Final Flashcards
The equine core is similar to
A bow and string - if back not conditioned that affects the are and vice versa
Describe the movement of the mid thoracic region
Limited flexion and extension, good axial rotation and lateral bending
Desambe the movement of the lumbar region
Limited axial rotation and lateral bending, good flexion and extension
What are the epaxial muscles
Iliocostalis, longisimus dosi, multifidus
What are the hypaxial muscles
Psoas major and psoas minor
What are dynamic mobilization exercises
Controlled range of motion exercises that recruit long mobilizing modes and deep stabilizing muscles to round or band the reck and back
What are benefits of dmes
Improve range of motion, flexibility , core strength and increase cross sectional area of deep spinal stabilizers
What are rounding exercises
Carrot stretches - nose to chest, knee, fetlock
What exercises can you do to flex the intervertebral joints
Rounding exercises / carrot stretches
What exercises are like crunches - abdomen controlled, back lifted
Ranting exercises / carrot stretches
Describe lateral bending/ cervical exercises
Nose to shoulder, girth and fetlock - also works axial rotation, if really flexible can go to stifle and hind fetlock (really works the abdamer)
What is important to remember about lateral bending cervical exercises
Keep ears parallel and at same height
What are example of dmes
Rounding exercises and lateral bending cervical exercises - carrot stretches
When do you do core strength training exercises and what are they for
Do these once horse is comfortable with dmes - targets postural muscles that affect balance and self carriage
What are benefits of core strength training exercises
Increase core strength, improve range of motion, improve flexibility
What are examples of core strength training exercises
Lateral pelvic bending, pelvic tucks, sternal lifts
Pelvic tucks help lift -
Thoracic spine
Sternal lifts mobilize the
Entire spine with pressure placed directly under the sternum
Describe resistance band training and the purpose
DMEs and core exercises while in motion - provides proproceptive feedback during motion
What muscles are recruited during resistance band training (in motion)
Abdominal and hind quarter muscles for core strength activation
What is the purpose of the hindquarters resistance band? What muscles are engaged
Raises and rounds the back, increases the pelvic limb protraction - engages the sublumar, hypaxial and epaxia muscles
Describe the belly resistance band - what muscles are engaged
Lifts the core - engages the abdominal, hypaxial and epoxies muscles
How should you start resistance band training
Start on lunge - remember to adjust pain before placing hindquarters band
What are prover effects of resistance band training
Reduced postural sway of the thoracolumbar spine at the trot , increased muscle tone and activation) increases dynamic stability in motion
How do resistance bands affect posture and core strength
Increased f/e and ROM, improves posture stability and activates core muscles
How does the horse maintain balance
Keeping center of mass stable
What are benefits of balancing exercises and what muscles are engaged
Increasing core mobilization , challenges neuromotor control - core muscles recruited to maintain balance
What is the goal of balancing exercises
Engage the hypaxials and epaxials to shift center of mass caudally, engage the pelvic stabilizer muscles and shift the center of mass laterally
Repetition of balance exercises leads to improved- and -
Balance and stability
What are examples of balancing exercises
Surefoot cushions, tail pulls, unstable surfaces /footing
What can you add to balance exercises to increase bachits
Add dmes to challenge balance, proprioception and control
What muscles do destabilizing exercises recruit
Stabilizers - challenge balance
What is required for ground pole and cavaletti exercises
High level of neuromotor training activity, coordination and self carriage
What are benefits of ground pole and cavaletti exercises
Challenges proprioception , test neuromotor control, activate core muscles
What patients benefit from ground pole and cavaletti exercises
Neurologic patients
What do caveletti exercises do for the horse and its musculature
Encourages hose to relax and lower head, promotes flexion of thoracic spine , pelvic limb flexion promotes lumbar and gluteal muscle contraction
Trotting with cavaleti poles has what benefit
Improves limb flexion engages core and lifts the back
Cavaletti poles on an incline conditions
Pelvic musculature
Cavaletti poles on a decline improves
Dynamic balance
What are 5 questions to ask yourself when designing a rehab plan
What is the injury
What treatments are planned
Where will the rehab take place
Who will be doing the rehab
Now often do we want to recheck our horse
What injuries necessitate stall rest
Surgery, fractures , grade 4+ lameness
