Final Flashcards
NMES- low rate vs. high rate
Low rate – twitch – used over motor pts, low rate, high width, endogenous opiates, good for chronic pain, tx time – 30-45 min
High rate – sensory analgesia – multiple electrode placements, high rate, low width, gating, more comfortable for long applications, best for acute pain
NMES- what is modulated vs. burst used for?
to prevent accomadation
with nmes then do we use it? with or without muscles contracting?
NMES- what is ramp modulation?
the rise time
NMES- definition of frequency
low=twitch, high=tetany
the purpose of nodes of ranvier
The action potential travels from one location in the cell to another, but ion flow across the membrane occurs only at the nodes of Ranvier. As a result, the action potential signal jumps along the axon, from node to node, rather than propagating smoothly, as they do in axons that lack a myelin sheath.
calcium is stored where?
in non- muscle cells.
difference between muscle and trigger points
motor points: area of muscle
trigger: area of muscle that is more sensitive and more excitable/ and tender
stages of tissue healing
- Acute (inflammatory) 3 days 2. repair and regeneration (proliferative stage) collagen being laid down 3. remodeling (adding forces to the collagen)
what is Galvanotaxis
A process by which negative ions are attracted to a positive pole and positive ions to a negative pole (helps with healing)
Final exam written:
has a table and have to tell indications (what it does) contraindications (why you wouldn’t use it) and also how it works and some conditions you would use it for***
uses of IFC
1- Relief and management of acute and chronic pain.
2- Muscle stimulation
3- Increased blood flow
4- Reduction of edema
5- Stimulating of soft tissues healing and repair.
laser has?
photons (particles of light) which stim tissue healing by effecting tissue healing
laser definition
Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation
laser indications
Tissue healing
Acute and chronic pain
laser contrindications
Fontanels of children
Near eyes or genitals
wave length and particle
wave length carries the energy, has ability to be measured with frequency and amplitude (bigger wave = more energy)
traction- angle of pull for cervical spine
flat= upper cervical, the more we flex= more lower cervical
hydrotherapy- specific water heat temperature
Ms-colder water
Oa- warmer water
hydrotherapy- deep water excdercise
Patient’s feet cannot touch the bottom
Open chain exs
Depth at least 5’6”
Patient must use buoyancy assist devices
Water should be tepid, since treatment times approach 45 min
Great medium for pregnancy
Water immersion – lowers resting heart rate. This is good for pregnant women with back pain as land based exercise has been shown to raise the heart rate of the fetus.
hydrotherapy- Mid-level to shallow-level exercise
T12 –chin = mid
Knee – T-12
Permits the body to move over fixed distal extremity
Some WB
May allow faster rehab for pts with total jt replacements
Can progress from mid to shallow
Significant training effects noted – esp VO2 max
hydrotherapy-Bad Ragaz techs
a buoyant ring to assist the patient floating in the water.
The ring may be placed around the trunk or around the extremities or it may support the head and neck
PNF patterns often added
ROM, Stretching and strengthening can also be done (isometric and isotonic)
Patient can be supine, prone or sidelying
what CAN taping do?
Support areas subject to excessive stress
Support joints with a history of an injury
Secure dressings in place
Minimize chance of further damage
Provide some compression to control swelling
Enable athlete to return to activity which assists in regaining strength and flexibility
what taping CANNOT do?
Because tape is applied to skin (moves), total control is not possible
Cannot be used in isolation for injury management
common taping mistakes
Windows – opening in the tape
Shadows – area of less overlap of tape
Tape too tight or too loose
comomon acid formed
salt, HCl, citric
electrical stim monophsic or asymetrical
monophasic (good current for necrotic tissue)