Final Flashcards
Name theory creation earth and moon
Giant Impact theory
2 planets in giant impact theory?
theia and proto-earth
Year giant impact theory?
What happens from 4567 to 4000MA on earth?
molten earth. Lava
When does life emerges for the first time on earth?
somewhere after 4000MA.
Theory of the origin of life.
extremophile bacterias in hydrothermal vents.
What are hydrothermal vents?
mini underwater volcanos that let out the gas from the earth. They do not need sunlight and produce a high amount of amonia, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen.
What happens from 2400-2300 MA?
- cyanobacteria and great oxygenation event.
- Snowball earth.
When Eukaryotes cell arrive (approximate) and what are they?
between 2300 and 1000MA. They are animal cells that do Aerobic respiration.
When does the two other snowball earths happen?
When do Ediacaran biota arrive and what are they?
not plants, not animals, no mouths, predators or descendants. Failed experiment.
Where can we find evidence of the Cambrian Explosion? When did it happen? Three examples of organisms found.
Burgess Shale in the rocky mountains of Canada.
Hallucigenia and Anomalocaris. Also trilobites.
What time period represents the evolution of animal life?
540MA to 2.5MA
Paleozoic means…
mesozoic means…
cenozoic means…
old life
middle life
new life
high O2 promotes _____ and leads to ____ climates and _____ evolution.
Extreme O2 or CO2 leads to____
mass extinction
What are the periods of the paleozoic?
Ordovician, Devonian and Carboniferous/Permian
Cambrian and Ordovician are known for…
explosions in animal biodiversity in the sea
Devonian is known for…
radiation of fish and land forests
Carboniferous and Permian are known for…
Radiation of land animals
Cambrian and Ordovician animals or plant that evolve?
Top predator?
Trilobites. Echinoderms( ancestors of starfish, sea cucumbers) and cephalopods (octopi and squids).
reef forming corals evolve.
TP= Orthoceras (4ft).
Cambrian and Ordovician climate? Ocean Level? Oxygen? Continent?
Greenhouse environment and high sea levels.
Low O2 and high CO2.
Devonian animals and plant that evolve?
Top predator?
Insects colonize the land. Fish evolve in amphibians and try to colonize land. Tiktaalik.
Also period of land plants and trees.
TP= Dunkleosteus (10m)
Devonian climate? Ocean Level? Oxygen? Continent?
Generally warm and greenhouse environment. CO2 is high, expect a few spikes in Oxygen.
Gondwana and Euramerica (slowly moving towards pangea) because lots of tectonic activity.
How does the Ordivician period end?
intense glaciation called Hirnantian Glaciation that most likely caused the second largest mass extinction on earth.
When did the Tiktaalik evolve? Characteristics?
still a fish but has shoulder bones to push itself on land. It is a transition species between fish and amphibians. Evolve during a devonian spike of O2 and allowed it to kinda breath out of water.
Characteristics of the Devonian forests?
Large trees without leaves and shallow roots.
No herbivores on land, increase in O2.
This explains why the Carboniferous period has a lot of O2.
Carboniferous and Permian animals and plant that evolve?
Top predator?
Land animals (vertebrates) radiate and grow big, evolution of reptiles and arthropods are huge. Forests are not as wide spread in the Permian as they were in the Carboniferous.
Top predator: Gorgonopsid on land.
3 examples of huge arthropods and in which period?
1- arthopleura
2- meganeura
3- plumonoscorpius
Why is Carboniferous the age of coal?
the trees of the Devonian died and undecomposed wood and pressure create coal.
Permian climate? Oxygen? Continent?
Very cold temperatures at the poles, very dry and hot deserts at the equator (hard for terrestrial life).
Low but biggest spike in history (O2).
Pangea is formed by the end of the Permian.
What are the two types of reptiles?
diapdids: two holes (birds, rhino, dino, crocodiles)
Synapsids: one hole, Permian ancestor of mammals.
What, and when Dimetrodon?
Looked like a dino but with a sail on its back. Synapsid from the Permian. Ancestor of mammals?
What is the name of the permian extinction?
The great dying
Describe the 2 steps of the evolution of reptiles and the period in which it happened.
Fish to amphibians:
High oxygen of Devonian and Carb - Tiktaalik
Amphibians to reptiles:
Carb/permian amniotic eggs.
