Final Flashcards
Borders and Contents of Femoral Triangle
- inguinal ligament, adductor longus, and sartorius
- femoral artery, nerve and vein
Borders and Contents of Inguinal Triangle
- lateral margin of rectus sheath (linea semilunaris) is medial border
- superolateral border is inferior epigastric vessels
- inferior border is inguinal ligament
What are the 4 bones that comprise the pelvis?
- illium
- ischium
- pubis
- sacrum
What motions occur at hip joint?
- extension
- flexion
- adduction
- abduction
- medial rotation
- lateral rotation
What motions occur at knee joint?
- flexion
- extension
- medial rotation
- lateral rotation
What motions occur at talocrural joint?
- dorsiflexion
- plantar flexion
What motions occur at subtalar joint?
- inversion
- eversion
- dorsiflexion
- plantar flexion
- abduction
- adduction
Ankle Joint Movement-Pronation
- ankle joint dorsiflexes
- subtalar joint everts
- transverse tarsal joint abducts
Ankle Joint Movement-Supination
- ankle joint plantar flexes
- subtalar joint inversion
- transverse tarsal joint adducts
What movements happen at transverse tarsal joint?
- all three motions (dorsiflex, plantar flex, abduction, adduction, eversion, inversion)
- articulation between talus/navicular and calcaneus/cuboid
Medial Longitudinal Arch
- highest of 3 arched of foot
- calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuneiform and 1st three metatarsals
- supports: ligaments-spring ligament and plantar fascia; tendons-tibialis posterior and tibialis anterior
Transverse Arch of Foot
- boney structure: medial, intermediate, lateral cuneiforms and cuboid
- interlocking nature of articulations and extrinsic support/plantar structures
Lateral Arch of Foot
-boney structure: calcaneus, cuboid, metatarsal V
What are the borders of the popliteal space?
- superomedial: semimembranosus
- superolateral: biceps femoris
- inferior medial: medial half gastrocnemius
- inferolateral: lateral head gastrocnemius and plantaris
- contents: popliteal artery, popliteal vein, tibial nerve, common fibular nerve
What is the order of tendons that pass posterior to lateral malleolus from anterior to posterior?
- peroneus brevis
- peroneus longus
Name the structures that cross the dorsum of the foot in order from medial to lateral.
- medial cuneiform, middle cuneiform, lateral cuneiform, cuboid
- navicular and tarsal in next row
What is the function of the peroneal tubercle of calcaneus?
-separates tendons of peroneus brevis and longus
What is the function of the spring ligament?
-supports head of talus and bears a significant portion of body weight
What’s the only muscle that lies across posterior surface of sacrum
How many vertebral levels does multifidi span?