
Help startups begin operations, exchanging seed money for equity shares
Startups are funded by founders
Existing companies execute a business model, startups
Look for one
Instant messaging
Connects two people online communicating in real time
asynchronous mobile communication
Social media 7 functional building blocks
Identity; conversations; sharing; presence; relationships; reputation; groups
Context collapse
Audiences possible online versus limited groups we see face to face
First text ever sent
Dec 3, 1992, Niel Papworth to Richard Jarvis; said Merry Christmas
Compact Disc invented?
1982 by James Russell
CD; increase file size but no loss in quality
MP3; lower size but quality loss
Moving Pictures Expert Group Audio Layer III; audio encoding format for digital audio, reduces data
1999-2001; peer to peer file sharing cofounded by Shawn Fanning and Sean Parker; Metallica lawsuit led to shut down
iTunes opens
2003: legal alternative to internet music downloading; mircopurchasing
First YouTube Video
April 2005
Who acquired YouTube?
Goole in 2006 for $1.6 bil
Subset of AI; software designed to automate things that you do
Artificial Intelligence
Intelligence exhibited by machines
Turing test
Is it indistinguishable from a human?
Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws of Robots
1) A robot may not injure a human being
2) A robot must obey orders given to it by humans, unless rule 1
3) A robot must protect its own existence, unless rules 1 and 2
Virtual reality
Computer generated environment that lets you experience a different realistic images, sounds, and other sensations
Augmented reality
Live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics, or GPS data
Excitement from VR stemmed from
gaming community
VR Platforms
Google Cardboard; Samsung Gear; Oculus Rift; HTC Vive; Sony Playstation
Mediated Reality
view of reality modified by a computer