Final Flashcards
All incomplete flowers are imperfect?
Complete flowers include?
Sepals, petals, stamens, pistils
All imperfect flowers are incomplete?
Perfect flowers include?
Stamens and pistils
Are potatoes roots or stems?
Tubers are underground stems.
sweet potatos are underground roots
Dioecious plants have perfect flowers (T/F)
male and female on the same plant.
Male and female on different plant.
High temperatures increase transpiration? (T/F)
What country produces the most fruits and vegetables?
Dicot Leaf veins are?
Monocot leaf veins are?
Net Venation
Parallel Venation
Name 5 professions in the horticultural industry.
Golf superintendent, Landscape designer Berry Grower Seed salesman Orchard supervisor
Define horticulture?
The art and science of growing, packaging, and marketing and storing ornamental/ food plants that are high maintenance for the benefit of humans or aesthetic values.
3 parts of a Pistil-
Stigma, style, ovary
Science and practice of growing, harvesting, processing, and marketing fruits and nuts.
Growing and production of flowers and foliage plants.
Collective term for all the petals of a flower
dry indehiscient fruit with a wing like structure.
Plant that can live longer than two years
Science and practice of growing, harvesting, processing, and marketing vegetables
male and female flowers on the same plant.
A dry dehiscent fruit that splits along only one structure(milkweed)
A fruit made of several carpels, outer layer fleshy (pear)
Type of meristem that is responsible for increased girth or secondary growth
Plant that completes it life cycle in two seasons
All the sepals and petals together
all the sepals
cultivation of woody plants.ex trees
Fruit composed of several carpels with inner juice sacs enclosed in a leathery rind. ex) orange.
Turfgrass science-
culture and utilization of lawns, golfcourses, athletic fields. etc.
Male and female flowers on different plants.
one cotyledon, multiples of 3s
two cotyledons, multiples of 4 and 5s
Name two horticultural families that are monocots
grass, and lilly
Equation for photosynthesis-
6CO2+6H2O = C6H12O6
is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?
Botanically a fruit because of fleshy ovary around its seeds,
Horticulturally a vegetable becasue we dont eat it as a desert. and requires preperation.
Describe aesthetic consideration, management, and income per unit area of agronomic crops vs horticultural crops.
Agronomic crops- low, extensive, low
Horticulture -high, intensive, high
Name the 3 stages of cellular respiration-
Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and Oxidative phosphorylation
What are the small pores on stems that permit gas exchange?
The process by which plants naturally cool itsself via evaporation of water from the leaf surface?
Who founded the American society of Horticultural science? father of american horticulture.
Liberty Hyde Bailey
Name the binomial system of nominclature.
Kingdom,Division phylum class order family genus species
What group of vascular plants reproduces by spores?
Pteridophyta, ferns
The botanist who credited with developing the binomial system of nomenclature.
Carl Linnaeus
Roots from tissue other than root tissue derived from the root apical meristem are called?
Adventitious roots
science of classifying and naming plants-
compressed underground stems with fleshy, overlapping leaves that resemble scales-
A fruit in which individual pistils from from one flower develop into tiny fruitlets on a single receptacle
Bark is composed of what 3 parts-
Phloem, Cork cambium, Cork
What do aerenchyma in roots help adapt a plant to overcome?
Floods, they hold extra oxygen.
When do long day plants flower?
When do short day plants flower?
when the dark period is shorter than critical length.
when dark period is longer than critical length.
The U.S. hardiness zones are defined by what?
the average annual minimum temperate mean.
As relative humidity increases, the amount of water lost by plants _______
What percentage of solar radiation reaching earth is converted into chemical energy by photosynthesis?
less than 1%
Name two cool season horticultural crops?
2 Warm season?
Two horicultural crops in which GMO varieties are available?
KY bluegrass, Tall
Bermudagrass and Zoysiagrass
corn, Apple
What 5 elements make up climate?
Temperature, precipitation, humidity, Light, wind
The growth of a fruit without fertilization of the ovules or after fertilized embryos are aborted?
The ageing and death of a plant or any of its parts?
Horomones that promote cell division, slow down leaf senescence, and stimulate callus growth in tissue culture
Emergence in which the cotyledons are above the soil?
A plant that can live for many years but dies once it flowers?
Horomones that cause apical dominance, synthetic versions used to root cuttings.
Emergence in which the cotyledons stay below the soil surface?
