Final Flashcards
Mantiklos Apollo
where: greece
when: 700-680 BC
material: bronze
size: small
- bronze was a more complex material to work with, required more skill
- made to stand in temple of apollo or rich person house
- geometric simplification (very triangle), stylizted muscles
- military connotation
Kritios boy
where: greece
when: classical period
material: marble
size: 3 ft - small
- contrapposto stance
where: metope parthenon (greece)
when: ~400 BC
material: stone
size: small?
- victory of centaur
- moment before the deadly blow
- accepting fate, showing the fight between good and evil
- use your status to stand up and protect
- artist wanted to summon thought
aphrodites of knidos
where: rome
when: 350 BCE
material:marble originally
- first nude goddess
- venus pudica pose, somewhat covering “private” areas
- humans being able to spy into goddess bathing
- influenced by queen of the night, babylon iraq
- feminity, transcendence, power
seated boxer
where: greece
when: 100-50 BCE
material: bronze
size: life size
- internal dialoge
- found at the ruins of constantine
- gloves protecting hands, body left pristine
- already cut up face, fought and won, so why look sad
- sad that you must go on despite being the strongest you’ve ever been
- classical body, hellinistic head
- battle within the mind
primaporta statue of augustus
where: rome
when: 20 BCE
material: Bronze then marble
size: life size
- first emperor
- arm raised, addressing the troops
- pax romana - rule of peace
- pontifex maximus - highest priest
- rumour he would simply ask and anyone would provide
- depicted younger, innocence
- had different personas
equestrian statue of marcus aurelius
where: rome
when: 165 CE
material: gilded bronze
size: 3.5 m life size, feels elevated
- arm raised, addressing the troops
- material = sense of prestige
- humble, introspective face
- opposite of constantine
ludovisi battle sarcophagus
where: rome
when: 150 CE
material: marble
size: to fit human
- fighting bad guys, recognized by their curly hair
- leader in mid, wore no helmet
- enlarged heads
- roman triumph, how it comes from chaos
colosseum rome
where: rome
when: 75 CE
material: brick
size: large
- permanent oval ampitheatre
- marble floors stolen to be reused
- limited access to seating, priority, women and children at top
- greek influence
- needed weight on top for shade
- sophisticated lift system
50-75k seats
where: rome
when: 120 CE
size: large
- meant to be entered, altars outside
- many gods
- strongest concrete at bottom
- thick walls to support dome, occulus
- own the world, perfectly spherical
- sun move around
- done squares get smaller as they get higher
sarcophagus of junius bassus
when: 350 CE
material: marble
size: human fit within
- biblical depictions
- enlarged heads
- other christians would recognize
- adam and eve, jesus, etc
suicide of judas and crucifixion of christ
when: 5th century
material: ivory
- plaque box
- enlarged heads, simplification
- viewers just want story, don’t care about detail
- jesus not limp or dead looking, no sign of suffering
christ as good shepard mosaic
where: galla placidia, ravenna
when: 425
material: mosiac
size: ceiling
hagia sophia
where: islamic, turkey
when: 530
size: huge
- half domes and quarter domes as you move out
- can’t tell the supports are there, hidden by design
- big windows
- squinches
- experience of interior space, axis mundi, movement beyond
- christian the islamic building
- outside: solid looking, permanent
emperor justinian
where: ravenna
when: 547
material: mosaic
- imperial figures
- connection b/ween imperial and religion
- gave himself a halo
- political position to reflect the idea of leadership within the church
- combine byzantine and classical styles
- flattened and 3D, abstract and realistic