Film Form Deck 2 Flashcards
Establishing Shot
A shot usually taken from a distance that typically shows where the film is set
A recurring idea or symbol in a film
e.g. : Dogs in Tsotsi and the spirit bird in Rabbit-Proof-Fence
Loth Wolves and Tooka Cats in Rebels
Hybrid film
A genre in fiction that blends themes and elements from two or more different genres
Codes and conventions
The detailed ‘rules’ of a genre – the elements of film form and structures we come to expect when we hear a genre name
The ways that certain elements of film form are used repeatedly to create meaning and response
e.g. : Exciting, fast paced music is typically used in the action/adventure genre to mirror or accentuate the action
A symbolic representation (picture/image)
It is used within film to describe the visual language of a film, particularly within specific genre.
We expect to see certain objects on-screen when we see a particular genre.
e.g. : In horror film, we may expect monstoers, haunted castles, gravesontes, and dark, scary woods
Narrative function
The importance of, for example, a particular type of character to the ways in which the story is told and understood.
The predictions we can make about their actions once we have identified what type of character they are.
Classic Hollywood Three-Act Structure
A narrative strutcture based on cause and effect. Occurrences are organised along a live of action and connected through a rheme or themes.
Act 1: The Set-up. Intruduces the characters, where they live, and how they live. Sets up key events.
Act 2: The confrontation. The main adventure where most of the events happen. Adds tention to the events.
Act 3: The resulution. Ends all loose ends in a finalle. Can be tragic or happy.
The outcome of the situation in the end of the film
An exciting scene early in hte script that grabs the audience’s interest
Dynamic Paradigm
The word dynamic is used to describe something that is characterised by constant change. activity, or progress. Paradigm is used to identify a pattern or an example of something
Circular Narrative
A narrative that starts at the end then goes back in time to return to the point later on
Episodic Narrative
A narrative that has clearly separated sections, often broken up by a title, date, or by the cut back to the narrator
The arrangement of things following one after another in time
Linear Narrative
A narrative told in chronological order
Cause and Effect
Something that triggers an event or action (cause) and the effect of the event or action
The people who feature in the film’s world