final Flashcards
Founder of Buddhism
Siddhartha Gautama
When was Buddhism founded?
563-483 BC
How many carnations does Siddhartha Gautama have?
4 things Siddhartha couldn’t see
old person, sick, death, holy man
Why did Siddhartha become the Budda?
his experience under the fig tree - Budda is one who is awake
What do Theravada Buddhists believe about God?
non - theistic - work out your own salvation aside from the Gods
What do Mahayana Buddhists believe about God?
Poly-theistic - Savior beings you can use to gain salvation
What do Tibetan Buddhists believe?
Yoga, meditation, positive visualization
Purpose of life for Buddhists
- reach buddha status through personal purification
- overcome the misery of the world
What is the nature of Heaven for buddhists?
achievement of enlightenment
How do Theravada buddhists get to heaven?
merit self redemption works - life of solitary disciple
How do Mahayana Buddhists get to heaven?
Bodhisattva - people who have almost achieved enlightenment they are choosing not to get off the wheel by helping others achieve enlightenment
Siddharthas views about extremism
NOT about extremism
Laws and Vows for all Buddhists
no killing no stealing no immorality no lying/deceiving no partaking of intoxicants
Laws and Vows for Monastics
no eating between meals no secular entertainment no adorning of body no high or wide beds no accepting of money
Nature of Worship services for Buddhism
temple buildings
Where are most Theravada Buddhists located
sri Lanka, thailand, burna, cambodia
Which buddhists denomination is the smallest?
Theravada - lesser vehicle
Which Buddhist denomination is the largest?
Mahayana - the greater vehicle
Where are most Mahayana buddhists located?
Japan, Korea, mongolia, Taiwan, china
Which buddhist denomination is superior?
What does the Lotus represent in Buddhism?
symbol of purification God’s come out of or sit inside lotus flower
What is the Mudra a symbol of?
hand symbols to drive away the evil ones
what are mandalas a symbol of ?
sand drawings, help at beginning of journey, connection to the divine
What is the om mani paddle hum
suppress bad appetite and invite the good ones, sounds have power to connect with the soul
What is the canon for Theravada buddhists
3 baskets
- disciple
- discourse
- special teachings
What is the canon for Mahayana buddhists
Chinese canon
What is the canon for Tibetan Buddhists?
Vajrayana or Tibetan canon
- treated like a person
Authority in Buddhism
Dalai Lama - means great priest, seen as deity
How is Dalai Lama chosen?
Transmigration - kid born same day as last Dalai Lama dying
Dietary restriction for Buddhists
not vegetarian
won’t eat meat specifically killed for them
Buddhists attitude towards women?
women are a threat
not seen as equal
Buddhist view of family
Filial piety - family is a symbol of attachment
Four noble truths of Buddhism
- life is pain and suffering
- pain and suffering are caused by craving and selfish desire
- craving and attachment can be eliminated
- the eightfold middle path leads to the extinction of suffering
What is in the eightfold middle path?
- right understanding or view
- right purpose or aspirations
- right speech
- right conduct or actions
- right livelihood
- right effort or endeavor
- right alertness or mindfulness
- right concentration or meditation
What do Buddhists believe about death?
Tibetan stay by the bod for 4 days and wait for the light
Misconceptions of Buddhism
worship buddha how christians worship christ all believe in reincarnation buddhism is masochistic all look at yoga the same buddhists hate life
5 desirable conditions of Buddhism
- long life
- pleasant appearance
- happiness
- status
- nirvana
Who is the founder of Confucianism?
When was Confucius born
551 BC
What was the life of Confucius like?
15 wants to be scholar
20 got paid for talking about philosophy
captain of police in Lu
died in 479
Nature of God for Confucianism?
many believe in Gods, more concerned with the here and now not about heaven
What is the goal of Confucianism?
Focus on bettering yourself and God and heaven will take care of itself
Soteriology phrase about Confucianism
you’re confucian at work (good person) , taoist on weekends(environmental and social interactions) , buddhist at death (what happens when you die)
Purpose of life for Confucianism
propagate peace and harmony by bettering yourself
5 carinal virtues in Confucianism
Hsin - loyalty to words (fruit) Chih - wisdom and application (flower) Li - proper social conduct ( branches) Yi - sense of duty or obligation (trunk) Jen - proper relationships (root)
what are the denominations of confucianism
ancient confucianism
secular humanism
neo- confucianism
who has the highest population of confucianism
South Korea
what does water mean in confucianism?
shui - source of life in china
5 classics of Confucianism
- Shu Ching - history
- Shih Ching - poetry
- I Ching - changes and divination
- Ch’un Ch’iu - spring and autumn annals
- Li Chi - ritual
4 books of confucianism
Lu Yu - analects/teaching
Chung Yung - doctrine
Ta Hsueh - great learning on peace
Meng Tzu - book of Mencius (disciple)
Authority in Confucianism
politics not priesthood
he who governs least, governs best
confucianism belief about education
six arts of disciplines of confucianism
- changes - developing spirituality secular and spiritual simultaneous
- poetry - shih - studying literature
- history - shu - learning from the past
- rituals - Li - paying back your ancestors
- music - yueh - influences many things
- spring and autumn - ch’un ch’iu civic or government
Who is the founder of Shinto?
the Japanese military
What does Shinto mean?
The way of the Gods