final Flashcards
Which type of WBC’s is typically elevated in patients with infections?
The clumping of particles is known as?
Patient fears about blood collection can be?
All of these
Types of anemia include all but the following
Inability of patient to take Iron Supplements
Transport lipids and fat-soluble vitamins in plasma?
What additive is in the light blue tube?
Sodium Citrate
The program that ensures quality control, instrument and equipment maintenance and routine training of staff is known as?
Quality Assurance
Important blood- clotting protein?
Hemostasis means?
Control of bleeding
Which tube has a gel-like substance that separates components after being centrifuged?
Red/ gray “Tiger top”
What is the additive in the green topper tube?
What is the meaning of syncope?
The Universal blood type donor is?
Type O negative
What does ABO stand for?
Blood Group Classification
Hematocrit can be defined as?
The measure of red packed cell percentage
The most common area for a blood draw on a patient is?
Antecubital fossa
Caused when bilirubin builds up in the body
Which type of WBC’s will be elevated in a case of Epstein Barr?
What is a routine blood test that measures the 3-month average of a person’s glucose levels to test for diabetes?
An MA should not be concerned about a fearful patient, as long as he or she performs their job well
A cholesterol panel is a type of serology test
Why would an MA need to use a needle and syringe system
It puts less pressure on a patient’s vein
An antigen occurring on the red blood cells of many humans that caused Hemolytic anemia in newborns
RH Factors
What are the components of formed elements of blood?
RBC’s, WBC’s, and Platelets
A glucometer is used for
Testing a patient’s blood sugar levels
Which system is used to collect blood from fragile veins like those in infants and the elderly
Butterfly system
The organization that oversees the safety of the United States workforce is known as
Which of the following do not have an anticoagulant additive
Red tube
What types of wbc’s are remarkably lower in an AIDS infection 
T lymphocytes
Produced by the kidneys to stimulate red bone marrow production 
Smallest plasma proteins that pulls water into the bloodstream to maintain blood pressure
When CLIA was implemented in 1988 which of the following took place
Many physicians closed their laboratory
What is the liquid portion of the blood called
The withdraw of blood from a vein
Deficiency of RBCs and hemoglobin in the blood is known as
Which of the following are considered routine, clear wave test and are performed and a POL
Urinalysis ,glucose urine ,pregnancy
all of the above
A small plastic tube with a wide mouth collector that allows blood to flow quickly and freely into the tube is
Causes the blood to stay in a liquid state
Some of the advantages of POCT are
All of the above
the patient can be treated in the doctors office
test results are instant
treatments can start immediately
Rupture of the red blood cells into the plasma
What percentage of bleach should be used to clean bodily fluids on contaminated work surfaces
Abbreviation for alcohol is
This blood collection system is more stable inside the patient’s vein so that the MA can manipulate tubes easier
Butterfly system
Type of blood cancer that occurs when bone marrow produces too many abnormal WBC‘s
When preparing blood for the physicians to examine under the microscope what should an MA use
Spreader slide
What is the purpose of an ESR
All the above
test for infections
test for inflammation
test for sickle cell anemia
The most common vain for blood draws is
Median cubital
This is the most common method of drawing blood
These are also known as the hand veins
Dorsal metacarpal
A moving thrombus is known as in Emboli or embolus
Washing your hands and wearing PPE is known as
Standard precaution
The main reason for the clinical laboratories improvement amendment of 1988 was
In response to concerns over the accuracy of laboratory testing
Which type of samples is used to run a CBC
Whole blood
Which blood collection system uses collection tubes calibrated to collect an exact amount of blood
Evacuated system
Clot the forms in a vessel without injury
To preserve a urine or blood specimen it is best to
This test is used to confirm HIV
Western clot
A chemically coded strip that reacts to the present a specific substance is known as
Used to detect the presence of bacteria in the blood
Blood culture
Which additive is used for coagulation studies
Sodium citrate
Biohazard waste bags must be
What is the purpose of running control on CLIA waived test
They check that the test will give accurate results
Use for alcohol and drug testing
Chain of custody
What are the names of the blood cells that carry oxygen to body tissues
Which test are not part of a CBC panel
Coagulation time
Which tube color comes first in the order of draw
Disease is the bone marrow that result in an abnormally high number of blood cells causing the blood to thicken
Polycythemia vera
Which WBC count will be elevated with an allergic reaction
Used to determine a CBC differential count
Wright’s stain
Which tube color is used for a CBC
Another name for thrombocytes
What is the name of the disease that is inherited blood clotting disorder
The normal range for blood potassium is
3.5-5.1 mEq/L
What is the name of the device that spins blood at a high speed separating its components 
The normal fasting blood glucose level is
74-120 mg/dl
What does QNS stands for
Quantity not sufficient
What is the name of the device that measures hemoglobin after a capillary puncture of a patient
Type of anemia that results in small pale, short-lived RBCs