Final 150-part 1 Flashcards
Why did Europeans come to America to colonize?
Virginia Company
~ joint-stock company that gained a charter to establish Jamestown
-joint-stock company, investors buy stock to help set the settlement up and once profits are reached, the investors get a percentage
~was chosen because it was easy to defend
~lacked farmland and was swampy
~ spent too much time on looking for gold and silver, they didn’t grow enough food
~tobacco saved Jamestown(made money by tobacco)
John Smith
~Governor of Jamestown for its first 2yrs.
~forced settlers to work and explore
~when he left for England, Jamestown suffered
~Powhatan tribe stopped growing food
~winter of 1609-1610 was called “the starving time”
~well known for saving John Smith’s life and bringing peace to British/Native American relations after her marriage to Rolfe
~married to John Rolfe
John Rolfe
~sells very first tobacco in 1614 in England
~married Pocahontas
~the growth of tobacco allowed Virginia to grow and prosper
~saved Jamestown
Bacon’s Rebellion
~his uprising against Berkeley’s policies and anger over Native American raids had shown that the settlers were not content with being restricted to the coast
~more land was opened up for settlement
Plymouth Colony
~separatists who came to the colonies for religious freedom
~came to America on the Mayflower on September 1620
~planned to go to New York, but landed North in Plymouth
~followed the Mayflower compact
~Ship Pilgrims came to America on
Mayflower Compact
~followed by the Pilgrims
William Bradford
~led Pilgrims for over 30yrs.
~most famous for writing Plymouth Plantation
~started Thanksgiving
Squanto and Samoset
~Native Americans who befriended the Pilgrims
~showed Pilgrims how to grow corn, beans, and squash
~also showed Pilgrims where to hunt and fish
~without this help, these people wouldn’t have survived
~prosecuted back in England and chose to leave
~had little toleration for any other religious beliefs
~criticized or prosecuted people who held other religious views
Massachusetts Bay Colony
~in 1629 a group of Puritans form the Massachusetts Bay Colony
~was their colony based on the Bible