Filling Station Flashcards
By Elizabeth Bishop
Negative opening statement
Oh, but it is dirty!
Precise description of oil
Black translucency
First sign of domestic life involving a pet
A dirty dog, quite comfy
3 signs of a female presence beautifying the station
They lie upon a big dim doily draping a taboret (part of the set), beside a big hirsute begonia
Epiphany - realises somebody cares
Somebody loves us all
Serious of questions
Why the extraneous plant? Why the taboret? Why, oh why, the doily?
Element of humour
Somebody waters the plant, or oils it, maybe
Sibilance used to show signs of order and tidyness
Examples of precise description
- Oh, but it is dirty!
- oil-soaked, oil-permeated
- Father wears a dirty, oil soaked monkey suit that cuts him under the arms
- set of crushed and grease-impregnated wickerwork
- big dim doily draping a taboret
(part of the set), beside a big hirsute begonia
Example of unusual imagery
- black translucency
Epiphanic moment alluding to maternal presence
Somebody loves us all.
Examples of Bishop’s condescending tone when describing filling station
- oil-soaked monkey suit that cuts him under the arms
- quick and saucy/and greasy sons
- Oh, but it is dirty!
Example of Bishop’s disbelieving tone
Why the extraneous plant?
Why the taboret?
Why, oh why, the doily?
Examples of Bishop’s sarcastic humour
- Be careful with that match!
- Somebody waters the plant, or oils it, maybe
Examples of repetition
- Oh but it is dirty!
- Father wears a dirty, oil-soaked monkey suit
- a dirty dog, quite comfy
- oil-soaked, oil-permeated
- quick and saucy/and greasy sons
- grease-impregnated wickerwork
- Why the extraneous plant?/Why the taboret?/Why, oh why, the doily?
- Somebody embroidered the doily. / Somebody waters the plant… Somebody arranges the rows of cans
- Somebody loves us all
Example of assonance and sibilance
- arranges the rows of cans/ so that they softly say:/ ESSO - SO - SO - SO
Quote demonstrating theme of human spirit
Somebody loves us all