Final Flashcards
Pre- Classical period
Up to first century BCE
Classical Period
1st Century BCE- 3rd Century CE
Post - Classical Period
4th Century CE
Early Republic
Ends in 3rd Century BCE
Late Republic
3rd Century BCE- 31 BCE
When was the foundation of Rome
753 BCE
First king of Rome
Second King of Rome
Numa Pompilius
Who is credited for the creation of many Roman laws
Numa Pompilius
Who founded a system of patrons and clients
System of Patrons and Clients
Each plebeian required to find a patrician patron
Who did you first take your problem to in Rome?
How did patrons help their clients?
Either by violence or by helping them with their court case
Who legislated largely on family and religious matters?
Who controlled written laws in the regal period
When were the last kings overthrown?
509 BCE
Chief Magistrates
Two annually elected praetors instituted after overthrowing the kings
There were two magistrates so nobody had sole power and everybody had a colleague
What two powers did the chief magistrates hold
Praetors held power to command
Power of pratetor to intercede or stop action of other praetor
When did plebs leave Roman government
5th century BCE
Struggle of the orders
Between aristocratic patricians and poorer plebeians
How did Romans get the plebs back
Allowed plebeian assembly to pass binding laws and gave tribunes the power of intercessio
Plebeian Tribunes
Two annually elected leaders with the power of intercessio
When were the Twelve Tables written
450 BCE
What superceded the Twelve Tables
Justinian’s Codification from 528- 534 CE
Twelve Tables
Written Plebeian and patrician laws made public
Twelve tables said citizens could appeal magistrates summary judgment to assembly of the people
When was the third praetorship created
367 BCE
Original two praetors are named consuls after thir praetor is added
What magistrates had the power of imperium
Praetors and consuls
Maius Imperium
Consuls had greater power than praetors and only Tribunes could halt them
What is the praetor responsible for
Justice system and appointing judges
When was a second praetor added after the consuls?
242 BCE
Praetor Urbanus
Cases involving citizens
Praetor Peregrinus
Cases involving foreigners
When was the cursus honourum established
After the second Punic War
Cursus Honorum
Race of honors– Hierarchy office system
Magistrates had unlimited authority when outside of rome
In Rome the power of magistrates was limited to provocatio and intercesio
Order of cursus honorum
20 Quaestors
4 Aediles
8 Praetors
2 Consuls
After a year of service, praetors and consuls would take over duties in the military field
Financial Officials
Archives and public works
In times of emergency is elected to have sole control. Not subject to intercessio
2 elected periodically to conduct census and determine citizens property class
Praetors outlined how they planned to carry out duties before they got into office
Ius honorarium
Distinguish law based on praetors edict from formal legislation
When did praetor’s edicts become static
2nd century CE
Priests. Were the first lawyers in Rome
When was law no longer for just pontifices?
4th century BCE
3 jobs of lawyers
Ad respondendum
Ad cavendum
Ad agendum
Ad respondendum
Giving legal advice
Ad cavendum
Drafting documents
Ad agendum
Preparing cases for court
Ius respondendi
Some jurists had right to authority as though the emporer had said it
Marcus Antistius Labeo
Jurist of first century. Taught law and wrote books
Proculian School
Founded by Marcus Antistius Labeo and named after the jurist Proculus
Masurius Sabinus
Jurist of the second century wrote Ius Civile
Sabinian School
Founded by Masurius Sabinus
Made opinions of jurists with ius respondendi binding
Important Roman teacher of the 2nd Century. Lecture notes Institutes were discovered in 1861
Amelius Papinianus
Jurist 194- 212
Domitius Ulpianus
Jurist 202- 223
Iulius Paulus
Jurist 3rd Century
Herennius Modestinus
Jurist 3rd Century
Who reformed Roman law
Emperor Theodisius II
When did Theodisius II live and reign
Born 401
Reigned 408- 450
Who formalized law school and appointed two officila law professors
Theodisius II
Law of Citations
Brought on during law reform. Opinions of important jurists were binding on magistrates
Codex Theodosianus
Officla law code made by Theodosius II in 439
Corpus Luris Civilis
More complete law code in 528. Justinian commisioned Tribonianus
4 parts of Corpus Luris Civilis
Codex Lustiniani
2nd part of Corpus Luris Civilis. Additions and adjustments to original codex
3rd part of corpus luris civili. 2nd edition of Garius’ Institutiones
Final part of corpus luris civili. 2000 fragments and quotations made by 39 jurists. Half from Ulpian and Paulus
Senatus Populusque Romani (Senate and the people of Rome)
Advisory council of elders made of former magistrates
Senatus Consulta
Statements made by the senate that advised magistrates
3 voting assemblies
Comita Centuriata
Comita Tributa
Concilium Plebis
What is the most important assembly making the most important decisions
Comita Centuriata
Centuriate Assembly
For recruiting armies. Organized by wealth
How many centuries were there
What voting assembly elected praetors and censors and voted on war declarations
Where debating and political discussion occured
What assembly systematically favored the wealthy?
Tribal Assembly
Organized by location of residence. Elect cruciate aediles, quaestors, vote on leges and judge trials
How many tribes were there
31 rural and 4 urban
Plebeian Assembly
Organized by tribe and made of only Plebs
What was the Plebeian assembly responsible for
Electing tribunes and Plebeian aediles, vote on plebiscites and judge trials
Who was forbidden to engage in trade and business
Men who favoured business over politics. Knights
Equites bid on contracts with senate or magistrates to carry out public business- Tax collection
Responsibilities of pontifices
Sacrifices, festivals and early laws
Priests in charge of auspices and augury and could delay or prohibit public business
Who read the omens to decide if events could occur
When did Augustus make the settlement with the senate
27 BCE
When was the Republican government restored
27 BCE
What changes occured when government became a beurocracy
Assemblies didnt vote on laws and emperors appointed magistrates
Emperor drafted legislation and sent it to senate
5 Sources of law under republic
Twelve Tables Praetorian edicts Leges Plebiscita Senatus Consulta
Sources of law in 5th Century CE
Writings of jurists
Legis Actiones
Actions of law. First civil procedure
Which legal procedure depended on specific wording
Legis actiones
Ius vocatio
Plaintiff brought defendant before praetor by formal summons
Iure Phase
Plaintiff specifically quoted a legal procedure and praetor interviewed litigants
When were judges appointed
If praetor determined that plaintiffs law applied
Apud Iudicem Phase
Judge heard arguments and issued a decision
Judges decision
Formulary procedure
Made by lex aebutia in 2nd century BCE. Same structure as legis actiones but more flexible
Iure phase of formulary procedure
Praetor used interview to write formula which defined case and issued instructions to the judge
3 components of formula
Iudicis Nominatio
Iudicis Nominatio
Name judge or 3-5 person panel of recuperatores
Stated plaintiff claims
Circumstances that defendant should be found liable or not
Actio Iudicati
Magistrate says plaintiff can use force if defendant is found liable and fails to pay
When could appeals be made during formulary procedure
Make an argument at the actio iudicati hearing
Cognito Extraordinaria
Extraordinary procedure began with Augustus. Made usual in 2nd Century CE
Extraordinary Procedure
Magistrate hears entire case- combines iure and iudicem phases
In what procedure is appeal usual
From what did criminal procedures begin
Citizens had recourse to provocatio for magistrates with imperium
Early criminal procedure
Draw attention to magistrate with imperium about action that could harm Rome- they choose to investigate and punish
Who could not appeal magistrates actions
Women, children and slaves- State didnt want to interfere in family affairs
Head of family
Patria Potestas
Fatherly power