Female Repro Questions Flashcards
Hypothalamic amenorrhea
- 17 year old girl, really active and losing weight
- absence of pulsatile GnRH secretion
- GnRH stimulates FSH and LH secretion in utero and during the first 18 months post partum
- after puberty, hypothalamic GnRH secretion can be diminished by significant weight loss, exercise or stress
- cease menstruation
- injection of GnRH stimulates the release of both FSH and LH
Polysystic ovary syndrome
- irregular menstrual periods
- dark coarse hair growing on face, upper arms, chest and abdomen
- persistent ache
- difficulty getting pregnant
- numerous follicle begin the maturation process and no follicle emerges as the dominant follicle -> no ovulation
- reduced estrogen production by granulosa cells
- reduced progesterone production by granulosa + thecal cells
- continued production of androgen by thecal cells
- Treat with combination birth control pills, fertilitiy with clomiphere to restore ovulation, 5 alpha reductase inhibitors to block conversion of testosterone to DHT
- weight loss- they frequently have polycystic ovary syndrome frequently have decreased insulin sensitivity and increased insulin production, as is characteristic with type 2 diabetes
- pelvic pain accompying menses
- no longer regular or consistent menses
- discomfort during intercourse
- started six months ago after menstruation- retrograde menstruation
- ectopic endometrial tissue is often found around the ovaries and in the dependent portions of the peritoneum
- as progesterone levels fall at the end of the secretory phase, the ectopic endometrial tissue remains in the peritoneum but still necrotized, setting up inflammatory response
- surgical removal of endometrial tissue
Ectopic Pregnancy
- extreme lower quadrant pain
- abnormal vaginal bleeding
- positive hCG
- no interuterine pregnancy, swollen left fallopian tube with apparent masses
- PIV risk factor
- congential abnormality
- STI chlamydia
- unsuccessful ligation or previous ectopic pregnancy
- the interstitial area which generally ruptures at 12-16 weeks gestation
- 1:150, most in fallopian tubes
- hCG production is diminished, nutrient availability as vascular supply is low and impedes fetal development
- isthmic 6-8 weeks, ampullary 8-12, interstitial 12-16 weeks
- transvaginal ultrasonography