FINAL Flashcards
Wanted to purify the church
And writing consisted of recording history and sermons (nonfiction)
Separate from the church
John Calvin- God choses who will be saved/doomed
Predestination (Puritan belief)
Name for gods chosen people who will be saved
Gods gift to the elect
Evidence of gods grace
Good works
Simplicity: dress, writing, architecture, art
Plain style
“The new Israelites” covenant - New England for fiying the church
Divine mission (Puritan belief)
Year separatists came to New England
1620- William Bradford
Year puritans came to New England
1630-john Winthrop
Of Plymouth plantation
Written by Bradford
MAYFLOWER COMPACT: rules why pilgrims are there
STARVING TIME: lack of food, they came in fall. Next winter-THANKSGIVING
A model of christian charity
Written by Winthrop
Rules and guidelines- “a city upon a hill”
Puritan view on the individual and community
Community is more important. Teamwork. Mission driven.
Puritan view on nature
Afraid of the unknown. Original sin. Need rules
Puritan view on knowledge
Holy war. Good vs devil
No upward mobility or religious freedom
Puritan view on the American Dream
Theocratic- no separation of church and state
“Socialist” equal everything- everyone is the same
Date range of the enlightenment
We were immature/ignorant, but now we are maturing/questioning
Philosophical basis for the American Revolution
Coincides with the rise of science and industrial revolution
Writing is practical and philosophical
Scientific understanding- cornerstone of enlightenment. Logical thinking
Science. Belief on what is measured or seen CENTER
Universe is a logical and ordered system
Empiricism (enlightenment belief)
Rejects supernatural aspects of religion
BLANK SLATE. Fundamentally needing God. Rejects predestination and original sin
Tabula rasa
Practical, down to earth, decisions on reason
Telescope/earth orbits around sun
Opened the door for thinking
Shut out of the church
Laws of physics
Tabula rasa
Human potential and education equality
Philosophical politics
Enlightenment attitude toward individual vs society
Enlightenment attitude toward nature
Exploration- understand/ control/ manipulate
Industrial rev
Anthropocentric/ tabula rasa
Enlightenment attitude toward knowledge
Asking questions- empiricism
Enlightenment attitude toward the American Dream
Basis for democracy/ social mobility
Equality w/slaves
Romanticism time period and characteristics
Nonfiction (short stories/novels)
Birth of american literature
Individual spirituality is at the center
Emphasis on feelings and emotions over reason
Attempt to connect with nature
Against industrial revolution
Four I’s
The dark, interested in death and the devil
Specific movement with small group of writers living in concord mass.
Distilled romanticism- more intense appreciation of nature
The force- everything is connected/diving
Over soul (enlightenment)
The belief that there isn’t one God. God is everywhere
Transcendental idea
Relationship between European and american romanticism
American is imitation
Relationship between industrial revolution and romanticism
Romanticism is against industrial rev
- caused romanticism
Relationship between civil war and romanticism
Civil war ended romanticism
Relationship between westward expansion/manifest destiny and romanticism
Westward expansion/ manifest destiny encouraged nature and exploring spirit (optimism)
Date of puritans
Who wrote the way to wealth
Ben Franklin wrote this book of advice based on work ethic and frugality
Who wrote the autobiography
Ben Franklin wrote this book about his life, but he died before he could finish
Who wrote the age of reason
Thomas Paine wrote this book on his ideas and beliefs of the bible, and the Catholic Church corruption
Who wrote letters from an American farmer
Crevecoeur wrote what is an American that explained what the life of an American was like
Who wrote the interesting narrative of the life of
Equiano wrote this book about his life being a slave in Africa and in the United States
Who wrote to a waterfowl
Bryant wrote this book about watching a bird at a pond and questioning his whereabouts
Who wrote thanantopsis
Bryant wrote this book about nature
Who wrote the birthmark
Hawthorne wrote this book about removing something from his wife’s face
Who wrote young goodman brown
Hawthorne wrote this book about going to a hell ceremony and back
Who wrote a tell tale heart
Poe wrote this book about the man that kills a man and puts him under the floorboards
Who wrote the raven
Poe wrote this book about a bird that never leaves
Who wrote the masque of the red death
