final Flashcards
where do we do a cap glucose measurement
side of the finger (pad)
why do we wipe away first drop of blood for glucose test
what is DKA
body can’t produce enough insulin, body begins to break down fat as fuel causing buildup of acids in bloodstream = ketones
what order do you draw up insulin
air in N (long acting), air in R (rapid acting), draw R, draw N
what are the kinds of insulin and how fast will they work
rapid = onset 15-30 mins, peak = 1-3hrs
short = onset 30-1hr, peak = 1-5hrs
intermediate = onset 1-2 hrs, peak = 6-14 hrs
long = onset 0.8-2 hrs, peak = peakless
what sites can you use for insulin and what angle injection
adipose tissue: upper arms, outer side of thigh, belly area
5cm tissue = 90 degrees
less than 5cm tissue = 45 degrees
what is heparin? what are contraindications to heparin adminsiteration
what is the correct size of subcutaneous syringe
what is the max amount of volume in the subcutaneous site
why do we do a TB skin test
where is the correct spot for TB?
what angle of insertion for TB
what other things might be given intradermal?
what is different b/w blunt fill and filter?
filter = prevent small glass fragments from entering syringe
blunt fill = used to draw up medication
which needle do you use for vial? an ampule?
vial = blunt
ampule = filter
what are some differences b/w vial and ampule
ampules = single dose medication, constricted neck must be snapped off to access medication, scored for easy break
vial = single or multi dose, rubber seal, closed system, air must be injected into vial to permit easy withdrawal
name the different parts of a syringe
plunger, barrel, needle hub
would you draw up from a vial or ampule first if you were mixing 2 medications?
how many litres would you put the O2 to for NP, simple face mask, non-rebreather
NP = 1-6mL
simple face mask = 5-8mL
non-rebreather = 10-15mL
what is a normal oxygen level? for a COPD patient
greater than 95%
signs of hypoxia include?
what is difference b/w high and low flow oxygen delivery device
low = oxygen mixing with room air (NP, simple face mask)
high = deliver O2 rates above normal inspiratory flow rate