Final Flashcards
Distinguish between what a group is and what a group is not
A group is 2 or more individuals having a common purpose
What is entitativity?
How we measure the coherence of a group
Explain typical group development - forming, storming, norming, performing
-forming is creating the group
-storming is recruiting
-norming: greatest danger ( where things go bad, what my ideas are about running the group might be different than others;group starts falling a part)
-performing ( once you are past norming, the people that stay, the group starts thriving; if you don’t come out of norming strong enough the group is doomed)
Explain why groups form?
Strength in numbers
Avoidance of accountability/responsibility
Need of sense of belonging
Material benefits to members
Interpersonal attraction to members(like the people within the group)
Why is there a need for groups?
Division of labor
Different perspectives ( Lens analogy)
Avoidance of tyranny:strength in numbers to avoid switch ups
Deliberative democracy
Manipulation that occurs in group decision making
-stacking the deck to get a majority of support for decision
-Control of procedures or norms
-use of personal relationships to gain support
Psychology and personalities of leaders:
-need for power,high and low characteristics
-cognitive complexity, high and low characteristics
- locus of control
- The big 5 personality traits
-one’s need for impact,control and influence over others.
-cognitive complexity:the ability to recognize and deal with many factors that arise from the same situation/ decision
-how much control over the situation one feels they have
Give an example of social movements
Colonists, abolitionists, progressives
How do social movements start?
Collective endeavor that challenges existing authority structure, common purpose and solidarity; common identity
-sustained collective action
Explain the 4 limiting conditions of deciding to join a social movement
1.The occurrence of a specific recruiting attempt; how many times its introduce
2.The successful linkage of movement and identity; how well does the group/movement match to your identity for that linkage from persons who normally serve to sustain the identity in question; do you have friends that are apart of the movement or for the group
4.The absence of strong opposition form others on whom other salient identities depend; the lack of other groups that are recruiting
What is meant by the term “astroturf” when discussing social movements
Astroturf meaning fake?
- astroturf movement: fake movements often supported for ulterior motives
Explain the social cognitive dissonance pyramid and how it was used in class?
As you move further and further away from the truth it is harder to go back to the truth
What is extremism?
Seeing the world in black and white, very narrowly with little opportunity for deviation
-examples would be suicide bombers, shooters, etc.
-very narrow definition of what’s right or wrong
How does the quote by Dr. Seuss lend itself to promotion of extremism?
-those who disagree don’t matter and the ones who do, don’t care
-you are good or bad, 100% or 0% no in between
Are extremists insane or calculating
-they are not insane. They calculatetheir actions and possible outcomes. They further use a twisted sort op rationality to promote their actions