FInal Flashcards
Turner possible options for states
-Legal and political pluralism
-Radical pluralism
Turner: Internationalism employs the oversight of international institutions such as UN to make UNDRIP enforceable in a way
-Legal and political pluralism
Turner: Legal and political pluralism: recognizing multiple, overlapping, and potentially conflicting legitimate authorities
-Radical pluralism
Turner: Radical Pluralism and the Pluriverse: there is no “standpoint from which all others can be understood or legitimately governed”
Turner 4 reasons for Multiculturalism as false peace pipe
-Doesn’t address colonial legacy
-Doesn’t respect sui generous nature of indigenous class that emerged from indigenous not state
-Doesn’t question legitimacy of current states and its authority over indigenous
- Lacks indigenous participation in theorization
White paper liberalism
Assimilating practice imposed by canada and Turner claims that its what Multiculturalism is
Eisenberg on Multiculturalism v Decolonization
Accomodation to only cultural practice/self determination while decolonization is recognition of political authority and renewal of authority
Turner Indigenous lifeways and lifeworlds do what???
ground indigenous political differences and bring cross-cultural demands which are a matter of survival and to enable lifeways
Three projects by Turner
- Understanding indigenous Philosophy through elders/knowledge keepers
- Indigenous intellectuals (WW) who are educated in Western phil and engage on own terms
- Indigenous intellectuals who engage in Western history of ideas as phil and poli activity
Roles of Word Warriors
-Act as mediators
-Embrace 3 conventions of constitutionalism
-Embrace 4 principles of vision chapter
-Guide people through political/cultural recognition
3 conventions of constitutionalism
Mutual recognition, continuity, consent
Embrace 4 principles of vision chapter
Mutual recognition, mutual respect, sharing, and mutual responsibility
What must Word warriors form
an intellectual community for survival which works within existing dominant legal and political community to find ways to make inroads into dominant intellectual legal and political communities
Six Nations Chief who went to Geneva on Haudenosaunee passport to address League of Nation regarding indigenous treatment blocked by Canada and UK
UN declaration of human rights
not enforceable that did not cover indigenous
GA resolution 1514
supported decolonization but not applied by settlers
Examples of North-American movements of 60s and 70s
-Indian of All tribes
-Red Power Movement
-Wounded Knee
-American Indian Movement
John Mohawk
wrote response papers which were edited by Council and published
Why read ABCC
-Significant contribution to the historical developments just discussed
-Consistent with historical and ongoing Indigenous political claims
-Political theory and ‘manifesto,’ political tracts, policy documents, etc.
-Authored by John Mohawk, with the revisions by the Council
-Offers relevant elements to understand Haudenosaunee political thought
-An Indigenous perspective on the Western World
-how to improve the current global predicament
Mohawk on Government
To create peace and stop abuse of one another
Mohawk and peace
Based on 3 concepts
-Righteousness (unselfish mind and strive for universal benefit/harmony)
-Reason (power to make righteous decisions)
-Power (power to enact peace, to persuade people and if that fails force)
Peace achieved through not government but
spiritually strong society that is equal and grounded in relationships
ABCC as the perspective of ___
-natural societies on western lifeways
-Ancient deeply rooted older sibling that informs the younger person of their destructive actions
According to Mohawk what is the highest form of political consciousness
Spirituality as all things have spirit and are related. Spirituality shows there is order in nature
According to Mohawk Western societies do what with Natural Ways
Departed from them and has gone on a path of destruction. when faced with it they only destroy more efficiently
- Can be seen with the foul air, poisoned water and dying life which were predicted by old teachings
-ABCC to prevent the death path
Policies of oppression in democracy ABCC
Peasants as a sub class and the social political mechanism of elimination associated with Modern/ concepts of property production