Filtration and Clearance Flashcards
Glomerular Filtration
- the process by which plasma is filtered across the glomerular capillaries to form a protein-free ultrafiltrate in Bowman’s space
- differences in the oncotic and hydrostatic pressure (Starling Forces) across the glomerular capillaries drive the net efflux of a plasma ultrafiltrate
- except plasma protein, organic and inorganic anionic and cationic solutes are freely filtered across the glomerular capillaries and exist in the same concentration in plasma and ultrafiltrate
Glomerular Filtration Rate
- approximately 125 ml/min or 180L per day, which is more than 10-fold the extracellular fluid volume (14L/70 Kg body weight) and equivalent to filtering the entire ECF volume every 2 hrs
- this rapid turnover of ECF through the kidneys serves the purpose of maintaining ECF volume and solute composition within narrow limits by rapidly responding to correct changes ECF volume and solute composition
Filtration rate
=Kf[(Pgc-Pbs)-(Pigc- Pibs)]
- Kf is filtration coefficient of the glomerular capillary and is the product of the capillary hydraulic conductivity and the surface area available for filtration
- (Pgc-Pbs) is the difference in hydrostatic pressure inside the glomerular capillary and Bowmans space
- (Pigc- Pibs) is the difference of oncotic pressure across the glomerular capillary
- Pgc is 45-50 mmHg at the beginning and decreases to 41-47 at the end of the glomerular capillary
- this small decrease in pressure occurs despite efflux of plasma and is due to post capillary efferent arteriole contriction
- Pi GC is 25 (oncotic pressure) at the beginning of the glomerular capillary and increases to 35 mmHg at the end of the glomerular capillary due to plasma filtration and concentration of the plasma protein
- Pbs is 10 mmHg and Pi bs is zero
- Pi bs is significantly increased in nephrotic syndrome due to filtration to plasma protein
Starling Forces Drive Glomerular Filtration
-where the driving force favoring and opposing glomerular filtration become equivalent toward the efferent end of the glomerular capillary bed, glomerular filtration will cease
Glomerular Barrier to Filtration
- endothelial cells of glomerular capillaries restrict passage of cellular elements into Bowman’s space, contain fenestrations ~70 nm in width
- capillary basement membrane-restricts filtration of solutes larger than ~ 1 kDa. An anionic charge favors filtration of cations and restricts filtration of anionic proteins
- visceral epithelial layer of Bowman’s capsule- podocytes have foot process that cover glomerular capillaries, foot processes separated by filtration slits connected by a thin diaphragm with pores ranging in size from 4-14 nm
- glycoproteins with negative charges also cover podocytes, filtration slits and slit diaphragms favoring filtration of small cationic solutes
Glomerulus and Bowman’s Capsule
- permselectivity of the glomerular barrier is determined by the size and charge of the solute
- water and solutes with a diameter < 4 nm (effective molecular radius of < 2nm) are freely filtered
Size Dependence of Solute Permselectivity at the Glomerular Barrier
- dependence of glomerular permeability on molecular size
- the Y axis is the ratio of the solute concentration in Bowman’s space (Bs) to that in plasma
- a solute freely filtered exists at the same concentration in plasma and filtrate or a concentration ratio of 1
- [S]Bs/[S] plasma
- H20, glucose NaCl are are 1.0, inulin is right under 1
- myoglobin 0.75
- hemoglobin 0.30
- albumin is 0
Dependence of Filterability On Charge and SIze
- the clearance ratio on the Y axis is a quantitative index of solute filterability relative to inulin, which is freely filtered
- the negative charge on the basement membrane and foot processes impedes the passage of negatively charges solutes (proteins) while allowing passage of neutral solutes and positively charged solutes
Dependence of Filterability of Anionic Dextrans On Charge of Glomerular Barrier
-removal of the negative charge from the glomerular barrier increases the passage of anions such as occurs with increased filtration of plasma proteins in nephrotic serum nephritis
Renal Hemodynamics
- CO (HR x SV): 5-6 liters per minute, 7200-8640 liters per 24 hours
- Renal blood flow (RBF)- 1-1.2 liters per minute, 1440-1728 liters per 24 hours
- Renal plasma flow (RPF)- 600-720 ml per minute, 860-1040 liters per 24 hours
- Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)- 125 ml per minute, 180 liters per 24 hours
- Urine output 10 ml/min
Filtration Fraction
-Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)/ Renal plasma flow (RPF)
=125ml/min/ 600 ml/min = 0.2
Daily filter
- kidneys filter 180 L of plasma per day which is more than 10 fold the ECF volume (14 L/70 Kg man)
- the kidneys serve to maintain constant volume and solute composition of the ECF (homeostasis) by acting upon the enormous volume and solute composition of the glomerular filtrate to form urine
- GFR remains constant and the rate of volume of urine excretion varies according to the rate and volume of fluid consumed, which changes the volume and solute concentration of the ECF
Increases with Renal Plasma Flow (RPF)
- GFR increases with increasing RPF
- FF decreases with increasing RPF
- as plasma flow increases through the glomeruli, an increasingly greater surface area is filtering plasma and a maximal rate of glomerular filtration is achieved
- a normal GFR of 125 ml/min is measured at a normal plasma flow of 600 ml/min indicating a normal FF of 20%
- the curvilinear relationship if GFR to RPF indicates a greater fraction of RPF is filtered at lower rates of RPF and a smaller fraction of RPF is filtered at higher rates of RPF
- this maintains GFR at levels necessary for renal function when RPF is compromised due to disease
Afferent arteriolar constriction
- lowers RPF (renal plasma flow)
- lowers GFR
- this will decrease the hydrostatic pressure driving force for filtration and depending on the magnitude of the decrease in RPF, may decrease the capillary surface area of filtration
Efferent arteriolar constriction
- lower RPF
- increase GFR
- a decrease in RPF will occur and an increase in glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure will occur on the upstream side of the efferent arteriolar constriction
- in this instance, the effect of increasing glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure to increase GFR exceeds the effect of a decrease in RPF until RPF becomes very low where the surface area of the glomerular capillary mediating filtration begins to decrease at low RPF flow rates below the normal 600 ml/min