When can you transition from stall rest to regular turnout ? What is important to remember
Once back in full work - pasture may not be suitable anymore depending on type of injury
What does the fast track rehabilitative orthotic do
Can set a dial to control flexion and extension of that limb as the horse rehabs from an injury - good for things like suspensory ligament injuries
Should you return a horse with a fetlock injury to hilly pasture
Probably not
What is important to consider when deciding between tackwalking and handwalking
Degree of lameness, type of injury , weight of rider
What is the risk of larger riders
Can induce temporary lameness and behaviors consistent with musculoskeletal pain in horses that are baseline sound
What are ways to achieve weightlessness in a horse
Underwater treadmill, swimming pools
Ideally you want the rider -
Centered on the horses center of gravity
What are rules of rehabbing soft tissue injuries like suspensory branch injuries
All trot and center work should be in intervals with walk breaks in between (30 second trot 30 second walk), flat terrain, good footing, no small circles
When can soft tissue injuries return to jumping
Gradually -start with 2 day a week and small jumps
What is the average time for rehabbing soft tissue injuries
30 weeks or so - take it slow with these, handwalking for at least 9 weeks with smallpaddock turnout then gradually increase
What are rules for rehabbing post surgery like OCD arthroscopy
Strict stall rest for 5 weeks or so post surgery, imaging and soundness dictate a return to work
What is the average rehab time for a post surgical injury
14 weeks or so (half the time for a soft tissue injury)
What are mechanical restraint options while rehabbing a horse
Chain over nose or under lip/chin, regular lead over nose, regular lead plus chain lead
What are options for chemical restraint during rehab
Acepromazine, trazadone,, alpha 2 agonists ( xylazine or dematomidine), reserpine
What is important to remember when using reserpine during rehab
You can not use reserpine with other sedatives or anesthetics leave it will cause profound hypertension then death
What are side effects of trazodone
Over sedation, muscle fasiculations , transient armithmias
What ave side effects of reserpine
Colic, hypotension ,over sedation, divine, sweating, respiratory depression
What is the with down time for reserpine
90 days
What are side effects of acepromazine
Paraphinosis - inability to retrat penis
Describe the philosophy of equine nutrition
Appropriate forge and concentrate should negate the need for supplements - but can argue either way
What are NRC requirements that commercial feeds must meet for specified classes of horse
Minimum suggestions to prevent classic deficiencies (poor growth, metabolic bone disease)
What are NRC specified classes of horse
Growing, breading, maintenance, performance
What are researched feed diets for the NRC based on
Mostly thoroughbreds and quarter horses - which is why this is really an issue (warmblood needs are different)
What are stucture/function claims limited to for feed supplements
General health, skin and coat, digestive health or other broad health categories
Feeds and feed supplements follow -
Aafco guidelines
Feeds and feed supplements follow -
Aafco ( American association of feed control officials) guidelines
Feeds and feed supplements follow -
Aafco ( American association of feed control officials) guidelines
What are vitamin E supplements good for
Equine motor disease, post exercise muscle damage, poor fertility, nerve degeneration
- Ingredients are denoted with an asteroix on the guaranteed analysis for feed supplements
Ingredients are typically listed
In descending weight but not required for horses
Can feed supplements state supplement
Can non feed supplements state supplement
What are examples of non feed supplements
Joint support, calming, antioxidants, immune support
Do non feed supplements have a guaranteed analysis
What are examples of feed supplements
Hoof supplements, treats, vitamins/minerals
What do non feed supplements follow
Dosage form animal health products labeling
Is the final product of a nonfeed supplement tested
No- only the individual products are tested
Is the final product of a nonfeed supplement tested
No- only the individual products are tested
Can non feed supplements say they prevent or cure disease
Differentiate between regulation of feed supplements verses non feed supplements
Feed supplements - aafco, premarket approval or GRAS
Nun feed supplement- NASC, FDA considers this a new drug so must submit a new animal drug form
Aafco works with - who conducts on products
Works with PDA who conducts surveillance on products approved by aafco
What does NASC do
Establish labelling guidelines with the FDA and AAFCO, supplement companies can join this nonprofit if trey follow all the rules - supplements from NASC are good!
