Final Flashcards
Watch System
Watchmen patrolled urban areas at night to provide protection against harm.
Community Policing
Emphasizes fear reduction, community organizations and order maintenance rather than crime fighting.
Juvenile Officers
Police officers who specialize in dealing with juvenile offenders, they may operate alone or a juvenile police unit.
Role Conflicts
Conflicts police officers face that revolve around the requirement to perform their primary duty of law enforcement and a desire to aid in rehabilitating youthful offenders.
A person who has access to criminal networks and shares information with authorities in exchange for money or special treatment.
Problem Oriented Policing
Law enforcement that focuses on addressing the problems underlying incidents of juvenile delinquency rather that the incidents alone.
Taking a person into custody of law to restrain the accused until he/she can be held accountable for the offense in court.
Probable Cause
Reasonable grounds to believe the existence of facts that an offense was committed and that the accused committed that offense.
Search and Seizure
Protects citizens from any search and seizure unlawfully performed by police.
Custodial Interrogation
Questions by police to a suspect held in custody during prejudicial stage of juvenile process.
Miranda Warning
Supreme Court decisions require police to inform people of their rights when arrested.
Use of personal decision making and choice in carrying out operations in criminal justice system.
Procedural Justice
An evaluation of the fairness of the manner in which offenders or another group’s problem or dispute was handled by police.
Pulling Levers Policing
Focused deterrence strategy that involves applying all available measures or “levers” to police as well as communication with offenders to reduce a targeted delinquent.
Guardian ad litem
Court appointed attorney who protects the interests of the child in cases involving the child’s welfare.
Public Defender
Attorney who works in a public agency or under private contractual agreement as defense counsel to indigent defendants.
Juvenile Defense Attorney
Represents children in juvenile courts and plays an active role at all stages of the proceedings.
Juvenile Prosecutor
Government attorney responsible for representing the interest of the state and bringing the case against the accused juvenile.
Juvenile Court Justice
A judge elected or appointed to preside over juvenile cases whose decisions can only be reviewed by a judge of a higher court.
Shelter Care
A place for temporary care of children in physically unrestricting facilities.
Prevention Detention
Keepings the accused in custody prior to the trial because they are a danger.
Process during which a juvenile referral is received and a decision made to file a petition in juvenile court to release a juvenile, to place the juvenile under supervision or to refer the juvenile elsewhere.
Officially halting or suspending a formal criminal or juvenile justice proceeding at and legally prescribed processing part after a recorded justice system entry. Referral of that person to a treatment or case program.
Widening The Net
Phenomenon that occurs when programs created to divert youths from the justice systems actually involve them more deeply in the official process.