Final Flashcards
Does all religion lead to God?
No religion lends to god. That would mean that as humans we could reach God. We are celebrating he fact that we cannot work our way to God but he is working his way to us.
What is the nature of Jesus?
He can mend our broken relationship with God
What do he “I am” statements say about Jesus?
Jesus needed to say who he was without using God’s actual name, because a Jew during that time would not have said God’s name out of respect.they used a lot at attributes to refer to God. Hence the “I am” statements.
Colossians 2:9
For in Christ all the fullness of fle deity lives in bodily form
Hebrews 1:3
The son is the radiance of gods glory and the exact representation of his being. Sustains all things by his powerful word.
Epicurus dilemma
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is no omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence come the evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?
The problem of moral evil
If God is all-powerfull, he would stop evil.
If God is good, he would want to stop evil.
Evil exists
Therefore, God does not exist.
The free will defence
God is all-powerful
God is good
Therefore, God has a good reason for allowing evil.
Definition of defence
Is a possible answer
Definition of theodicy
Is a believed answer
Was evil God’s desire?
God know that people will chose evil, but he did not desire for people to choose evil
What is evil?
Evil is the corruption of good. Evil is not a thing, it is a corruption at a thing
Currency example.
You don’t teach people the counterfeit currency, you teach the veal currency so one knows when they come across a counterfeit. You can have currency without counterfeit, but you can’t have a counterfeit currency without the currency.
Therefore, it you believe evil exist ten you need to believe that good exist, because evil is the counterfeit of good.
What is good?
Goodness is the Way the world ought to ought to be in right relationship: with God, others, self, and creation.
What is the euthyphro dilemma
Is something good because God wills? Or does God will something because it is good? Either way, God isn’t necessary for goodness.
What is the third option for the enthyphro dilemma
Gods nature is good.
How can good be used for the existence of God?
If God exists, objective moral and duties exist. Objective moral values and duties exist. Therefore, God exists.
How do we make sense the evil in the ot?
People were broken and destructive. Were the wars and brokenness what God desired? No, but he did use it for his goodness and his plans.
View of God between the ot and the nt
Is it the same God? Yes, yes it is.
Difference is that we see God more clearly in the nt because he steps into history through Jesus.
Ot God works through people, nt God steps down and becomes flash to help.
How dol know the bible was written Early?
Demonstrates a good familiarity with the time, culture, names, places and historical figures correctly.
The destruction at the temple was not mentioned, there were the person who wrote it, wrote it before the event happened.
Paul indicates that most of the eye witness are still alive
Death of the disciple James in ad52. No other discipleship death is mentioned till Jesus’ brother in ad62. So it had to have been written before and between those deaths.
Reasons to believe the resurrection took place
That women found the empty tomb, and that it was recorded, because at that time women would not have been believed.
Disciples went from unbelief to belief and hen leaders of the church.
Empty tomb.