Poe wrote this book about the different rooms in a party that the disease goes through (death)
Who wrote walden
Thoreau wrote this book about living in the wilderness
Self reliance
Emerson wrote this book about transcendentalism and individualism
1865-1914 movement
Writing is fiction and non fiction and served as a platform for social criticism
Artistic and literary movement attempt to portray life as it really is
Emphasis on commonplace/ ordinary
Civil war
Causes realism and is the opposite of romanticism
Forced america to take a hard look in the mirror at the horror/tragedy of war
Urban industrial society
Industrial revoulution
Gilded age (realism)
Racial inequality, share cropping, gender inequality
Social issues (realism)
Fear of foreign cultures
Xenophobic (realism)
Using humor and exaggeration to mock and criticize human weakness
Satire (realism)
The appearance of truth
A form of realism that views humans as simply another species ruled by outside forces (natural selection, instinct) rules out idea of divine provenance
Life is controlled by outside forces
Form of realism that focus’ on a particular region of America
Slang words from a region
Wrote open boat- stuck at sea-nature is indifferent to man
Stephen crane
Wrote The damned human race- humans are not better than animals
Mark twain
Wrote Law of life- death comes to all
To build a fire- tried to build a fire and died
Jack London
Modernism period
Art/literature which intentionally rejects rules and past experiences. Doesn’t conform with other eras
NOT a undefined coherent movement
Key characteristics of modernism
Defiance of tradition
Modernism- response to ww1
Complete annihilation of the world as we knew it
There is no meaning- it is up to humans to create meaning
Loss of belief in absolutes
Ironically consumerism replaces idealism
traditional systems have failed
Technological change in modernism
Automobile Decline of high culture Great migration Immigration Prohibition Jazz age/roaring 20s Einstein and froid- no absolute laws
Harlem Renaissance
A surge in black art, culture, social, and political activity in NY during the 20s and 30s
Wrote "I too" "Harlem" "Theme for english B" Modernism
Langston hugs
Most recognizable poet from modernism Wrote "Fire and ice" "Nothing gold can stay" "The road not taken"
Robert frost
“The great gatsby”
F. Scott Fitzgerald
“In another country”
Ernest Hemingway
“Hallow men”
T.S Elliot
A story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one
The occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words
An expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly
Relatively complicated and do not change throughout the course of a work (two dimensional)
Flat character
Complex and undergo development sometimes sufficiently to surprise the reader
Round character
Undergoes little or no inner change; a character who does not grow or develop
Static character
Dramatic character who undergoes an important change in personality or attitude
Dynamic character
Process by which the personality of a fictitious character is revealed through the characters speech, actions, or appearances
Indirect characterization
Psychological struggle with in the mind of a literary character (plot)
Internal conflict
Struggle between a character and an outside force such as nature or another character (action)
External conflict
Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally
Figure of speech- a word or phrase is applied to an object or action which is not literally applicable
Figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind (description)
Attitude of the writer toward a subject or audience (choice of words)
A word that sounds like what it represents
Ex. Bang! Pop!
The attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something non human
Occurs when incongruity appears between expectations of something to happen and what actually happened
(Opposite of what was intended)
Situational irony
When a person says or writes one thing but means another
Verbal irony
Drama understood by the audience but not grasped by characters in the play
Dramatic irony
Story is narrated by one single character
First person
Narrator only knows thoughts and feelings of one character
All other characters are described as “they, he she”
Third person limited
The narrator knows feelings, thoughts, and actions of all characters
Third person omniscient
A group of lines forming basic recurring metrical unit in a poem/verse
A thing that represents or stands for something more than itself
The subject a talk, a piece of writing, someone’s thoughts, or a topic