Final Flashcards
What are 4 things from the environment that need to be controlled?
Dust, Odor, Flies, and Water Quality
What are the 5 ways to control environmental factors?
1) Removal of manure regularly
2) sprinkler systems
3) runoff holding ponds
4) compost manure
5) parasitic wasp- biological control
What is the largest environmental factor?
Water Quality
What must feedlots follow, regarding water quality?
Confined Animal Feeding Operation part of the Clean Water Act. Regulated by the EPA
What 3 things go into calculating the break even cost of feeder cattle?
Price of Feeder Cattle
Cost of Gain
Sale Price of Fed Cattle
How are the break even prices of cattle applied?
Calculated on an individual lot of cattle as a unit
What is the Breakeven Price Per CWT of Live Weight formula for feeder cattle?
(cost of feeder cattle + feed cost + non-feed cost)/ estimated final weight of fed cattle
What is the Breakeven Price for cost/lb of carcass formula?
(cost of weaned calf + yearling stocker cost + feedlot cost) / carcass weight
What are the 3 factors that change of the profitability of a pen of cattle?
Poor health management
Poor rates of gain
Carcass discounts
What are there high levels of when health management is poor? (3)
Realizers (chronically sick and perform poorly)
What are the discussed carcass discounts? (3)
Dark cutters
Poor Quality Grades
YG 4 and 5
What two factors go into calculating the cost of feeder cattle?
Yardage (overhead)
Factors that influence cost of gain? (2)
Feed and non-feed cost/lb of gain
Breakeven Cost
Factors affecting feed cost per pound of gain? (3)
Ration costs
Purchase cost of feeder animal
Daily gains (feed efficiency) (expect 6:1)
7 ways to improve feed efficiency?
Energy density of food
Processing grains (steamflaking and reconstituting)
Feeding growth additives and growth stimulants
Feed cattle to proper composition of gain
Control stressors
Select for genetic ability to gain rapidly
Sex of feedlot cattle
What are the factors that affect non-feed costs? (4)
Gaining ability
interest rates