Cuttings taken in the summer from partially mattured new growth of the season?
Horomone that promotes fruit ripening, only type that is a gas?
Cuttings taken in late spring?
Horomones that stimulate cell division and/or cell elongation
Breakying dormancy in seeds by breaking the seed coat with acid or rough treatment?
breaking dormancy in seeds by storing moist seeds at temps near freezing for one or more months.
patterns of meteorological variation that develop over an area over many years.
weather conditions around a plant part, a plant, or a group of plants.
Droping of a leaf, fruit, or other plant part at the petiole between the stem.
Self pollination-
pollination from the same plant or a genetically identical plant.
Amount of time of light a plant requires to flower.
What 3 factors can induce the formation of flowers?
Thermal Induction
Explain how needle shape leaves help evergreens survive cold temperatures in winter.
The needle shape reduces the surface allowing for less waterloss from wind during periods when water is difficult to obtain from the soil.
3 ways synthetic growth regulators can be used in horticultural crops-
create compact bushes.
Increase time between turf mowings
Limit the growth of flowering plants.
Name 3 traits of Juvenility in plants-
Thorns, - defense
Leaf form- leaf shape is different than maturity
Growth form- can have suckers
When does germination begin, and when does it end?
Beings at imbibtion
and ends at emergence of the radicle
Describe the process of air layering-
cut away the cambium layer on stem,
wrap exposed layer with damp peat moss and plastic
secure ends to hold in moisture
wrap with tin foil if in direct light
once 2-3 roots form, cut from host and plant in new medium.
Two reasons why dew is important in plant production.
important resource for plants that absorb water through leaves
can transmit diseases from plant to plant via mowing.
Explain what happens to make fruits soften during ripening?
Pectic substances dissolve, softening the fruit breaking down cell walls. caused by the release of ethylene gas.
Part of stem graft placed on the top?
Propagation in which a long hanging branch is brought into contact with the soil, covered and allowed to root?
initial chemical reaction that begin flowering is called?
Light sensitive protein that is blue in color?
Part of the seedling between the radicle and the cotyledons?
in hypogeal emergence in monocots, the first part of the plant to emerge above the soil sureface is the?
The T-test, is used to test what?
an official seed germination test uses how many repetitions of how many seeds
viability of seeds
4 of 100
How do plants respond to low light?
stack chlorophyll at surface of leaf.
two mechanisms that cause dormancy in seeds?
Impermeable seed coat,
Biochemical blockers.
Define soil-
soil percentage chart-
pore space-
the unconsolidated mineral and organic materials on the immediate surface of the earth that is a medium for plant .
45% minerals, 5% organic matter, 25%air, 25%water
voids between soil solids, provide a way for CO2 to escape.
Organic Matter-
solid component of soil includes living organisms, waste products by animals, and decomposed animals and plant bodies. hold nutrients in forms available for plants
inorganic minerals-
derived from weathering rock, highly resistant to change, quantity depends upon parent material.
soil texture
what does it influence?
% of sand silt and clay
ability to hold water, aeriation, warming and cooling, fertility, root penetration, ease of tilling.
Clay soil-
What is the ideal soil for most plants-
higher surface area, expands with water
loam soil. absorbs water but not to much, holds good nutrients.
Soil structure refers to what?
what does good soil structure provide?
what affects soil structure?
the way soil particles group together into aggregates or peds.
favorable air/water, and plants accessibility to nutrients
freezing/thawing, earthworms, microorganisms, wetting/drying
soil pH-
capacity of a soil to hold and exchange nutrients.
degree of acidity or alkalinity in the soil. influences- chemistry, microbiology, plant adaptation and growth.
range of 4-10.
Soils in humid climates tend to be _____
best range for most plants 5-7
5-7, for most hort crops range of 5.5-6.5 is best.
Seventeen Essential Nutrients in order:
B,Cl, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Zn, Ni
C:N ratio-
usually 12:1, plants with low will decompose quickly. high slowly, because of N req.
