Final Flashcards
Part 1 of course about?
representationalism; evidence for human being
what’s materialism(brief)
only things that exist are physical(see and feel)
what’s representationalism?(brief)
not in contact w/physical world; what we exp is in mind
*Descartes redefinition of matter
3d objects
CS look at hand
color, solid, warm, stationary
sci look at hand
no color, almost all empty space, subatoms moving,
*Aristotle/Desc on soul
anything alive has soul; vegetative, animal, human life
*2 dif meanings of soul (Aristotle)
life principle, seat of consciousness
thinking according to Watson
thinking = talking out loud or silently (overt/covert)
radical empiricist principle
can’t have idea of something never exp
argument against radical empiricist principle
how do you know you cant have an idea of something never exp; take on faith
*Pope John Paul II: when do we exist
exist when God creates soul
*Aquinas: when soul is created
soul not created at conception but when resemblance of human body
*CS view of matter
what we see/feel (sense)
*Desc problem with CS view of matter
representationalism says not in contact with physical world; cant see/touch
*2 kinds of behaviorism
radical(we study) and methodological
*Psych studies what according to Meyers
mental processes (infer), observe behavior
wat do telescopes and microscopes do
create larger images in eyes
method for psych as sci
empirical introspection/reflection
Lock’s term for introspection
Watson on introspection
wouldn’t work; can you think without images?
what do behaviorists study
how dif organisms react to stimuli
types of conditioning
classic (from childhood), operant(from env)
James(live by cs) and Hume(go by cs), Berkeley
human being acc to phenomenalists
present stream of consciousness
Clifford Commandment
wrong always for everyone everywhere to believe something w/insufficient evidence
Socrates’ motto
the unexamined life is not worth living
where is knowledge found, if it exists
in each individual’s mind
ex of mental processes
thoughts, feelings, etc
*2 reasons to find truth
self (Desc) don’t take on faith, want proof; for others: can’t pass on without knowing truth
*argument 4 soul
what happens at death; consciousness
*3 materialist theories
*problem with Meyers psych
doesn’t talk about concepts; don’t get ideas from others but through exp
*1st response to proof 4 soul
do you have proof for phys world
*RB what is consc
consciousness in brain; thinking = behavior; consciousness is behavior
quote on human thought
the history of human thought is what people have said and done
RB on what are we
conditioned robot, highly evolved animal (materialist) +BMI+EPI
*BMI consc
brain processes/functions; firings of neurons in brain
*EPI consc
immaterial; useless byproduct of brain
if people are streams of consc (phenomenalist view) then?
can’t have sci; must be public
what am i through elimination
i am combo of body and soul (dualism Aquinas)
i am soul and there is no body (idealist-Berkeley)
i am soul and have a body (Plato)
i am a body and there is no soul (materialis)
fog and clouds?
same reality (water droplets) yet seem different (Place)
*materialist and free will
no free will; acts in accordance w/laws of physics, chemistry, biology, psychology; programmed robots
Plato on ideas in this lifetime
where do we get ideas from; ideas of essences(reincarnation); learning is recollection
*sky is blue
begin w/world as perceived naively: blue ; meet contradictions: in plane
exists in and of itself(on own)
can’t exist on own
*types of change
accidental (wt, ht), substantial(death), mixing and unmixing(car)
soul by Aquinasvs Plato
substantial principle vs substance
common sense principle
never give up cs belief unless extensive proof for otherwise
can you exist without a body
yes doing so now; bod sensations in mind; repres (phantom limbs)
materialists agree on
existence of thoughts; humans are highly evolved animals
SD(colors, sounds, odors, h/s, h/c, taste)
argument for evolution
fossils, homology: similarities in living creatures
*argument against free will
atoms/molecules=brain no room for realism (obey laws of sci/nature); psych: actions determined by likes/dislikes produced by DNA/biology and conditioning
*3 errors to avoid
anthropomorphism(proj onto nonhuman things human exp), correlation=identity=causation
*what exists acc to Aristotle
substance or accident
*Aquinas on soul
substantial principle (1 substance (human) made of 2 substantial principles = act+potency)
Berkeley apple is combo of ideas/collection of SD (color, texture, shape, taste, etc)(phenom->what exists in mind)
*problem with materialism
must be immaterial self to perceive (agent)-what exp consc (Berkeley); must be soul aware of SD, MI, thoughts (have but are not)-> we are agents experiencing
inner speech
tactile images vs auditory images
spoken(overt thinking)
phrase relating to representationalism
think movie
anything you believe that you don’t have absolute conclusive evidence for
LAL: true answer for what we see
who cares about actions
how much of a future do you plan for(death, eternity)
*4 types of thinking
imagine, remember, think, anticipate
simplify world view; dif names for same reality
*don’t have body, why worry
future sensations of pain
dif btw humans and animals
thinking and reasoning; animals(sensations, consc), trees(phys, alive) rocks
most important thing in phys world
*BMI person
U.T. PLace
*idealism person
*lie vs truth
lying is more complicated: aware of truth and how to trick someone
*EPI on brain
brain is product of sensations; how would you know about brain
against BMI
how could material produce immaterial
*Santa,personality, etc
useful concept in mind w/no exact counterpart in reality (logical fictions, constructs, theoretical constructions
universal/ontological dualism
2 things (physical and nonphysical or material and nonmaterial)
psych/anthropological dualism
body and soul (substances)
epistemological dualism
everything experienced in mind (repres)
do colors exist?
yes; light at dif freq hits eyes to create color; absorb freq but reflect color seen
everything is water
5 concepts
agents(individual), habits, objects(thing acted upon), acts(actions, eating), powers(ability to act)
personality quote
nobody in its priv life, seriously doubts that personality exists
what does the thinking
- unity of consc: I feel, see, etc. (arist, aqui) contradiction: sensing dif than thinking(think w/mind, need organs to hear/snse; can’t have sensation w/out body)
- total person does thinking(body and soul)
- soul does thinking
if phys sensations are phantoms then?
brain is phantom->phantom brain prod phantom body?
*changes after LAL NDE
before body more imp and now mind more imp; took away fear of death(some don’t want to return)
*Aquinas/aristotle on what i am + contradiction
I am combo of soul and body; problem: soul must be substance for immortality
*political debate on
what is a human being
*matchbook exp
not image but shadow; not enought light to hit eye so what is seen in mind is upside down (disprove NI)
Russel on rep
experience effects in us
were you you at beg of life
you were you before memories/exp
*q not is color i see blue
q is where is the color i see
*where are things we sense
1 phys world(cs)
2 organ of sense (IO) (cant exp things further from us)
3 brain (NI) (see 2 upside down)
4 mind
animal rights bible
Animal Liberation
animal rights bible author
Peter Singer
parts of time
past, present, future
stream of consciousness(most certain)
thoughts(interpret sensations in light of memory)
self(I think therefore I am) ; cant be deceived if dont exist
if phys world: subatoms
everything done is determined by past/nature; cant blame anyone for anything
Newton’s laws of motion
inertia: all bodies remain at rest/motion in st line unless acted upon by outside force
universal gravitation: all bodies attract all other bodies
for every action there is an eq/opp reaction
*to know what God knows
what exists
what do existent things do
why do they do what they do
4 forces
gravity, electromag, nuclear forces
against determinism
cant prove phys world; faith; can prove everything obeys laws?
*red laser pointer shows
dif btw light and color; see color not light; light has dif freq
stream of consc from
mind (no), brain, God, or nothing
RB person