final Flashcards
social expectations that guide behavior and interxn
- customs of daily basis
- no serious consequence for violation
- widely observed social norms
- highly regulated
- greater moral significance than folkways
- violation of established norms
- social construction
- definition varies over time and culture
formal social control
- gives specific people responsibility of enforcing norms using specific methods
informal social control
- social control exercised by regular people
- works by need for approval, guilt and shame as motivators
identity as deviance
people’s identity being deviant results in mistreatment
- excluding them in infrastructure
- societal rules representing dominant group
act formally banned by law
scientific approach to study of crime
crime vs deviance
crime is designated to have formal intervention, deviance involves violation of social norms that may or may not have formal intervention attached
victimless crimes
no direct suffering to people other than criminal (possession of drugs, gambling)
crime funnel
only a small fraction of all law-breaking behaviors is reported hence less are punished
under reporting of sexual assaults
victims fear humiliation
property vs violent crimes
property outnumbers violent crimes
- jeremy bentham designed it
- jail in circular formation
- people think they’re always being watched
- inmates can’t see into tower (can’t see who’s looking)
panopticon and plato’s ring of geiges
- if you put this ring on no one will know your crime (would you put it on) similar to panopticon
panopticon and social media
-always a record of something
- participatory surveillance
michel foucault
- expanded idea of panopticon into symbol of social control
- social citizens internalize authority (prevailing norms)
- people tend to obey (even in the instance of no consequences (red light)) because the rules become self imposed
early theories of crime
- 1600: supernatural causes (church has role of authority and police)
- 1770-1800: crime is a result of conscious choice
rational choice theory
crime is a result of conscious choice
- punishment should be greater than the crime to reduce likelihood of recidivism
physical features of criminals (applying scientific method) associated with biological determinism
biological determinism
features distinguishing criminals from non-criminals
Cesare Lombroso
- argued criminals had animalisitic skeletal features (biology compelled them to life of crime)
william sheldon
- 1940s
- endomorphs: slower metabolism
- ectomorphs: thin and introverted
- mesomorphs: aggressive, muscular, crime
functionalism and crime
- industrial societies = more deviance
- modern societies lack traditional order and values
- rapid social change increases crime and instability
- strain theory
strain theory
- anomie b/w culturally approved goals and means to achieve (lacking means leads to deviance)
- Merton
- deviance lies in unequal opportunity in society
5 adaptation to anomie
- conformity: follow rules, hope they get rich but know they won’t
- ritualism: conform, no hope for success
- retreatism: give up cause they won’t reach goal
- rebellion: reject norms, seek new goals and means
- innovation: use socially unacceptable means (crime) to achieve socially accepted goals
conflict theory and crime
- binary power model
- deviance is a way of imposing and justifying control by the powerful
- laws favoring some but not others?
- criminogenic env’t is created by gov’t
- white collar crimes are punished more leniently than others
symbolic interxn and crime
- effect of social control on deviant people
- deviance is socially defined
- why people are labelled as deviant
- labelling theory
- deviance as master status
- stigmatization
labelling theory
- people behave and identify in ways reflective of how others have labelled them (standford prison expt)
SI and crime: stigma
- mark of shame
- discredit
- labelling and stigma doesnt necesarily lead to deviant identity/career
feminism and crime
- how crime differs in gender
- change laws around crimes mostly perpetrated against women