Final Flashcards
Choosing Career
75% Americans = job at least very imptnt
Easy to decide career if…
-Secure attachment w/ caregiver
-Feel have career abilities
-S-E status
INT & Career
M INT = ML to get desired career
-INT doesn’t predict career success
-INT predicts acdec attainment, college grades predict career obtainment
*Only for M b/c glass ceiling prevent INT W from getting career deserved b/c sexism
-Need challenging career if INT, otherwise satisfaction DEC
Skills needed to successfully perform in career
-M imptnt T INT
-Artisitc, mechanics, persuasive talents - SOC / soft skills imptnt
Ideal when career matches…
Interests, meaningful careers influence S-direction
S-Determination Theory
We have 3 psych needs, if fullfilled, psych WB is H. Needs:
-Competence / good at something
-Autonomous / b/c want to
-Related / connect w/ others
ML to do something w/…
INT motivation
-Autonomy - Doing something b/c want to
Openness - To New exp
Conscientious - Precision
Extraverted - SOC w/ others
Neurotic - ANX
Family Influence
We tend to choose careers PREV family were in
-Learning/obsv - Seeing others influence our bhvr
-SES - Parents w/ L money = LL to go to college
Parent Practices
-Kids from Middle class backgrounds = better careers
-L class = ML blue collar
-Upper middle class = encouraged to be independent
*Be wheel / leader
-Those from working class = taught to obey & conform to SOC (pay bills, get job)
Essential Info About Choosing Occupations
Nature / day to day things
Working conditions
Job entry requirement
Ongoing training / education
Chance to collab
Potential earning
Potential status
Advancement opportunities
Trust & respect
INT job satisfaction
Future outlook
Choosing A Career
Many options, doesn’t mean you get the perfect one
-Mobility = Success
-Meaning & purpose M imptnt T salary if have enough $
-Limits on options / aptitude = pivot
-Career is a process
-Some can’t be undone
*Investment or past EXP
-Job VS Career VS Calling
*Calling = meaning
*1/3 want job, want career, want calling
How to find right career
-Occupational Outlook Handbook
*GOV booklet w/ 800+ careers
-Discuss w/ person in field / shadow / internship
-Psych tests (EX occupational interest inventory)
*Satisfy career, not success
*Issues: Accuracy not 100%, is a GUIDE, has G bias (M $ for M)
Models of Career Choice
Hollands PERS-ENV fit model
Super’s DEV Model
Holland’s PERS-ENV Fit Model
We have 6 diff & stable PERS orientations / styles = 6 diff work ENV match career satisfaction
-Realistic (mechanics, lack SOC)
-Investigative (Analytical)
-Artistic (Imaginative)
-SOC (coop)
-Enterprising (Extraversion)
-Conventional (Numerical skills)
Holland’s PERS-ENV Fit Model pt 2
Outcome if PERS orientation & work ENV match = M happy = M M stability & success
We are a continuum, not one PERS orientation.
Caveat: Our PERS isn’t stable, we change w/ age, career demands could chance, ENV change, ect
Super’s DEV Model
Careers DEV w/ time & are crucial to S-Concept (which changes). 5 Stages:
1) Growth (0-14) - Career choice is fantasy
-Don’t consider PERS ability & education requirements
2) Expl (15-25) - Realistic consideration of diff careers
3) Est (25-44) - Commit to career & learn to functionally be effective in it
-Finding gratifying career = stick to it
4) Maintenance (45-65) - Retaining/protect achieved status
-Focus on leisure & family (shifts if career threatened)
5) Decline (65+) - Decline in productivity & work activity, retirement
-Retirement and pension needs considered early
Changing World of Work
Need to keep up w/ work trends
-Work Attd - Proving value, S-directed, flexibility
-Life long earning
-GIG / Tempt work - Flexibility w/ possible H demand/$, no pension
-Boundaries blurr w/ technology
-H job growth for prof & service occupations = M stress, L autonomy
Occupational Stress
Being in a psych demanding job (1) w/ lack of autonomy (2)
Psych Disorders
H disability source
When psych P = disorder
-P persists for extended period
-P causes significant distress interfering w/ rltnsps, work performance, ect
*Deviate from norm?
*Cause stress?
*Cause others discomfort?
Sickness / disorder of mind or thoughts
-M common T thought, 25% of 18y+ will exp some psych disorder, 50% of Americans diagnosed at some point
-W ML to be diagnosed w/ ANX, DEP, & PTSD T M
-M ML to be diagnosed w/ substance disorder
Two ways to view psych disorder cause
Diathesis Stress model
Biopsychosocial Approach
Diathesis Stress Model
Some are genetically predisposed/vulnerable (1) w/ presence of stress to DEV psych disorder (2)
Biopsychosocial Approach
How biology, psychology, & SOC-culture factors work together to impact chance of psych disorder
ANX & ANX Disorder
ANX - Tense, worried, dreadful
ANX Disorder - Excess ANX w/out true danger, threats where there aren’t any
-50% of college students exp crippling ANX any year
-25% of people in US at some point in life
Specific Phobia
Fear of specific object/situation that is out of proportion
-Common, easily treated
SOC ANX disorder
Cripping fear of - eval by others
-~13y, 6% of population
-Fret, struggle w/ minor things
-W > M
Panic Disorder
Overwhelming terror attacks, mistaken for heart attack or dying, lasts many minutes
-Light headedness, BP drop
-W > M
Worry/fear of situations that can’t be escaped & open spaces w/ fear of public panic attack
Dev of Psych Disorders
ML to Dev based on childhood temperament
-Shyness, avoid unknown people
-Faulty learning
Consequences of Psych Disorder on Health
-FoF system M active
-Cardiac & BP issues = Hypertension = heart attack / stroke
-Diff concentrating & PS
-Impaired judgement
Intrusive thoughts (obsesssions) INC ANX causing urges (compulsions) to DEC ANX temporarily
-Aware of ^, cannot help act
Learning (Operant conditioning) & - rein
-Genes release glutamate (n/t)
-Subcortical area caudate nucleus involved in regulating impulse bhvr is sm T usual (corr)
Direct/indirect exposure to harm / life threatening event. Symptoms:
-Frequent nightmares, intrusive trauma thoughts, & flashbacks
-Hyperviligence / Tension
-W > M, ~7% of pop
PTSD & Trauma Severity
M intense = ML to dev PTSD & M intense symptoms
-Intimate partner (DV) or S-violence ML to DEV PTSD VS war-type
*SA usually someone they know, break trust
Susceptibility / DEV of PTSD
Diathesis - Stress - Model - Those DEV PTSD have diff genes to DEV serotonin = Possible vulnerability to DEV PTSD after trauma
-Sm hippocampus