Final Flashcards
Acute renal failure: Pre renal
Decrease in CO
Low BP
MI, sepsis
Acute renal failure: Renal
Aminoglycosides NSAIDS Aspirin ACE inhibitors Burns Metformin
Acute renal failure: Post renal
Kidney stone BPH UTI Pylonephritis Stricture secondary to STI
Nursing interventions for pt in acute renal failure
Monitor I/O Limit Na and fluid intake Diet low in K+ Administer HCO3 IV Administer lasix Monitor ABG Cardiac monitor Give Ca+/ decrease P Kayaxelate
How is acute renal failure diagnosed
Increased BUN and creatinine Decreased urinary output Hyperkalemia Hyponatremia Increased specific gravity Hypocalcemia Hyperphosphatemia Edema Altered mental status Increased BP
Causes of chronic renal failure
HTN, DM, chronic urinary obstruction, autoimmune disorder
Phases of renal failure: Oliguric
Lasts 8-15 days, Urine output is less than 400ml/day. Increased BUN/creatinine. Hyperkalemia, HTN, edema, pulmonary edema, N/V, metabolic acidosis, tingling in extremities, drowsiness, uremic breath. Restrict fluid intake and administer diuretics
Phases of renal failure: Diuretic
Urine output rises slowly , excess urine output indicates damaged nephrons are recovering. Decline in BUN, creatinine, hypokalemia, hyponatremia, hypovolemia, tachycardia, dehydration, hypotension. Urine output may be up to 4,000ml/day. Administer IVF
Phases of renal failure: recovery
May take 1-2 years. Urine volume returns to normal. Increased GFR
Anemia occurs during renal failure because
Of decreased secretion of erythropoietin by damaged nephrons
Manifestations of chronic RF
Ataxia, lethargy, slurred speech, HF, HTN, pericardial effusion, edema, crackles, SOB, anemia, anorexia, constipation, hematuria, oliguria, polyuria, proteinuria, dry skin, yellow gray pallor
S/S of hyperkalemia
Bradycardia, muscle weakness, diarrhea
What is used to treat emergency hyperkalemia
Insulin or Calcium gluconate
What is used to treat/prevent polycythemia
Aplastic anemia is when
Bone marrow is replaced by fat, may be idiopathic
What is the treatment for aplastic anemia
Bone marrow transplant
What is the only anemia to give you neuro complications
Vitamin B12 deficiency
S/S of iron deficiency anemia
Smooth sore red tongue, rigid nails, angular cheilosis,