Balanced fertilizers-
Complete fertilizers-
single element ferts-
forms of fertilizers-
Partially decomposed plants
equal amounts of N,P,K
have N,P,
have only one element
liquids, soluble powders, granuels, tablets.
raise soil pH
Lower Soil pH
List some benefits of mulch-
soil sterilization-
conserve moisture, stabilize soil temperature, suppress weed growth, erosion control, improvement of soil structure.
manual or mechanical manipulation of the soil to prepare it for crop cultivation
process used to destroy harmful bacteria, fungi, and nematodes, as well as many types of weed seeds.
cool season-
Warm Season-
Most are annual(peppers),
some biennials( beets,carrots),
perennial- (asparagus)
60-75 F lettuce
80-95F tomatoes , killed by frost, plant in late spring
Edible fruit- Edible seeds- Edible seeds non legumes- Edible roots- bulbs- flowers-
okra, peas corn carrots onions broccoli
frost free period-
days to maturity-
average # of days from the last spring frost to earliest all frost. april 15th -oct. 20th
number of days from seed to time crop is ready to harvest.
production of unwanted leafy flowers in vegetables when temps are to warm
Garden Layout-
succession croping-
leafy vegetables can be in shade,
fruit producers need full sunlight
rows easy to west prevent shading,taller crops north,
planting at different times for different harvest dates.
grow vegetables in blocks not rows
a group of seed planted close together, common for melons and squash.
planting seeds of quick maturing plants with slow ones or between transplants.
removing excess seedlings that are spaced too closely for best growth.
crop rotation-
reduce competition from weeds
using a layer of plant derived or synthetic material on soil surface.
18 inches deep
vining plants to grow upward.
ration of crops every year, deters build up of disease organisms and insects, with a particular crop.
cover cropping-
Green manure crops-
used to maintain fertility in established vegetable gardens.
planted at anytime of the year, grown half mature then turned to decay. supplies N with legumes
Major vegetable crops in USA are-
Tomatoes, lettuce, and broccoli.
What determines fruit tree species growing location?
site selection-
Climate,- temperatures,
Property size,- dwarf or semi dwarf,
expected maintenance time
good soil, 6 hours direct sunlight, Land slope and exposure( grow on upper part to protect form frost injury)
tree selection factors:
winter hardiness fruit maturity period, disease resistance, fruit use fruit appearance pollination reqs
tree sizes:
pruning styles-
dwarf- 5-12, semi dwarf 10-15, standard 20-25
vase, central leader, modified, espalier
fruit failures may be caused by:
Age, Pollination problems, insufficient winter chilling, sunlight, frost or rain during pollination.
small fruits need:
landscape uses-
rapid soil drainage, full sunlight,
bluberry- small tree, pH 4.2-5.5
brambles (hedges), canes produce fruit
strawberries(groundcover) , perennial 2-4 years.
grapes(vines) muscadine in south
four arm kniffen system-
two-wire trellis to grow grapes.
cold hardy bulbs-
non hardy bulbs-
what should you look for when choosing plants?
only move when dormant, die in summer
die in winter, summer bulbs
height differences, colors, textures, flowering periods, light reqs.
using drought resistant plants to minimize water reqs.
hybrid tea roses-
Climbing and rambling roses-
smaller blooms in bunches
large blossoms on moderately sized plants
cross between the two
long canes that are trained.
Tree roses-
Shrub roses-
grafted roses onto the longer cane form to make small trees.
more cold hard roses and disease tolerant.
Rock garden-
Container garden-
Water Garden-
Herb Harden-
incorporates rocks
needs good potting medium for drainage
ponds, waterfalls, fountains.
fragrant leaves and seeds for decorating and cooking
what two kinds of plants are bred for this?
indoor landscaping,
aesthetic benefits and improves air quality.
- fill in gaps, add color, block sharp edges, window displays.
tender perennials and tropicals, take into account humidity(40%), temp( 64-75) and light.
higher respiration rates at night for indoor plants.
lower carbohydrates for new growth
What water is dangerous to indoor plants_
effects of containerization-
considerations for choosing houseplants-
chlorine, sodium, and fluoride.
limited amount of growing medium, limited root size, limited water/nutrients.
attractiveness, appearance and size at maturity, growth cycle, Growth rate.
3 needs of indoor plants-
what indicates that compost or soil is to dry?
leads to root death, collpase of the plant.
watering, feeding, occasional transplant.
brown leaf tips and margins.
Most plants are actively growing when?
feed flowering plants when?
march- September liquid feeds for house plants P and K for flowering slow release will last the growing season when bud is growing,
Clean pot 1-2 sizes bigger, water plant, allow to drain, repot with similar soil medium break loose any rootbound roots. divide plant if necessary.