What are some health concerns related to performance horse nutrition
Gastric ulcers, joint stress, muscle soreness, poor appetite, behavior
What type of qualifications do supplement companies need to pass to be in nafco
Have a quality control manual , have an adverse event report system, follow guidelines, pass a 3rd party audit Evan 2 years I pass random inspections , participate in continuing education
Who is the national governing body for equine sports
United States equine federation
Give an example of an unapproved nsaid in performance horse,
Can performance horses use pergolide (a dopamine agonist)
Prohibited due to drug class despite being a vital daily med, 24 hour withdrawal period and medication report form required but there is a therapeutic use exemption owners can apply for which is good for 3 years
Are bisphosphanates allowed in performance horses (tildren and osphos)
Only if FDA approved I horse is at least 4 years old, medical report form is requested and withdrawal time of 28 days
What is the only steroid drug allowed for therapeutic use in performance horses
What are the rules of dexmethasone (steroid) use in performance horse,
No more than 5 consecutive days and the allowable plasma level is 0.5 ng/ml (1mg/100lb over 12 hours before the show for oral und iv/im)
What is the exception to steroid usein performance horses
You con use it over 6 hours before the show if being used for hives at 0.5 mg/100lbs
Are anabolic steroid, allowed in performance horses
No - long withdrawal times (Dexmethasone the only one allowed)
Are short acting sedatives / tranquilizers like xylazine , acepromazine, butorphanal allowed in performance horses
Allowed with a medication report form but can not be given within 24 hours of a show
Are local anesthetic allowed in performance horses (lidocaine, procaine, etc)
With a medication report form
Can a horse receive shockwave therapy before show
Prohibited, can not be used within 3 days of a show Tre only exception is for the backand pelvis up to 12 hours before the show
Is sedation allowed for performance horses
Requires a mediation report form and can not be given within 24 hours of a show
When do you submit a medication reporting form
Within one hour of giving a drug and most be done online
Can performance horses have IA injections
Not within 4 days of a show and if the horse is under 2 years then not within 30 days
What is the rule for injections in performance horses
None within 12 hours of a show unless, it is IV fluids, Dexmethasone or antibiotics but no procaine penicillin
Can you use kinesiology tape or adhesives on a mounted horse
What is regenerative medicine in simple terms
Using the bodies own cells to gereste new tissue rather than allowing scar tissue formation
What is ILI
Cytokine that promotes healing made from the liver
IL 4 and IL 10 are
Antinfimmatory cytokines
Why blood biologic products?
Plasma proteins, exosomes, platelets
What is the benefits of platelet
Promotes early wound healing, secretes gram factors within 1 hour, secrete proteins. For 5-10 days the macrophages promote wound healing
What is the pros and cons of giving monocytes with or blood products
Monocytes modulate inflammation but they can’t be separated from neutrophils which are bad for lite reading and on case hemolysis of RBCs
Describe platelet rich plasma (prp)
Enriched platelets from whole blood with fibrinogen / potent sauce of growth factors, can do patient side - goal is to avoid RBC contamination and WBC enriched (lprp)
What is the ideal blood based product
High platelet, low WBC and RBC from a patient in an anti inflammatory state (young , healthy, uninjured)
It is important that platelets are not - before being concentrated in blood based products
Platelet not activated is important
PRP is the some short term as - and - but better long tem
Hydralamic acid and corticosteroids
PRP combined with - was better than PRP alone
Combo with corticosteroids
- Degrades quickly when PRP is frozen
IL I - loses potency very quickly
Freezing L PRP is not recommended because
Professes ave released from the WBC
What are benefits of mesyhmal stem cells
Generate new tissue, anti apoptosis, trophic functions, supplies collagen and gram factors
Does bone marrow stem cell therapy help treat require OA or sonorities
No-actually made the synovitis worse
On you use bone marrow stem cells on a soft hin injury with calcificados
No absolutely not-will increase bone formation
On you use bone marrow stem cells on a soft hin injury with calcificados
No absolutely not-will increase bone formation