What are amniotic eggs?
eggs with shells so animals can live away from water.
Describe the ntensity of the permian extreme hothouse?
Pola zone around 30 degrees, tropical forests.
Start to see life in the mid-latitudes.
Equatorial zones around 60-70, no photosynthesis, constantly wet, no plants.
What are the three periods of the Mesozoic? What is each known for?
1- Triassic (radiation of new life forms)
2- Jurassic (rising O2, biodiversity and huge animals)
3- Cretaceous (O2 peaks, peak of the dinosaurs)
Oxygen level and climate of the triassic? Evolution of life? Land animals return …
low oxygen and warm
delayed evolution and radiation because of the permian extinction.
New body forms (dino) evolve, but take off slowly.
many land animals return to sea.
What is the Triassic/Jurassic oxygen crisis? Consequences
among the lowest concentrations of O2 in history, animals adapted and form new things.
What are Therapsids?
Mammal like reptiles. The type of reptiles that will eventually evolve into mammals.
What characteristics will mammals and dino develop during the jurassic/triassic oxygen crisis? Other things dino have that will make them the winning team during the late triassic.
Mammals: diaphragm
Dino: septate lungs and bipedalism. opposable thumbs, grow faster and move faster.
Name 3 animals that will return to the sea during the triassic/jurassic oxygen crisis?
What is the consequence of Pangea breaking during the late Mesozoic?
Oxygen increases and more biodiversity.
Exmaples of cretaceous biodiversity?
Tyrannosaurus Rex. Diplodocus (late Jurassic) Dreadnoughtus Shrani (late cretaceous).
What are placoderms?
huge prehistoric fishes such as Dunkleosteus
What is the Pleistocene Megafauna Extinction?
When people arrived on land animals died.
What are Siberian Traps?
Massive lava fields during the Permian extinction.
What are the Deccan Traps?
Massive lava fields in India during the Cretaceous extinction.
Permian Extinction
age of the earth
end mesozoic beginning Cenozoic
Darwin is wrong, Alvarez Hypothesis.
50KA (50000)
Opening stage of the 6th extinction when humans arrived in Autralia
11-12 KA
Pleistocene magfauna extinction in North America
800 years ago
Maori arrived in New-Zealand and the eleven Moa species are gone
humans discover Hwaii and 90% of bird species die
2000 years ago
Humans settle in madagascar and island lost all mammals weight more than 20 pounds.
540 MA
Cambrian explosion
2.4-2.3 GA
Great Oxygenation Event
Evolution of the Eukaryote
Ordovician Extinction.
Dec. 21 2012
Prediction mayan long calendar count
13 heaven cycles in the Mayan Long Count Calendar
9 hell cycles of the Mayan Long Calendar.
Ghost Dance
Indigenous Apocalypse. Motifs of ice
Jose Arguelles:
Leader of the Mayan Aztect Cosmology Harmonic Convergence
Charles Darwin’s idea that extinction happens very slowly. And that Noahs flood explains all the dead animals
Les Especes perdues
written by Cuvier, idea that many species were swept away in cataclysmic events.
Chrytid or BD
disease that creates sores, spread by water and affects frogs.
Hernan Cortes
Dude who invaded the Aztects in 1519. He landed in Mexico and called it Mexico city. Started the 9 cycles of hell.
White Nose Syndrome:
Affects bats. Fungus.
Opposite of Darwin’s theory. Idea that everything happens very fast.
Great Disappointement?
in 1844, end of the world was predicted by the Millerites and it didn’t happen.
Sermon of the Seven Suns
Buddhist eschatology apocalypse. fire.
George Cuvier
french naturalist who published the essay Revolution of the Surface of the Globe. He opposed Thomas Jefferson’s theory that mastodons still live in the forest. Also he wrote less especes perdues
Charles Darwin
Theory of Natural selection and believed that extinction happened slowly.
Walter Alvarez
Geologist who introduced the idea that a big asteroid killed the dinosaurs.
2012 phenomenon
theories that the Mayans predicted the end of the world. That a big solar flare would change the polarity of the earth, that the government would build an ark (like noahs) so they could search for dry land. Also this idea that PLanet X (Nibiru) would hit the earth.