Final Flashcards
Hudson River
Flight instructor collided in Beechcraft with another aircraft
TWA 800
Fuel tank explosion
China air 611
Not properly repaired tail strike
Jap air 123
Pressure bulkhead failed and the tail exploded
Apollo 1
Fire in the cockpit
Aloha 243
Ceiling tore off in flight
Ups 1354
Descended too low and crashed before the runway
American Airlines 587
Wake turbulence tore rudder off
United 173
Ran out of fuel trying to fix the landing gear problem
Tire broke fuel tank and caused fire
Southern airways 932
Entire thundering herd football team died because the airplane clipped trees while shooting approach
United 811
Cargo door fault led to fuselage ripping off in flight
Pan am1736
Taxiing aircraft hit by aircraft taking off without clearance
AAL 331
Plane hydroplanes and overran the runway
Phoenix east
Crash here in Daytona due to engine failure and spin
Space shuttle Columbia
Foam cause burn up in reentry
PSA 1771
Pilots shot by passenger and crashed
Boac 911
Mt Fuji crash due to mountain wind shear
Soyuz 11
Decompression and suffocation of all the astronauts
Swa 812
Fuselage segment broke and the aircraft decompressed
United 232
Tail engine exploded
Bhoja airlines
Downdraft on final smashed plane into ground
UsAir 427
Strange rudder jamming malfunction
652GD Gulf Stream
Crashed testing V speeds
Jam jr
Graveyard spiral into the water at night
Air France 447
Icing and unable to recover from stall
Asiana 214
Collided with seawall
Korean 801
Ran into mountain because of improper briefing on airport surroundings
P51 racing accident
Trim tab broke off
Tbm 700
Severe icing in small plane
Boa flight 38
Double engine failure due to heavy icing in final approach
Asiana 221
Skid when taxiing in Alaska
Ups 6
Fire from lithium batteries in the cargo
Saudi 763
Two large planes collided over Kazakhstan due to low English skills